
C4: Timeskip

'I would like to get Immobilization Magic (Immobilization Magic is an unnamed Black Art that involves freezing time in a specific area, Wiki)'

[Immobilization Magic (King Grade) Received]

Lets test it shall we?



-Pen and Book

-10 Senzubeans

I grab the pen from my inventory and throw it up in the air

'Immobilize' (I don't know the "Phrase" For the magic so I decided to just say immobilize, and it sounds menacing so it works out well)

The whole room turns distorted while I'm remaining the same, it's been 1 second and the room and objects have reverted back to their normal appearance.

'It looks like 1 second is all I can currently do, and I can't control it fully either, and it drains a lot of stamina'

'Hey Alesia, can you show me my Status and Skills currently please'

{Understood, this is your current Status}


Name: Toshiro Yamasaki (Nishikawa)

Age: 0 -> 4

Level: 0 -> 5

EXP: 0 -> 21%

Body: Common

Soul: Rare

Will Power: Common


Unlimited Blade Works (King Grade)

Immobilization Magic (King Grade)


Once again, System is HEAVILY inspired by the fanfic The Divine Anime System


'Alesia, How am I Level 5? I don't think I've done anything important, and how is my soul Rare Grade?'

{You are currently Level 5 due to quests being completed, and for why your Soul is Rare Grade, it is because you are a reincarnator}

'Makes sense, Alesia can you show me the quests I've Completed'



[Hidden Quest Complete - Name the System]

[Rewards - 3 Levels, 5000 Shop Coins, 1 Lottery Ticket]

[Hidden Quest Complete - Train A Skill (Bullshit quest)]

[Rewards - 2 Levels, 5000 Shop Coins, 2 Lottery Tickets]

'Alesia, open the shop please'

-Shop- Balance: 30,000 Shop Coins

Common Grade 100 Shop Coins -> 10,000 Shop Coins

Uncommon Grade 10,001 Shop Coins -> 20,000 Shop Coins

Rare Grade 20,001 Shop Coins -> 50,000 Shop Coins

Super Rare Grade 50,001 Shop Coins -> 300,000 Shop Coins

High Grade 300,001 Shop Coins -> 1,500,000 Shop Coins

King Grade 1,500,001 Shop Coins -> 10,000,000 Shop Coins

World Grade 10,000,001 Shop Coins -> 50,000,000 Shop Coins

Sovereign Grade 50,000,001 Shop Coins -> 100,000,000 Shop Coins

Ascendant Grade 100,000,001 Shop Coins -> 500,000,000 Shop Coins

Divine Grade 500,000,001 Shop Coins -> 1,500,000,000 Shop Coins

God Grade 1,500,000,001 Shop Coins -> 6,969,696,969 Shop Coins (For the culture)


'Alesia... Aren't these a bit overpriced?' I say as a sweat drop slides down my face'

{No Toshiro, they are perfectly fairly priced}



"Sorry Mum!"


{You'll get them from doing quests or from the Lottery, if you're lucky}

"I'm Going to sleep, wake me up at 6am"

{Understood Toshiro, Good night}

~Timeskip 8 Years Later, Start Of Middle School~

It's been 8 years since I've had this system, during this time I've received 416 Lottery Tickets from the Weekly Free Ticket, I've been training my skills A LOT and been going to the Martial Arts Dojo Everyday.



Name: Toshiro Yamasaki (Nishikawa)

Age: 4 -> 12

Level: 5 -> 22

EXP: 21% -> 69%

Body: Common -> Super Rare

Soul: Rare -> King

Will Power: Common -> High


Unlimited Blade Works (King Grade)

Immobilization Magic (King Grade)

Taekwondo (Common Grade)

Boxing (Common Grade)

Karate (Common Grade)

Acupuncture (Uncommon Grade)

Observation Haki (Rare Grade - Upgradable)

Armament Haki (Super Rare Grade - Upgradable)

Conqueror's Haki (High Grade - Upgradable)

Bullet Magic (High Grade)

Observe (Rare Grade - Upgradable)

(Upgradable meaning they can be further developed, for example observation haki upgrading to advanced Observation haki)

I'm happy with my current skills, I've realised the Grade doesn't mean how good I am at it, but the overall worth of it, meaning anyone can learn common skills such as Martial arts, but with Rares and above only a small amount of people have it unless you're in a world where a lot of people have it.

For the past 5 Years I've talked and trained and sparred with Shirou Emiya, ever since I've practiced UBW to the point where I can trace anything instantly and make it last a few minutes minimum, as well as enchanting things, I've been able to talk to Shirou Emiya who's been my teacher and sparring partner, over time I learnt the chant for Unlimited Blade Works and been able to make it my own, instead of cogs and a battlefield full of weapons, I fused my Unlimited Blade Works and Immobilization Magic to make everything distorted for the other people other than me, making anyone in my domain dizzy or not being able to know what's happening.

With Immobilization Magic, I've trained it to the point where I can cover 50m all around me (Is that too much?) and perfectly control it, meaning I can freeze time for certain people and allow certain people to remain the same.

With the Martial Arts, I've mastered it to the point where I can beat my Sensei's in a 2v1 without any other skills, but I find it hard to still fight either a 3v1 or 4v1 against them, but I could easily win and kill them all with my other skills.

My parents.. Last year they went on a vacation and their hotel got attacked by a group of villains, they weren't strong or anything, they just managed to get the jump on them and kill them.

I swore I would get revenge for them, and I did, I managed to find them a week later and slowly tortured them 1 by 1, luckily no ones managed to find any traces leading back to me. After those events, I got taken in by my aunt who's a lovely person, just like my mother she loves me a lot, and equally as strict as her, but she still allows me to train. Due to her love and care for me, over time I got over my parents' death and thought of her as my mother.

Since I've had Emiya to train me in weapons, I didn't need to go to a dojo for it, so much for that plan, but today is the day I start Middle School, it's name is Aldera Middle School. Yep, it's the middle school of both Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Aunty, I'm going now"

Aunt: "Ok, See you after school"

I've left the house now and heading to my new school.

'Hey Alesia, how you been?' As you can see, me and Alesia have also gotten closer than before where we hold normal conversations like normal people.

{I've been good Toshiro, how about you?}

'I've been fine, but I'm really not excited for Middle School, School is always a pain in the ass'

{I've never been to school so I wouldn't understand, but I'm sure it's not going to be that bad}

'Maybe, let's hope it's not bad'

~Skip to School~

I've been assigned to Year 1 Class 2 (I'm making this up) and I sit next to Izuku Midoriya at the back, I think this might be a good thing, I sit at the back next to a quiet guy, this year might be peaceful..-

"Listen here ya' Bastards I'm the Best and I'll be the next number 1 hero, so you canon fodders don't get in my way!"

-Or not, for fuck sakes there's always that one person who ruins your whole day. (True true)

Teacher: "Everyone quiet down, I'm your teacher Mr Shizatora, everyone introduce themselves, their quirk and their goal, starting with you at the back" He points to Izuku

Izuku: "uh-uh m-my names i-i-izuku Midoriya a-and I.. don't have a quirk... As for my goal I want to be a hero"

... The class is silent

canon fodder 1: "HAHAHA a guy with no quirk thinks he can be a hero"

canon fodder 2: "What a loser"

canon fodder 3: "HAHA that guys stupid"

Teacher: "QUIET! Thank you Midoriya, now you, the person next to him" Pointing at me

"Toshiro Yamasaki, quirk, you don't need to know, goal, don't have one"

Canon fodder 4: "He's probably just another guy without a quirk"

Canon fodder 5: "He thinks with his looks he can act all arrogant, wait till I beat him up"

Canon fodder 6: "Kya! He's handsome"

~Skip all the canon fodder~

Teacher: "Now you"

Bakugo: "The name's Katsuki Bakugo, and my quirk is the strongest, it's Explosion, and my goal is to be a better number 1 hero than all might. All you Canon fodders don't even think of getting in my way, especially you Deku you quirkless bastard"

Canon fodder 6: "Wow, his quirk his cool"

Canon fodder 7: "I wanna be his friend"

Canon fodder 8: "He's pretty cute"

Canon fodder 9: "Woah, bro, that's gay"

Canon fodder 8: "What? He's a pretty cute guy"

Teacher: "Okay that's all for introductions, you can go for lunch and hang out in the playground, and then come back here, that will be the real start of school"

Teacher: "Oh right, tomorrow, bring in your pe kits as well since we'll be doing physical activities"

~Skip to Lunch~

Bakugo: "Hey you, fight me"

"Why should I"

Bakugo: "Because I'm the strongest!"

'This bastard is really annoying'

"Fine, let's just get this over with"

Bakugo runs at me with his hands out creating light sparks, he runs in a straight line so I just side step and do a quick jab to his face.

'This guy...'

Bakugo retaliates with another explosion but he lets his guard down so I kick him in the gut causing him to go on one knee and spit out saliva with a mix of blood.

'this guy is...'

He slowly gets back up and runs at me once again, but this time he does an explosion from a far to get a big jump in the air and uses one arm to launch him closer to me, he then uses his open hand to explode my face, I dodge easily once again and grab his arm, pivot with my foot and then slam him on to the ground.

'This guy is...'


It's honestly pathetic, he thinks he can walk around showing off his fireworks and say he's going to become a number 1 hero stronger than All Might.

"What a joke..." Damn, I said that out loud, eh who cares, what's he gonna do.

This whole time we had a crowd gathering around us watching this one-sided beat down.

"Someone take him to the Matron" a few canon fodders come over and pick him up. Everyone then moves out the crowd except for one person, Izuku Midoriya.

Midoriya: "WOAH, How'd you beat Kacchan? You didn't even use a quirk!"

"I trained at a dojo since I was 4 in different martial arts, you should do that sometime.."

'Unlike your pathetic and useless Canon Self from the anime' (If you couldn't tell I don't like Izuku as a main character)

Midoriya: "Interesting.. What's this dojo called?"

"Ryozanpaku Dojo, you learn 4 different types of martial arts depending on what you want to learn, you get to learn Taekwondo, Boxing, Karate and a Chinese Martial Arts that uses Acupuncture points to cripple an opponent, you should go there, you might actually be able to fight back against people who make fun of you for being quirkless and pick on you"

Midoriya: "Understood, thank you Yamasaki" And he runs off

'God, why does school exist?'


It is currently the end of the first day of school and I'm walking out of school, at the gate I see a bandaged Porcupine staring at me.

"What do you want?"

Bakugo: "I want a rematch! There's no way I could lose, you must've done something to cheat in that fight!"

"No" And I walk off

Bakugo: "Hey! Get back here and fight me!" He grabs my shoulders and by instinct I grab his hand, crush it and then throw him over my shoulder and slam him on the ground.

"Oh, sorry, Natural reaction"


'Wow, this guy needs a chill pill, hey Alesia, buy me a chill pill from the store'

{Understood Toshiro, Chill Pill has been brought It's in your inventory}

I go in my inventory and grab the chill pill and force feed it to Bakugo.

"Good, now that you've calmed down, I'm going home"


And that's the end of Chapter 4, man writing chapter's takes a lot of time. So as you can see he's got a few skills.

As for the Free king grade skill I gave him, It's Immobilization Magic used by Zeref from Fairy tail, so you can search what that does yourselves.

As for the amount of Shop Coins he currently has, someone give me a random number that makes sense for him to have after 8 years.

Also, when fighting his sensei's, he would receive a quest about fighting against them, so include that as well when thinking of what number makes sense after 8 years of training, quest rewards from the dojo. Oh yeah, the Villains that killed his parents as well, he would get a reward for that, so add that in as well.

As of right now, the MC doesn't really give a shit, he cares only for the ones he likes, he will be ruthless, he won't be one of those MCs that let a villain live after they did something bad to him, the only time he'll do that is if he's planning that villain to do something in the future for him.

Reply in a paragraph comment to these:

-The amount of Shop Points he should have after 8 years of training, beating his sensei's and killing the villains:

-What he should get in the lottery with 416 tickets and what grade that thing should be:

Author New notes: The girls have changed once again, but this time is final, the girls are Nejire, Momo, Mirko and Bakugos mum, apologies to people who think Bakugos mum shouldn't be there, as for people saying 'she wouldn't want to leave her son', I'll just take Bakugo along and he'll change later on to not an annoying brat.

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