
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 52: Dreamwaver


I flew back the island as fast as I could. Once I neared it, my eyes widened. The sea had been split and scar ran across the surface of the island itself. What happened? Were Vyran and Varia in trouble?

Without hesitation, I flew to the island and looked around for them. Much to my surprise, I saw Valkyrie at the source of the scar. It looked as if she had been moved. But, how?

My heart pounded in my chest as I descended, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of Vyran or Varia. I landed near Valkyrie, the mech standing tall and silent, its metallic surface gleaming in the sunlight.

I jumped out of Aegisa and approached cautiously, my senses on high alert. "Vyran? Varia?" I called out, my voice echoing in the stillness. There was no response, and a knot of worry tightened in my stomach.

Looking around, I noticed the charred earth and the scorched trees nearby. It was as if a massive force had swept through the area. The sight sent a chill down my spine.

Valkyrie showed no signs of damage or struggle, which was both a relief and a mystery. If there had been an attack, the mech would surely bear some signs of it.

I reached out, placing a hand on Valkyrie's cool exterior. The mech was unusually warm... But how? Valkyrie had no power source since the fusion reactor wasn't after Vyran overheated it from our escape from my hometown.

My blue eyes widened as I saw Varia. She was fine.

"Varia! What happened here?" I yelled, running toward her.

She raised a finger to her lips. "Vyr is sleeping."

I looked behind her and saw Vyr, hidden by the foliage of the island. He was fast asleep.

"Sorry," I whispered. "But are you two okay?"

She nodded and stared at the scar on the land and sea. "Vyran made it," she said as she touched Valkyrie. 

"Huh? He did? How?"

The captain smiled. "He awakened a new skill the night prior. He had a weird dream involving the Hero-God and when he woke up, he had a new skill called Cosmic Resonance. Using the energy I drew from the sun, I powered up Valkyrie for him. I suggested he combine his new skill with Valkyrie prior to booting her up. The result of our trail was as you see."

I gulped as I turned back and stared at the split sea. "This power... Is it divine in nature?"

She hummed. "Maybe. He did meet the Hero-God in his dream. Although, that would mean he met the real deal in the Realm of Dreams."

I frowned, taking in her words. The Realm of Dreams was a mystical place that few understood. It was a realm that existed beyond the confines of our physical world. All beings capable of dreaming could access it. But even Dresrem was no challenge for our tech. Scientists had learned to weave the dreams into collective dreams, creating deep dive technology that allowed one to be able to interact with people while in a state of semi-animation.

If Vyran had indeed met the Hero-God there, then his new skill was indeed divine in nature. 

A divine skill. The thought was almost overwhelming. Such power was rare, even among the most elite warriors. If Vyran could harness it, then we truly stood a chance against Titanos.

"But, how did he end up falling asleep?" I asked, glancing at her slumbering brother. "He must have pushed himself too hard, right?"

Varia nodded, a worried look crossing her face. "Yes, he exceeded his limits. The Cosmic Resonance is an extremely powerful skill and it appears to drain Vyran considerably after a long period of time. We need to be careful with how we proceed."

I agreed. As amazing as Vyran's new skill was, it was clear that it came with a cost. We couldn't afford for him to exhaust himself before our battle with Titanos even began.

"We should let him rest," I suggested, glancing at Vyran's sleeping form. "Once he's recovered, we can discuss our next move."

Varia nodded. "That was my plan all along."

As we retreated to give Vyran some peace, I couldn't help but marvel at the events of the day. Vyran had unlocked a divine skill, a gift from the Hero-God himself. We were one step closer to defeating Titanos.

But as I glanced back at the scar on the land and sea, I was reminded of the immense power we were dealing with. We had to tread carefully, to ensure we didn't lose control of this newfound power. 

The battle ahead was daunting, but with Vyran's Cosmic Resonance and our combined might, I felt a spark of hope. We were not defeated yet. We could take back my planet from the invaders!


"Hmm, this soup is good," Varia said as I stirred the pot. The sun was beginning to set. Her brother had yet to wake up.

If not for his vitals showing he was resting well, I would start to worry about him.

"Say, Varia," I whispered as I stared at the flames.

"Yeah?" she asked, looking up from her bowl of soup.

"Have you ever used Dreamweave?"

"Yeah, it's pretty popular back in Quadra. Why do you ask? Is it not seen here in Orginal?"

"Some parts. I've heard mixed things about it. The positive reviews say it is a great escape. The negative ones mention how they ruined the lives of their loved ones by making them addicted to a false world."

She sighed. "Yeah, I knew some people who got hung up on it. Actually, as far as I know, they might still be linked up to it."


"We Quadrans are more integrated with tech than you Orginals."

"I know that!"

"Well, one of the things such a singularity has allowed us to achieve is to reduce food intake."

"Oh, yeah. I know about that. Wait, are you saying the people who deep dive for a long time lower their metabolism?"

"Exactly, it gives them more time to live out their escapist dreams. I even heard that some people, when they die, decide to upload their conscious into Dreamwaver instead of entering a new body or moving on the the afterlife."

I gulped. Why would anyone do that?

Varia's gaze shifted to the horizon, where the last rays of the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple. "It's about legacy," she said thoughtfully. "Some believe that by uploading their consciousness, they can preserve their identity, their memories, and their experiences forever. It's a way to achieve a form of immortality."

I stirred the soup, lost in thought. The idea of living on within a digital realm was fascinating, but it also raised countless questions about the nature of existence. "But isn't that... I don't know, kind of sad? To leave the real world behind?"

She nodded, her expression somber. "It is. But for some, the allure of a world where they can be free from pain, from aging, from the limitations of a physical body is too strong. They choose to live in a reality crafted from their deepest desires."

The concept was both alluring and terrifying. To forsake the tangible world for a digital utopia was a choice that carried profound implications.

"And what about you, Varia? Would you ever consider it?"

She looked at me, her eyes reflecting the firelight. "I've thought about it. But I believe our souls are meant for more than just data. Our experiences, our struggles, they shape us. They make us who we are. And I want to live every moment of that, for better or worse."

Her words resonated with me. Life was a tapestry of moments, each thread woven from our choices and actions. To give that up for a digital dream seemed like a loss, no matter how perfect that dream might be.

As the night deepened, we sat in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. The stars began to appear, one by one, until the sky was a canvas of twinkling lights. It was a reminder of the vastness of the universe, of the countless possibilities that laid beyond our understanding.

And somewhere, in the depths of that ever expanding space, were secrets even the super advanced intergalactic society didn't know about, despite the integration of the various civilized world into one. Life wasn't meant to be controlled. It wasn't neat, it wasn't perfect. It was messy and at times, brutal. But there was a certain beauty to it.

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