
Is It Good Or Bad?

While on the other side, the rest of the Hunters arrived at one of peculiar place. This place is the port which included the place they want to investigate before. It is still raining heavily when they reach here but none of the Hunters seems care about the bad weather.

As soon as the engines turn off, all of the Hunters walked out from the jeeps. They soon prepare for the weapon. Soon, their body were wet because of the rain.

"Alright, listen. I need a group which will guard around here. If something happen outside, report to me as soon as possible. Terence, Dee, Nikino, Bruno, Suzy, Rivera and Greyson will guard outside. Terence, you will be in charge!" Lyeon spoke as he stared each one of the Hunter's face.

Terence nodded. "Yes, Captain!"

"Alright, let's move out!"

The team who will responsible for watching outside watch as the rest of the team went to enter the building. His friends and Terence find a place for shelter from the rain.

"Something weird here. I don't see or feel any vampires here. What do you think?" Suzy leaned on the metal wall while she looks at Dee who was looking at the door where the rest of the team entered a while ago.

"Something was not right. I don't sure what is it… but I know there is something wrong with this place. Are you thinking we are on the right place?" Dee turned her head to Suzy again.

Suzy shrugged in lazy manner. "Why did you ask me? I don't know about this. All I know that we are doing shit!"

Dee exhaled for about two seconds before she look up to the dark sky. She feels something was not right but Dee couldn't figure it out what exactly that makes her heart turn restless. I hope nothing going wrong this time…

Meanwhile, at one of the rooftop of the tall building across from the port, a group of vampires with black clothes look at the port where all the Hunters went.

Every one of them looks at the group which they think was very stupid to come into this kind of place.

"Just like what Jina has said, they are really stupid enough to believe our lies."

"These Hunters are stupid, just like those Hunters which we killed before. There is no difference."

"They think they can kill us when they didn't realize that we implant one of the traps inside their teams?"

"I want their blood. I need that… I can't wait until I can rip out their heart from their body!"

Caroline, who was leading this group of vampires to attack the port soon, reveal a wide and evil smirk when she heard the talk between the vampires. Just like what they have planned before, Jina successfully made this stupid Hunters went into this place and directly enter the next trap their built. Caroline also believes that the other Hunters who stay at the Caspian Castle will die.



It was dark and quiet inside of the building with no people or machine was working this late night. Lyeon lead the teams to enter the building and make sure to check all the room. They move so efficiently and smoothly while holding their guns tightly.

After another place to another place they checked, they continued to search until they moved into the work place where this place used to move things from ship to the store and next to its own destination.

"Are you sure this is the place, Jina?" Danelio's eyes wandered around to every area. He looked to his other friends which scattered around the place, searching for the Queen's whereabouts. They move slowly and without any sound.

Jina nodded a little. "I'm sure."

Chellyne give Jina a sharp look before she averted her eyes away. She sneered in her heart when she heard the confident answer Jina gave to Danelio. 'Let's see, how far you would play with your tricks. As soon as your identity has been revealed, I will laugh at your face loudly!'

Suddenly, Livnah who was walking just behind Chellyne hold onto Chellyne's left shoulder. Her face shows an indifferent expression but when Chellyne look at her, Livnah shows a troublesome face.

"What?" Chellyne asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I've heard something." Livnah eyes turned to her back with a concerned plastered on her face. This makes Chellyne's feelings become a bit complicated. She also looks at the back right where Livnah was looking at.

"Is it good or bad?"

Livnah look at Chellyne again. "What kind of good things will come to us right now? Can you at least talk some sense?" Livnah then look at the back again and this time she holds the gun closed to her chest while pointing it to the front. She moves to the front, to the opposite side where the rest of the members went.

Chellyne know Livnah might hear something that connected to Queen Marrie. So, she didn't waste any time and she also moves the front.

Just about two meters they went, suddenly they heard one of the members shout and then followed by the guns shots.


Chellyne and Livnah quickly look to the where the sounds coming from.

"Shit, Jina is with Danelio!" Chellyne remember that Jina was with Danelio a moment later and she worried that Jina might kill Danelio on the spot. After all, the vampires are already here and Jina is one of them. She will kill Danelio just when the vampires start to make their moves.

Chellyne and Livnah quickly run to where Jina and Danelio went. Just when they arrived, Jina were pointing the gun toward Danelio and quickly shoot him right onto his head. Danelio was quickly enough to realized that Jina was trying to kill her, so he dodge.

"Danelio, watch out!"

Livnah pulled the trigger on her riffle and directly shoot at Jina. Unfortunately, Jina realised it sooner and she quickly dodge the bullets. She slipped away and disappears into one of the machine block.

Chellyne, who give Danelio a warning before, reached out her hands to Danelio. Danelio stood quickly with the help of Chellyne. He looks at Chellyne and Livnah with a confused face.

"What happen?"

"It is a long story. To be short, Jina is the mastermind behind all this attack. Right now, we need to help the others. Let's go." Livnah didn't give any place for Danelio to ask anymore as she quickly walk away to help the other members.

Chellyne patted Danelio's shoulder which who was still in dazed. "Don't worry, we just save your life. Let's go."


Carlos shoots another vampire before he hid behind one of the machine. He looks at Lyeon who was shooting at the opposite direction. "See Hwa is dead. Now the vampires are here, we need to find that damn Queen as soon as possible."

Lyeon look at Carlos. "See any sign of her yet?"

Carlos shook his head to the right and to the left. "No, she might be in somewhere here. With her minion around here to deal with us, she won't show herself just like that."

Lyeon just replied with a simple chuckled. "Yeah, you're right."

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