
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Historia
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45 Chs

Chapter 19 Tit for Tat

After dinner, Shen Zhihuan went back to the house and lay on the bed. Shen Zhihuan's slender "chicken claws" kept tapping the hard and thin quilt on the bed.

  When little Weidong's nagging voice disappeared from the room next door, Shen Zhihuan turned over and got out of bed.

  Shen Zhihuan, who covered his mouth and nose, walked around the village from house to house, then followed the memory of the original owner and walked towards Xu Youcai's house next to the big locust tree.

  Taking advantage of the darkness, Shen Zhihuan climbed over the low wall of Xu Youcai's house with his hands and feet, and crouched to the door of Xu Youcai's main room...

  Early the next morning, at dawn, screams of horror and anger resounded throughout the production. Team.

  It was still early to start work, and apart from the women who had to get up early to cook, the men in every household were usually still snoring and daydreaming in bed.

  This howl of ghosts and wolves scared the old men living near the big locust tree to jump out of bed.

  When they heard the sound, they knew there was another good show. The women put out the newly lit firewood in the stove with the cold ashes from last night, and went out the door.

  The big men were running around faster than rabbits, and they didn't even bother to wash their faces.

  After a while, the door of Xu's house was crowded with people on the three floors inside and outside.

  A few courageous men glanced at the closed courtyard door, then nimbly pushed against the low wall, turned over and jumped into the Xu family's yard.

  In less than two minutes, the men gritted their teeth and rushed out. Without waiting to see the excitement, the men pushed forward and squeezed out of the crowd.

  Someone wanted to inquire about something good, but I heard a few people...

  "Wow wow..."

  a burst of vomiting.

  The sour smell instantly spread among the crowd.

  It disgusted a group of people watching the excitement.

  Apart from being disgusted, they were even more curious about what they saw when they entered Xu's house.

  Finally, everyone who couldn't suppress their curiosity stepped into the Xu family's courtyard step by step...

  The stench and the yellow filth in front of them made everyone's stomach twitch.

  With a gloomy face, Xu Youcai stood on tiptoes, preparing to wade through the yellow dirt in the main room. However, before he could take a few steps, his foot slipped, his center of gravity became unstable, and with a "pop" sound, he fell like a vicious dog. shit.

  The dripping yellow stains instantly splashed everywhere, including the dining table, benches, walls, and even the outstanding cadre certificates posted on the walls.

  The worst of all were Xu Youcai's wife Cao Erxiang and daughter Xu Jiaojiao, who were holding their breath and shoveling pornography at the door of the hall.

  The position of mother and daughter was right in front of where Xu Youcai fell, so they suffered the most physical attacks.

  "Ah...well..." Xu Jiaojiao, whose face was stained by pornography, felt bad all over.

  Instantly losing control of her emotions, she opened her mouth to vent, but before she could scream, foul-smelling stickiness poured in from the corners of her open mouth.

  She was so sick that she vomited violently.

  Seeing the yellow stains on the bodies of Cao Erxiang and Xu Jiaojiao, the people who were already gritting their teeth and holding back their stomachs were vomited by the scene in front of them.

  It wasn't until the trumpet for work started that everyone almost vomited out the yellow bile water and left without saying a word.

  Accountant Xu, who holds a notebook every day and a pen on his chest at all times, rarely showed up at the meeting point today.

  Everyone was convinced.     On weekdays, he always carries the air of a big cadre, but today, the excrement all over his body has completely obscured his glorious image.

  "Who do you think is doing justice for heaven?" Li Jiabao, a notorious second-rate member of the production team, put down his hoe and shouted.

  "Why did they use my manure for Tian Xingdao? I also said that I would not go to work tomorrow to water the vegetable field, but now it is all gone."

  "Who says it's not the case! I originally wanted to take a day off. , It's a pity to clean up the vegetable garden at home."

  "If you really don't want to let go of the big shit in your house, hurry up and put it in a bucket before Accountant Xu's wife has finished cleaning it up."

  "These guys are also powerful. , All the excrement in our production team was evacuated overnight. It's incredible! It's incredible!"

  "I guess there must have been at least five or six big men who did it last night."

  "Just like you. "There's no chance for me, but there

  's no chance for you. A big man earns seven work points like a girl..."


  this moment, Xu Youcai, who was at the center of the public opinion storm, was sitting with wet hair on his head. At the door of his courtyard, there was a dark and old face.

  Xu Jiaojiao had to go to work at the agency store in the village, so she hid out the door after taking a shower, leaving Cao Erxiang alone to shovel the dirty mess in the main room.

  "Why don't you call Laigui and Laifu to come back and help with the tidying up?" Cao Erxiang put down the shovel, beat his old waist, which was almost broken by fatigue, and discussed with Xu Youcai, who was sitting at the door of the courtyard like an uncle.

  "Did you have a broken hand or a disabled foot?! You asked them to come back to help. You really treat the machinery factory as your own home. Your son can go and come back whenever he wants." Xu Youcai yelled.

  If he hadn't been afraid of being seen by the people working on the field, he would have sat outside the courtyard, and he would sit in the stinking courtyard in aggrieved manner and watch her shovel excrement.

  Cao Erxiang trembled in fright and hurriedly picked up the shovel, not daring to hit her waist again.

  Xu Youcai rolled his eyes in disgust, and Cao Erxiang, who looked unattractive, turned his head to one side irritably.


  Zhihuan, who slept until noon, took the bath water to dry in the sun as usual, and then went into the kitchen to work.

  As soon as I cooked the rice porridge and was about to go to the vegetable field behind to find some vegetables for lunch, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

  "Sister Huan! Open the door." The little fat girl patted the door.

  "My little brother hasn't finished work yet."

  Shen Zhihuan's door opened a crack, and the little fat man got in.

  "Sister Huan, I'm not here to see Wei Dong." Xiaopang raised his round face and approached Shen Zhihuan with a smile.

  "You're not looking for my little brother, are you looking for me and my mother?" Shen Zhihuan picked up the dustpan on the side and turned towards the vegetable patch behind.

  "Sister Huan, have you heard that old man Xu Youcai's house was dumped with feces?" The little fat man followed him with a poop.

  "Pouring shit? Who are you listening to? Uncle Xu is the accountant of our production team and is in charge of work points. Who dares to touch his bad luck!" Shen Zhihuan bent down and cut off a handful of leeks, then turned around and picked two young leeks. Put the cucumber into the basket.

  "I'm not going to lie to you, it's true. My father and my uncle both went to see it. I heard from my father and my mother that there was a room full of excrement soup in the hall. That old man Xu Youcai was afraid of getting dirty, so he stood on tiptoe. Walk on your feet, Sister Huan, what do you think the result will be?"

  The little chubby boy looked at Shen Zhihuan, as if if you don't guess, I'll cry for you.

  "Falled?" Shen Zhihuan raised an eyebrow.

  "I just threw him like a dog and ate shit. I heard from my father and my mother that that old man Xu Youcai's whole face was smeared in the soup, and it also splashed all over the two ladies Cao Erxiang and Xu Jiaojiao." Xiaopang said while He said so while gesticulating.