
Till death separates us

Sasha is a young woman who has just received devastating news: she has a rare disease that gives her only a few years to live. As she tries to come to terms with her fate, she accidentally bangs into the expensive car of a wealthy and attractive man named Adam. Adam is initially angry at Sasha for damaging his car, but she doesn't have the money to pay for the damages. So they come to an agreement: Sasha will be in a contract relationship with Adam, which he can use as a way of making up for the damages. However, Adam is only interested in the relationship for show, and doesn't truly see a future with Sasha. Despite this, Sasha and Adam gradually grow closer, and they begin to develop real feelings for each other. Sasha finds herself falling in love with Adam, but she's afraid to tell him about her illness, fearing that he'll reject her because of it. As their relationship deepens, Adam starts to see that he has real feelings for Sasha too. He begins to see past their contract and begins to truly care for her. Just as he's about to propose to her, Sasha is admitted to the hospital, where she discovers that her disease is progressing rapidly and that her time is running out. Adam is devastated by the news, but he swears to do everything he can to help Sasha live as long as possible. They spend the last few months of Sasha's life together, making the most of the time they have left. However, just as they're starting to plan a future together, something tragic happens that tears them apart. Sasha's illness takes a turn for the worse, and Adam is forced to make a difficult decision that will change their lives forever.

Lindsy_newton · Ciudad
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72 Chs


Adam stepped through the front door of his cozy suburban home, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The day had been long and filled with endless meetings and deadlines, and all he craved now was the comfort of his own space. He was yearning to meet up with Sasha. He had missed her so much since he didn't see her the whole day. The familiar scent of his abode embraced him, a blend of freshly brewed coffee and the soothing aroma of vanilla-scented candles.

As he removed his shoes and hung his coat on the hook by the door, Adam's footsteps echoed softly on the wooden floor. The ambiance was tranquil, with the gentle hum of the air conditioning and the distant chirping of birds outside. The living room welcomed him with its plush couches and soft lighting, but his mind was already yearning for the peace of his bedroom.