
Through Apocalypse (BL)

Huang Jin had lived for a decade before he found himself traveling back in time. Betrayal had left him deeply angered and embittered. All he had ever wanted was a peaceful and content life, but little did he know that survival would prove to be incredibly challenging amidst an ongoing apocalypse. Was there any hope left? Perhaps... Perhaps not... HJ: "Why not just chop off its head? You're still toying with its arm!!" ML: "Give it a try; you might find it oddly satisfying. It helps relieve stress."

Mahdz · Horror
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64 Chs

Chapter 52 - Let's Divorce

Chen Ai's face turned pale as she looked at the contents of the folder. Chen Ai felt shocked through her face, her hands holding the folder were shaking. She looked towards Huang Jun, seeing him watching her with calm eyes and no emotion. She felt cold all over, took back her gazed and looked at the folder again.

Both Chen Bin and Chen Ren gazed at each other for a long moment, and they can see their mother's change. From her pale face and shock and her shaking hands. They felt something was wrong and wanted to open their mouth, but something was holding them back.

"Where did you get this?!"

"Someone gave it to me, and I thought it was something that wanted to smear dirt in you. But imagined my surprise that it was all true."

" You can't believe this! You know me for already for two years Huang Jun! Maybe the people around you just wanted to ruin our marriage by sending this kind of photos." Her voice was high with anger as she explained it.

Huang Jun was sitting there just watching her talk. His eyes hold no emotions, like seeing some stranger and not his wife.

She started to break into a sweat as she looked at her husband.

"I really can believe it. For all the years that I was with you, I thought you were a perfect wife. I was happy when we got married. But all of this charade just for money? Are you that greedy? Using your children and teaching them how to lie and act like a pleasant child?

Making sure to stage a scene to meet and make me fall in love with you just for my money?! Are you crazy? I feel nauseated every time I remember kissing and having sex with you! Giving my affection to someone who is a whore, a slut that sells her body for money." He didn't care if Chen Ai will feel offended by the words coming from his mouth. The look of sheer fury on Huang Jun's face replaced Chen Ai's anger with fear.

"No! No.. no. That is not true! You need to believe me! I did not do such things!" Chen Ai was so mad, and all her plan was like trash thrown at her by her husband. The only way she can do was to deny everything, hoping Huang Jun will believe in her.

"Huang Jun, it's impossible that you didn't know who send you these things... Someone is trying to ruin our relationship." She was still attempting to deny everything and won't admit to it.

"The evidence is there, I already check it, and it's credibility. You can't fool me anymore, I trusted you enough to marry you, but what did you do? You made your bed, now lie in it.

Sign the divorce paper, don't think you can negotiate with me or threaten me." Huang Jun realized his misfortunes marrying to someone who only wanted his money.

He laughed coldly and continues to ridicule Chen Ai. "Thank God that I did a prenup agreement from you, or else half of my money will end up to a woman like you and your children." Chen Ai can feel and see how Huang Jun was relieved, and she only felt rage and embarrassment.

Before meeting Huang Jun at that party, she planned to look for another lover. Chen Ai wanted to show off her being a kind, proper, and refined woman. The plan was a success because she was able to meet Huang Jun. It was effortless to hook him and let him fall in love with her.

Chen Ai was thrilled that she was able to fool Huang Jun. Being in a family with no money was difficult, so she decided to work as a secretary for a company. The boss was ugly and wanted to have a relationship with her. He was rich, so she became her lover. But after meeting Huang Jun, she became greedy and wanted more. She saw that Huang Jun was a rich and single man, he owned a company and known in B City, a good businessman.

From that day on, she promised that with Huang Jun's position. She can be a rich woman in no time, so she had a relationship and married Huang Jun for his money.

The initial stage of the relationship lasted for a year and a half, then she asked for marriage.

Chen Ai thought that life as she knows it will last for years after making plans in taking everything away from Huang Jun's son and driving a wedge between father and son. And lastly, driving Huang Jin away from the family.

But she didn't imagine that her pain and effort in planning gain nothing. She wanted to curse that someone who gave the pieces of evidence to Huang Jun.

Chen Bin flipped the rest of the papers and saw the divorce paper. Her pale face turns slowly red from rage. She knew what Huang Jun was asking without him explaining it to her. She still had a hope that she can still work things out with Huang Jun, but Chen Ai knows that she can't do anything anymore.

"Sign It, if your thinking we can still work things out. Don't think about it, and I'm not going to change my mind. And trying to plot against me and my son, especially Ahjin? I want to kill you and discard your body and let animals feast on you." His voice was harsh and cold as he enunciated each word carefully that it penetrated through Chen Ai ad her children's body.

"Dad, you need to believe mom! They are just trying to break us apart, Is our bond that easy to break?" Chen Bin's face was pale, and her voice was trembling, trying to persuade Huang Jun from divorcing her mother.

"Don't talk! I'm trying to talk to your mother! And don't call me father, I don't have a daughter like you! Seducing my employees, especially married men?" Huang Jun turned his head towards Chen Ren and looked at him.

"You! Having a sexual relationship with your mother and sister? I feel sick imagining it." Seeing Chen Bin and Chen Ai's shock. Huang Jun only felt disgusted, and there was only a tone of mockery in his voice.

"Dad! How can you believe those things? Is the evidence real? Are you sure? You can't just decide these things on impulse." Chen Ren asked Huang Jun with shock on his face.

"Oh, I know, I have seen them live and don't argue with me." Then Huang Jun turned his head towards Chen Ai and said, " I don't even want to talk to you, and I feel even dirty seeing you. For the sake of the divorce, I won't even waste my time. But I want to see your reactions to all the things that you did. I want you to feel that your long, careful plan was wasted just like that." They never heard such ferocity in a Huang Jun's voice.

"No, no... How can that be!" Chen Ai's voice was sharp, a note of madness crept into her voice. Her head shook hard, trying to deny everything.

Chen Bin's pale face turned more pale, hearing Huang Jun's knifelike voice.

"Are you going to sign or not?"

Chen Ai was unwilling, she didn't want to sign but from Huang Jun's voice. She can hear the warning, and if she didn't do what's his demand, she could only imagine the painful and disturbing things she's going to suffer from Huang Jun. She took the pen, and her hands were shaking. She places the paper on top of the table, and the tip of the pen was on the paper.

Chen Ai signed the divorce paper against her will.

"Mom! Don't sign that paper! You can't allow this divorce to happen!" Chen Bin's scream.

" If you still insist on this, we can meet in court. I'm going to file a case against your Chen family."

"No, I'll sign."

Afte Chen Ai signed the divorce papers, Huang Jun stood up and turned around. But before walking away, he turned his head and said, " Oh, I forgot to tell you, your not allowed anymore in this Villa. You need to pack your things and moved out. And if you won't move, either way, this Villa will be sold whether your in it or not. "

Huang Jun and Hao Wen then went to the study room, before going inside, he called one of the housekeepers to call and gather all the other employees inside the Villa.

While waiting, Huang Jin went and sat down on the sofa with Hao When standing in front of him.

"Are there any instructions you need me to deal with?"

"Yes, send the divorce papers to my lawyer and announce them to the company. I don't like Chen Ai using my name to do her other plans. I want everybody to know that we are already divorce.

And also declare that I'm going to retire from work, I want to focus on helping my son on supervising the construction on the preserve."

Huang Jun patted the space beside him and told Hao Wen to sit down. They waited for a while before all the employees came one by one; he signals one of the housekeepers to lock the door.

Huang Jun told them to pack all his things and send them to his private plane. He asked them if they wanted to continue doing their job on the Huangs. If yes, they can wait for his instructions for the rest of the employees who don't want to work anymore, and they can have their remaining wage for the year and another bonus for retiring from working with Huangs.

After a few words and orders for the remaining servants, he dismissed them immediately.

Hao Wen stood up and closed the door after all his employees went out. He saw Huang Jun leaning his head on the sofa, eyes closed, and his hand to massage his temple, trying to dispell the growing headache. Huang Jun unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt, part of his skin on his shoulders,, and his neck was exposed.

Hao Wen walk around the sofa and stood behind Huang Jun. He placed his hands on both sides of Huang Jun's temple. Hao Wen started massaging his head, and he can see how Huang Jun shivered at his massage. His hands were traveling across Huang Jun's scalp and in between his eyebrows.

Huang Jun felt Hao Wen move and stand on his back, and strong warm fingers touched his head and palm slid under his hairs, pushing and massaging his head, washing away the headaches. Huang Jun felt refreshed, and goosebumps sprang up all over his arms.

"Your hands are magic."

"I'm used to massage my grandpa when he was still alive."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, and it's already been years." Then Hao Wen continued the rubbing and kneading Huang Jun's head, the muscles, and joints of his shoulders, to relieve the tensions that accumulated.

Hao Wen released his warmed fingers and traced them way up on Huang Jun's beautiful neck. Suddenly his pupil's dilated, and he removed his hands around Huang Jun.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. For a minute there, he was hypnotized on watching his hands touching Huang Jun's neck, and his mouth felt suddenly dry. He was tempted to kiss and licking his neck.

Huang Jun gazed up at Hao Wen when he felt him removed his hands. He felt sad for some reason, and he recalled what he'd felt with Hao Wen's hands on his neck earlier. He felt something hot crawling from his neck down his body.

" Are you going to stay here, or I'll send you to the company?" Hao Wen's voice was deep and hoarse.

"Company, I'll just sleep there until everything is done."

After what happen with Huang Jun's divorce with Chen Ai, he became busy with Hao Wen. Before leaving for N County, he made sure that everything was good, and there's nothing else to do.

So after a week of staying in B City. Huang Jun and Hao Wen, with some of his employees, flew to N County.

For Chen's, they wanted to stay in the Villa, but the reality was cruel. They were kicked and threatened for jail if they did not vacate the Villa.

It was a scandal seeing them being drag away and neighbors witnessing their humiliations. The upper circle of B City was laughing at Chen Ai's and children's misfortunes.

Huang Jun was careful not to tell about his move and to keep Chen Ai from tracking him. So before leaving, he made sure not to tell were his going but only gave a vague explanation to his acquaintances. He had no friends and family except for Huang Jin, so he didn't have any difficulty in transferring from B City to N County.

Chen's disgusting manners and insidious plans will stop on this chapter for now... ?

After this chapter, hmm.. I'm hoping that two or three chapters more before the apocalypse happens.

I'm hoping.. really hoping..??

Anyways, thank you to all the readers supporting my story. I hope you can continue reading it, even though some of them.. ahh.. is boring. I'm trying to work on it.??

Votes and Gifts are appreciated?

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