
Three Years Jailed, Released as Invincible

After three arduous years, the iron gates of the prison finally swing open for Gibson, a man whose very presence had become the stuff of legend behind bars. His release day was met not with cheers but with audible sighs of relief from the guards and inmates alike; even the steel walls seemed to exhale, "Thank God, he's gone!"

piggy_7224 · Ciudad
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34 Chs

Come here, jump!

Mike got kicked so hard that he flew from the security room straight into the lobby, tumbling several times on the ground. The receptionist jumped at the scene, and yet Mike kept hurling threats.

"Just you wait, just you wait!"

Gibson was standing at the entrance of the security department trying to light a cigarette. Mike misread the move as an aggressive one and dashed for the stairs.

When Mike was out of sight, Nolan and the others couldn't hide their glee.

"Man, that felt great! I've wanted to knock some sense into that guy forever! Always pushing us around," Nolan sighed with relief.

A moment later, he turned to Gibson with a look of concern, "Boss, you sure you're alright?"


"Don't worry about it! I've got this under control," Gibson reassured him.


Gibson then returned the money he had taken from Mike to everyone. A few hundred might just be lunch money for some, but for the staff at the bottom, it meant meals for days.

Especially those who are single and without families, surviving on less than twenty bucks a day at work, that five hundred could stretch to cover a whole month's expenses.

And here was Mike, demanding five hundred per head, trying to milk thousands from everyone each month!

Ten minutes later, as everyone was still reveling in the security room, the phone rang.


Nolan picked up and his face fell immediately. "Yes...yes...I'll speak to him," he mumbled timidly before hanging up.


Gibson snuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray and laughed lightly, "He ratted us out quick, didn't he?"


"Boss, maybe you should apologize to Miss Juarez. I'm sure she'll understand," Nolan suggested cautiously.

Nolan and the crew were visibly worried. After all, Gibson had just socked Mike to stand up for them. It was no secret that Mike had been skimming extra fees at work by abusing his position.


But nobody dared to call him out because of his powerful uncle, until Gibson stepped in today.


"He thinks he's protected because his uncle is on the board? Well, today he's going to learn a lesson," Gibson said coldly, standing up and heading for the door.


Everyone else was still standing there, stunned.


"Man, is he crazy?" whispered one of the younger guys with glasses.


"But Mike's uncle is a top exec, right under Miss Juarez. Even the CEO steps lightly around him. Hope he doesn't get in trouble for this..."


There was a heavy silence.


Nolan stayed quiet, not saying a word. This whole thing had spiraled way beyond what he had expected.


At the top floor of Wind Group's headquarters, Mike was in tears in front of a middle-aged man.


Despite only having a high school diploma, Mike had landed a job in one of the most coveted departments of the company and even became the head of Human Resources. The HR department was not just filled with attractive women, but three of them had even had abortions because of him. He was juggling multiple relationships and was also flirting with young girls from the local schools.


Any new intern in HR was almost guaranteed to end up in bed with him within a week. The department might not be the biggest in terms of size or salary—which was just a few thousand—but it had significant power over people's careers.


"Uncle, I got hit, you have to stand up for me!" he pleaded.


"When have I ever been humiliated like this? A mere security guard hit me, and even though I told him you're a director at Wind Group, he didn't care! He said even if you came down yourself, it wouldn't stop him. Miss Juarez backs him, and they don't respect you at all!"


"Look at what he did to me, I even lost a tooth. How am I supposed to find a girlfriend now? If this gets out, won't it ruin the reputation of our family?"


"Don't worry, I've got your back today," the middle-aged man reassured Mike with a pat on the shoulder. "Forget Miss Juarez, not even the highest powers can save him now! The man is a liability to this company. My advice? Fire him immediately!"

Sonia's face turned grim as she retorted, "Are you trying to tell me how to run my department?! He was my hire, and I'll take responsibility. But let's not jump to conclusions until we've investigated this properly. I don't want you starting any undue scandals, Robert."

"Scandals? Your company is about to collapse, and you're worried about scandals? With just one call, I could have the shareholders convene a board meeting and override all your decisions. Don't provoke me, Sonia!"

Just then, a knock interrupted their confrontation. Gibson entered, grinning mischievously at Mike, "What's up? The little guy got a smack and ran to daddy for help? Pathetic! Come here, let Uncle give you another one!"

 "How dare you!" the man bellowed. "Miss Juarez, this is the kind of security guard you bring into our company? No wonder we're tanking. Without me, you'd be nothing!"

 "Robert, can we discuss a different approach?" Sonia said, squinting her eyes. "There's no way he could have done what you're suggesting!"

"No deal!" Mike sneered, folding his arms. "He thinks he's tough? I want to see how he handles a real beating. If anyone dares oppose me, they won't get off easily."

 Smack! Gibson slapped Mike and scolded, "Enough with the noise! Adults are talking. This doesn't concern you, kid. Sit down!"

Sonia started to say something but then reconsidered and sat back down.

Mike probably deserved that slap.

"Uncle... he hit me right in front of you! I can't take this anymore! " Mike cried, covering his face.

Squeak—! Instantly, Gibson opened the window and beckoned Mike with a smirk, "Don't just talk the talk, come here, jump!"

"Enough!" Sonia stood up slowly, spreading out a document on the table. "KL Real Estate owes us over sixty million. Can you help us recover it?"

 "Absolutely!" Gibson responded instantly.

Gibson's immediate agreement made Sonia feel a pang of guilt.

She understood that many real estate companies were run by people who had once been part of the underworld.

Some of the big names in construction might have been well-known gangsters just a decade ago.

 Whenever she sent people to collect debts, the men often returned severely beaten, and the women were usually abused for a whole day and night before being thrown out.

The tens of millions they were owed had essentially become bad debts they could never recover.

Sending Gibson was nothing more than a spiteful move by Mike and his uncle.

If Sonia didn't comply, they were ready to call a board meeting right away.

With Wind Group already on shaky ground, if they decided to oust her as CEO now, she'd be left with absolutely nothing.