
Thor Si with Nerfed Essence of Self

Ordinary boy reborn as baby Thor in MCU with Nerfed version of CYOA Essence of self power (Essence of self power-- At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse. Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring. Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important. You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast. You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating. You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.)

Webnovel_Addicted · Película
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Whispers of Training

Years flowed like the currents of time itself, marked by the changing seasons and the ever-increasing stature of Thor Odinson. Though still slightly smaller than his Asgardian peers, his previous frailty had vanished, replaced by boundless energy and an insatiable thirst for knowledge that surprised even the most seasoned tutors.

Frigga, the epitome of a nurturing mother, made sure that Thor received a comprehensive education. He excelled in history and strategy, absorbing tales of Asgard's valiant warriors and legendary battles with the voracity of a scholar. Despite his natural exuberance often testing the limits of decorum, he also learned courtly etiquette, understanding the responsibilities that awaited him as a prince.

Yet, despite his academic achievements, a shadow of concern loomed in Frigga's heart. Unlike other Asgardian children who reveled in combat training, Thor remained curiously hesitant. While he avidly observed his peers spar with fascination, he seemed reluctant to engage in combat himself.

One crisp autumn morning, after a particularly vexing training session, Thor found himself wandering the labyrinthine corridors of the palace. His brow furrowed in frustration, his thoughts swirling with doubt and self-critique. It was then that he stumbled upon a concealed alcove, its walls adorned with ancient weapons and training dummies.

Intrigued, Thor ventured inside, the dim lighting casting shadows that danced across the weapons. There, amidst the relics of past battles, he discovered Odin, clad in well-worn training leathers, his movements fluid and precise as he honed his swordsmanship.

"Father," Thor called out tentatively, his voice echoing in the confined space.

Odin turned, his single eye alighting upon his son with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Thor," he acknowledged warmly. "What brings you to this secluded corner of the palace?"

Thor hesitated, uncertainty flickering in his emerald eyes. "I… I desire strength, Father. Like you. Like the heroes in the tales."

A knowing smile graced Odin's weathered features as he sheathed his sword and approached his son. Kneeling before Thor, he leveled his gaze with the young prince's.

"Strength is not solely measured by the might of one's arm, Thor," Odin began, his voice resonating with wisdom. "True strength lies within, in the depths of one's spirit and the resilience of one's character."

Thor listened intently, his curiosity piqued by his father's words.

"Training with weapons is but one path to prowess," Odin continued. "But the mark of a true warrior is not in the wielding of a sword, but in the discipline to harness one's power for the greater good."

Thor's brow furrowed in contemplation. "So, I can be strong without mastering combat?"

Odin nodded, a paternal pride evident in his expression. "Indeed, my son. There are many avenues to strength. What matters is finding the path that resonates with your soul."

Thor pondered his father's words, a spark of realization igniting within him. "The stories," he exclaimed suddenly. "The tales of heroes and magic – that's what truly captivates me."

A smile tugged at Odin's lips. "Ah, the pursuit of knowledge. A noble endeavor, indeed. Perhaps your path lies in unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos, in delving into the secrets of magic and lore."

Excitement kindled in Thor's heart at the prospect of such a journey. "How do I begin?"

Odin's gaze twinkled with mischief. "Patience, my son. The journey of a hero is not one to be rushed. But know this – your destiny awaits, and it will be shaped not only by your strength of body, but by the wisdom and knowledge you gather along the way."

Thor nodded, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. He may not have wielded a mighty hammer yet, but he understood that his journey as Thor Odinson, future God of Thunder, would be one of discovery and growth.

As he left the alcove, the memories of his past life stirred within him, urging him onward. He would train, he would learn, and he would become the hero that Asgard – and the cosmos – needed. With a resolute step, Thor embraced the uncertainty of the path ahead, knowing that each challenge would bring him closer to his destiny.