

Imagine reaching the pinnacle of society, becoming the most powerful person in the world, only to have it all ripped away by those closest to you. The very same thing happened to Damon Watts, the former President of the United States. But Damon's story doesn't end there. With the help of otherworldly power, he is transported to a new world in a new body - that of a lowly and despised noble. But Damon is not one to be defeated so easily. Determined to reclaim his power and seek revenge against those who wronged him, Damon sets out on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. He vows to trust no one but himself and to build his power base from scratch. As he navigates this new world filled with magic, treachery, and political intrigue, Damon must also confront his inner demons and grapple with the weight of his past mistakes. Will he be able to rise from the ashes of his former life and claim his rightful place as a ruler once again? Or will he be consumed by his thirst for revenge and lose himself in the process? Join Damon on his epic journey of redemption and conquest in this thrilling webnovel that will leave you on the edge of your seat. This novel has been moved, search in Webnovel for "President In A World of Magic"

ChadGuy45_ · Fantasía
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16 Chs


"Shit, that's a good point."

"So, what are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know; I don't have any experience in sword fighting; the only thing I know is from some HEMA video I watched on the internet. But since I don't have that in this world, I won't be able to learn sword fighting effectively." Damon replied as he tried thinking about something.

"So, what is your plan now?"

"I said I don't know! Gosh!" Damon then sat down, trying to think of something that he could do, "Maybe I should learn some of the basics first."

"Well, that would be a start," Wyne replied before the door to the room opened.

Damon quickly turned and saw Edmund coming inside the room before Phillip followed inside, limping in pain. "Why are you here?"

"Cant I visit my brother?"

"No. You just lost to me." Damon replied as he wrapped the herbs around his fist to heal it.

Philip shook his head, containing his anger, "What I say would be very important for you to survive."

"I think I am doing better than surviving; maybe you should take care of yourself."

"Thalia will try to kill you."

As Philip said that, Damon's eyes widened as he looked at Philip; unlike Philip, he knew that Thalia would actually kill; if she wanted someone to die, the only thing that could stop her was to kill her.

"I won't fall for that; why would she kill me when I fairly beat you in a match? I am now protected by the family."

"I don't want to break your spirit, but I will tell you that even the elder that is in charge of this house follows her orders."

"Then why am I alive?" Damon asked; he couldn't believe a single word that was coming out of Philp's mouth, but his body language showed that he was telling nothing but the truth.

Philip stopped trying to think of something before Edmund decided to step in, "Philip helped. It might seem strange, but he has been treating you horribly to show Thalia that Philip is disciplining you." Edmund said.

Damon looked at Edmund strangely, "That doesn't make any sense."

But the reflection that was in his mind raised its voice, "It doesn't. But Thalia doesn't do the thing that makes sense anyways. She would kill a random person for no reason, and she would make it as if it was that person's fault."

Damon shook his head; it still didn't make any sense, "Thalia she…."

Philip stepped in again, "She's weird. That's all I can think of; the reason why she wants to kill you is because I can't discipline you anymore. And since you seem to master an art other than the family sword art, you might as well not be a family member at all."

Damon got confused again; the people in this world had a bizarre way of communicating, "Uhm, so what is your solution for me?"

"Leave," Philip replied.

"I just retained my family title, and now you want me to leave? After I gained the right to stay?"

"It's not as bad as you think. I plan to send you to the academy; there, you should be safe from Thalia; you could get stronger, get more connections, and make a name for yourself.

Damon shook his head, realizing that he had put his guard down around Philip, 'Wait, why am I considering what he is saying? He literally sent a guard after me! How can I trust someone who has hurt me all my life?!'

"I don't think I can trust you."

Phillip sighed as he laid back in his chair, "Well, would you be more comfortable if you stayed under the same roof as Thalia."

"On second thought. I think the academy sounds better."

Philip then nodded before standing up to leave, "Well, that settles it. I will send an admission letter to you. But for now, it is best that you leave the mansion and find shelter somewhere else."

Damon sighed and nodded; he didn't know any other better idea than this. "I understand."

"Also, make sure to bring one of the maids with you. You will not be able to take care of yourself properly.


Philip stood in front of the door of his sister, his leg still in pain from the fight; as he entered the room, he could feel the energy of his sister emanating in the room, suffocating him, "Why have you called for me?"

"Our little brother… Where is he?" She asked. Philip couldn't really read her expression, but it was cold.

"Since he has potential, I sent him to the academy," Philip replied, controlling the sweat from coming out of his skin pores.

"Is that true? Or is there another reason?"

"There is not. The only reason I sent him is to make him a better fighter."

Thalia then stopped masking her emotions with her veins popping out of her head, "Then why didn't you tell me…." She muttered while biting on her teeth.

"I- I… I thought that the earlier he goes, the better."

"Don't you lie to me…" She took out her sword, which was still in its sheath. "You could have at least told me; then we could have eaten the meat that I found for us."

"I'm sorry; I promise this won't happen again," Philp replied as his heartbeat increased; he could see her hands moving on her sword as if she was about to unsheath it and slice his head open.

"Stop. We will talk at night…." She stopped Philip from apologizing further.

Philip nodded and walked out of the room, and as he stepped out of the door, his legs gave out, forcing him to hold onto the railings so he wouldn't fall down to his knees.

"Edmund… I think we have to dip out as well." He whispered.

"Won't she is angry?"

"At least we won't be dead; it won't hurt to lay low for a bit."

"Understood, sir, but will Damon be fine?"

"He should be. He might have a big mouth, but he only uses it when he needs to. I guess you could say that the reason why I lost to him was through his words…."