
This life again

Everything was planned, and in one night, ruined. My best friend. My betrothed. Both backstabbed me in the back. But what they don't know is that I have help, and I will live this life again. And I will make sure I'll do everything different. All Cecelia wanted to do was prove to her father that her and her betrothed Mason were meant to be. After "paying" a shaman to look into the future to say it is meant to be, Cece decides that's not enough and goes on a quest to find Death. She wants to make a deal with him; if Mason and her are true mates, then she will live a long life with him. If not, she wants a do-over, but at WHAT time, or WHEN, Death gets to decide. At the ball, Cece is made aware of her betrothed's betrayal, and is devastated that the affair was made between him and her best friend. After dying from an argument gone very wrong, Death makes an appearance, going back in time.. Cece has a second chance at life. She will make sure EVERYTHING is different. And she will make sure not to make the same choices as last time.

Marcy_G_Perez · Fantasía
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142 Chs


The sound of a violin being played wakes me. It's sweet, and loud, filling the room with music that sounds so...energetic.

Quill is gone, having woken up before me, and I ring the bell that's placed on the small end table next to the bed. The three maids appear, bringing in the basin, and a rolling cart.

They curtsey getting everything ready, and I wander off to the restroom, washing my face, and then getting ready for my bath.

Rose oil is added into the bath, and soon the smell of flowers overcomes the room. Once the maids have served their purpose, I dismiss them, submerging my entire body in the hot water.

Though my body is relaxed, and I shouldn't have a thought in my mind, it's racing. I overheard that conversation last night, and it is something to be worried about. Death laughed at me, saying that I don't know truly know men. But was that men in general or just Mason?

The thought of Mason starting a war over being scorned makes me want to laugh. Because he is truly insane, and not the person I invented him to be.

He must be doing damage if Quill is up so early, I think to myself, the violin music stopping abruptly as a crash is heard throughout the hallways.

I sit up, waiting for someone to run in and escort me to safety, but instead hear yelling. And lots of it.

My maids hurry back in, closing the door quickly as they scrub me down in fast yet thorough motions. My hair is washed, and then rinsed off.

I try to ask them something, but they shake their heads, one of the maids bringing a finger to her lips. My stomach is in knots, and I nod, standing up as they rinse me off one last time, and then feeling towels dry me off.

My hair is dried, one of the maids adding scented oil to control the frizz and then quickly braided as an outfit appears.

"We must get you ready miss, the pack is awaiting you, and Quill has gone for the moment to tend to some disruptions that are happening in the outskirts of New Puerto." One of the maids whisper to me, being shushed by the other two.

"Please be careful miss, some of the pack members blame you for the misfortunes." the maid said, as she put the corset over my body, and placed on a long sleeved gray gown over it. A thick wool dress is placed over that one, and I move, trying to see if I feel restricted in the arms.

They place on thick socks, and another pair of my boots, and then lead me out, the one giving me warnings about the pack reaching out and giving my hand a reassuring squeeze before walking out in front of me.

I'd hoped that Quill would be the one to introduce me to his pack, or at least be here when it was time. I felt very small that I was going in at it alone, twisting my engagement ring as they lead me to the main living room.

The first thing I see is a girl, looking seventeen, with strawberry blonde curls pulled into a neat bun, hazel green eyes focused on music paper, in her hands a violin, and bow. She wears a long overcoat like dress, and is wearing pants of all things.

The girl must feel my gaze on her, because her eyes are suddenly on mine, her casually tossing the violin and bow on the couch.

She motions for the maids to leave, then steps towards me, her eyes raking over me. Her gaze goes cold when she spots the engagement ring on my finger, locking eyes with me again.

"You're Cecelia. You're the one that's causing all of this." she says, and my heart stops.

I'm in disbelief, but then anger steeps in, making me glare at her.

"Excuse me? I've done nothing wrong." I retort back.

"You're old husband has gone through absurd lengths to cause damage to not only our food resources, but our water as well. If not for Elex, and Eryx, we'd been done for." she says, her hands balled into fists.

"First off, we weren't married. We were engaged. Secondly, he's a grown man, and he can answer to the consequences, not me." I replied, taking a step closer to the girl.

"You don't intimidate me." I say, the door to the living quarters opening.

"Cersei! That's enough. We don't want Quill angry with us." a voice says behind me.

The girl, Cersei, looks at the person darkly, before brushing past me. I turn to see a tall, blonde curly haired fellow, with bright blue eyes enhanced by the glasses he wears. He has on a plain gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up, wearing pressed black pants, and boots. He gives me an apologetic smile, bowing as he stops before me.

"Forgive her behavior, my lady. Cersei is the sour one of the group." he explains.

I shrug, not really wanting to focus on Cersei. "I'm Cecelia, of Ovylian."

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady. I am Lipton Vaughn of Lynnexville, though I reside here now with my leader Quill and the rest of my packmates. Please, let me give you the tour around our home." he said, and though I was a bit wary of the rest of the pack, something told me that Lip might be someone to trust.

I followed after him, keeping my distance, and braced myself in case it was cold outside.

We stepped out, and to my surprise, the sun shone in the sky, melting the snow a bit. Though it wasn't cold like yesterday, it was still chilly, and I crossed my arms around myself, shivering a bit.

I could hear the sounds of horses, chickens, and more as we had gone out through the side door instead of the front entrance. Lip strolled slowly, enough to keep me in pace, and I glanced around, entranced with everything I could see. Lip began to talk about the history of New Puerto, starting with the animals, and the trade given to different countries.

We walked past the gardens then, Lip bringing up the imports and exports of all trade, and I felt myself tune him out. It wasn't that I was bored, more out of habit from when my own father attempted to discuss these types of things with me.

At some point, the sound of a pond caught my attention, and in the middle of Lip talking, I wandered off, going straight to it. He didn't seem to notice, use to my lack of answering, and noise. Ducks and geese resided around it, drinking the water, though not swimming in it as there were pieces of ice still in it.

I'd wish that I'd brought bread with me, or even crackers to feed the little ducks. A shrill cry caught my attention then, and I listened to it, noting it as an animal in distress.

Surely, Lip wouldn't notice if I were to take a gander at what was making that noise.

Going through a bush, I continued on my trek, humming to myself. The weather was warming up more, and I took off my mittens, hearing the cry a bit further away.

Can't anyone else hear the crying? I think, and the sound of water rushing by catches my attention.

I finally make it into a clearing, seeing a lake with a pile of rocks in one corner, causing the water to flow in a strange mini waterfall like view.

I squint my eyes, and that's when I see it; a black foal tangled in the vines of a rose bush, the thorns digging into its leg.

Rushing over to it, I try to soothe at the terrified little horse, it's hair still with fuzz, the tall hair all bunched up. The foal throws a kick, and I reach out to it, making soothing noises.

The foal finally stops, waiting to see what will happen next, and I untangle it's skinny legs from the vines. Thankfully, there's no blood from the small cuts the rose vines made, and I back away from the little foal, trying to shoo it away.

It doesn't take a hint, walking closer to me, it's soft neighs sounding over the sudden wind. I put my palm out, as a way to make it stop, when the foal moves it's body, the back of it touching my hand.

A disgusted cry comes out of me, as the back of the foal for some reason feels sticky, and then I can't move away. I try to pull my arm back, but my palm is encased in whatever the foal is covered in.

Scared, I try to pull at it again, the foal realizing that I'm snared in its trap, and making fast gallops to the lake. I'm being dragged towards the lake, and I cry out as my boots are in the water, the end of my dress getting heavy.

I'm going to drown! I think, using all my might as I tried to unstick myself.

Again, the glint of metal catches my attention, and I see Death staring at me in disapproval. As I open my mouth to scream again, the foal dives forward, turning into water, and pulling me down under.