
This Game Is Sooo Real!

Light Chu, who accidentally ended up in a world of post-apocalyptic wastelands, unlocked the Sanctuary System, and was able to summon a bunch of mysterious creatures named "Gamer" from the parallel world. From that on, this whole world became weird... Why this game is so real!? Carrying bricks, running errands, collecting trashes, working as express couriers.....Normal companies can at the most force you to work 12x6 per week, but here you can feel the extra-buffed version of a 24x7 workload. K, stop bullshitting, the Mighty Governor is sending me to carry bricks. Governor has said, as long as we keep working hard and SASAGEYO, next month he can own another brand new power suit! At that time, he will lead us in pioneering the brand new map area, then we can collect much much more trashes on the vast world of wastelands! ......

Daoist530340 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
63 Chs

Chapter 40: Level-up and new talent

[Nano Healing Shot: Mainly used for non-lethal external injuries, it can enhance tissue repair capabilities in a short period of time, accelerating wound healing.]

This thing was obtained by Light Chu from a blind box.

Initially, seeing her strong recovery ability, Light Chu had intended to save this needle. However, when he noticed that her wound had already started to become inflamed and pus-filled, after weighing the pros and cons, he ultimately dismissed the thought of cost-saving.

If the wound was left to worsen, it might end up requiring amputation.

There were no surgeons in the sanctuary who could perform surgery, and they didn't even have anesthesia or disinfectant alcohol, let alone a sterile environment for major surgeries.

With this in mind, Light Chu made up his mind.

Never mind the anesthesia for now, at the very least, he had to get Mosquito Bro to craft the alcohol!

As Light Chu approached step by step, Summer Salt instinctively wanted to retreat. However, with only one leg and half a life remaining, she slumped in the chair, unable to retreat at all.

"You, don't come any closer."

Light Chu couldn't be bothered to explain, and he injected the healing shot into her right leg.



It doesn't hurt?

Summer Salt, who had been halfway through her scream, stopped abruptly, looking bewildered at the man in front of her, as he withdrew the needle from her leg.

What happened?

Why can't she feel anything at all...

Just as Summer Salt was about to ask softly, her consciousness suddenly became hazy.

"What... did you do to me?"

"I saved your life, no need to thank me."

Well, she could thank him if she wanted to, just by working hard.

However, Light Chu didn't expect the natives of this world to be as diligent as the gamers from that other world.

Summer Salt wanted to say something else, but her tongue couldn't move anymore. Her consciousness quickly fell into darkness, and her chaotic breathing gradually became regular.

"I didn't expect this thing to have a hypnotic effect."

"Good thing I didn't use it in combat..."

Quietly observing her reaction, Light Chu took out a pen from the drawer and silently noted down her clinical response in a small notebook.

The nano healing has side effects such as drowsiness, anesthesia, and mental confusion. It should not be used in a combat state.

After finishing these tasks, Light Chu carried her to the next room, finding a room with four unactivated cultivation chambers, and placed her on the floor.

The effects of the nano healing had started to show.

The swollen and pus-filled wound was slowly subsiding, and her pale cheeks were gradually regaining some color.

Although it was unlikely that the lost leg would grow back, at least amputation could be avoided.

The temperature and air levels inside the sanctuary were stable within the most suitable range for human habitation. Although the floor was a bit cold, it was still much better than outside.

The remaining task was to rest.

This gurl's physical condition was quite good, and Light Chu believed she should be able to hold on.

Leaving a piece of chocolate and a bottle of purified water produced by the outpost, Light Chu used his administrative privileges to lock the door of the room to prevent her from wandering around the shelter when she woke up.

After that, Light Chu returned to the resident hall and eagerly conducted a physical examination on himself.


ID: Light Chu

Genetic Sequence: Governor

Level: LV.5→LV.7

——Basic Attributes——

Strength: 9→10

Agility: 6

Physique: 7→8

Perception: 7

Intelligence: 6


"I actually leveled up twice?"

Although he had vaguely felt that he was approaching a breakthrough, he didn't expect that this crisis would directly elevate him from LV5 to LV7.

Surprise and joy filled Light Chu's face.

But on second thought, the changes in attributes resulting from the advancement of the "Governor" genetic sequence seemed to have no fixed pattern.

While other gamers had primary attributes, he did not, and the allocated attribute points seemed to be random.

However, adding 1 point each to strength and physique was not bad.

These two attributes were the most useful and cost-effective in the early stages.

Now Light Chu had 10 points of strength, which was almost equivalent to twice the strength of an average adult male. This was also reflected in the physical examination form, specifically in the sections related to endurance and explosive power.

The improvement in constitution meant that he would have a stronger physique and greater resistance to negative conditions.

Of course, what interested Light Chu the most was the talent section below the attribute panel.

Compared to the previous physical examination, there was now an additional line in the talent section:

[Talent: Wild Instinct (Can awaken the wild instinct in extreme situations, providing a 10-15% increase in all attributes and a 20-30% increase in fatigue accumulation rate during the duration.)]

"Wild Instinct, okay then..."

Light Chu always felt that the name sounded a bit strange.

But he could still understand it.

After all, the original developer of this attribute panel and conversion formula was a guy with a wicked sense of humor.

Referring to the previous physical examination data, Light Chu made a rough estimation.

In simple terms, the significance of this talent should be to enhance the work and metabolic efficiency of cells throughout the body during a certain period of time, or stimulate the secretion of adrenaline or something like that.

The effect was somewhat similar to a stimulant.

However, it was just a similar effect.

The physiological and chemical reactions involved were likely to be quite complex.

Moreover, the panel data obtained through the physical examination was only a reference.

For example, based on the panel data alone, the crawler encountered today would undoubtedly crush him as a human being.

But even so, it was not an easy task for the gnawer to kill him.

After inputting the physical examination data into the computer's archive, Light Chu looked at the backpack he had thrown on the ground earlier and reached out to pick it up.

Inside were the equipment Nighten had scavenged from the bodies of those three mercenaries.

The moment he unzipped the bag, a look of joy immediately appeared on Light Chu's face.

There were four handguns, two submachine guns without stocks, a pump-action shotgun, and an assault rifle broken in half from the middle.

Regardless of whether the assault rifle could be repaired, the harvest from this outing could be described as bountiful!

"Strike it rich!"

It was truly a fat profit!

Apart from firearms, there were also around two hundred bullets. Some were loaded in magazines, while others were loose, filling the backpack to the brim.

It was evident that Nighten had searched very carefully, leaving nothing behind. He even stuffed empty magazines into the bag.

However, the materials used for these bullets were quite ordinary, mostly fully steel forged. Only a few loose bullets seemed to have a special composition, possibly armor-piercing rounds.

Light Chu also noticed that the tips of a few bullets were coated with red paint, indicating that they were not made of ordinary materials. They were probably special rounds.

Although these mercenaries were not wealthy, they had quite an abundant firepower.

"It seems that Boulder City's strength should not be underestimated..." Light Chu weighed a bullet with a red-painted tip and gently tossed it back into the bag.

The overall strength of a region was usually linked to its productivity.

For example, the looters in the suburbs used homemade steel pipe rifles or scavenged weapons, and some even used cold weapons.

To arm "guerrillas" to such a degree, the industrial capacity of Boulder City was probably even more impressive than the rumors he had heard.

Light Chu made a firm determination.

After this winter, he must go and take a look!

It would be best to organize a trading caravan to go together.

The outpost would continue to grow in size, and it was inevitable to engage in trade with other survivor bases.

He couldn't always rely on those unscrupulous merchants to deliver goods to his doorstep. If he didn't want to be exploited, he would have to go himself.