
Chapter Nineteen

Its morning again and we are heading home after finishing our duties. Seems like we had quite a night the place was a mess.

Christie and Mandy are in the bus with me. We have been doing this most of the time since we are neighbours. A few minutes later we are hopping out of the bus headed to our homes. I bid them bye and off I went home. I need to be in the gym soon. I open the house and head straight to the kitchen for breakfast.

Am not really hungry but considering I will be straining at the gym I gotta eat something. So I pick an apple and bite into it. I love apples I bet that's why I rarely get sick coz they say it keeps the doctor away.

"Hey Jim" I salute him once I sport him sitting in the corner of the gym room with someone.

"Hello Alexa," he acknowledges me and the other guy turns, he looks familiar.

"Hello, you look familiar, have we met before?" I asked him.

"Oh, my bad let me introduce you two. Alexa, this is Mark a private investigator, and Mark meet Alexa she works at the club," Jim does the introduction.

Just what i was looking for. Things couldn't have been better. Everything is just perfect.

Everything is working for my good.

"Hello, Alexa now I remember where we met. We bumped into each other yesterday at the club and I spilt drinks on my shirt while you got all scared, remember?" Mark says shaking my hand.

"I knew you looked familiar now I remember," I shook his hand too.

"You come here often?" He asks

"I just started like three days ago and am loving the experience," I said turning to look at Jim ,"all thanks to him,"

Jim looked at me proudly.

I didn't want more chitchat, I will have to befriend Mark before asking for his services but definately not today. But who knows this might be my only chance, am not planning to blow it away so I should have his card at the end of my session.

Two hours and I come out exhausted. Am sure I will sleep nicely today. But then I remember I have an appointment with Lee today. Just then my phone rings and on checking the caller it turns out to be Lee.

"Hey, I was just thinking about you, did you read my thoughts Mr psychic?" I tease him.

"Good morning to you too Alexa," he says

"Oops! Forgive my manners. Good morning Doctor Lee," I greeted

"I hope you haven't forgotten your appointment ma'am," he says and I roll my eyes at what he called me.

"I will be there in less than an hour," I inform him as I literally run home.

I need to take a bath quickly and maybe grab something to eat on the way.

I walk past the secretary who just looks at me. I guess she remembers our encounter yesterday and walk straight to the elevator and press the third floor where Lee's office is located. I find him all set and he engulfs me in a bear hug.

"Did you buy the flash?" I ask

"Yes I did, am all set. So let's do this," he says and gestures me to a laid out bed like machine.

"We begin with MRI, so just lie here as I take you through an examination."

I lie there and he immediately goes to work. Examining the brain if there are blocked tissues or membranes.

There are brain tissues that were paralyzed in my head, that is according to the MRI that Lee conducted. He said it was impossible to recognize but he managed. And I should begin treatment as soon as now. He gave me a list of drugs I was to buy but on second thought he said it was better if he bought it himself since people may ask me too many questions.

Am so hopeful that my memory would be back and I will finally know who I am.

The drugs will be taken for three days then I will go back for the scan. Am very greatful to Lee.


I am sitting at a restaurant watching a beautiful view of the town and its so breathtaking and peaceful.

"I finally catch you alone I thought this day would never come, especially this soon," a voice startled me and I tense before I turn to see who it was.

"Phew! You almost gave me a heart attack. Are you stalking me?" I gave him one of my dangerous looks.

"No am not, its just a coincidence that we came to the same restaurant. I wanted to clear my head and where you are seated is usually my spot. I come here more often than I care to count, so if ever you are looking for me if am not working, this is the place to find me." He says.

"Well, now I know, so now that you are here and I was here first, how about you tell me about your work?" I asked.

"Are you in some kind of trouble? Is someone threatening your life?" He raises his brows.

"Something like that and thanks to the coincidence I might require your services," I replied

"Okay the title doesn't need explanation its plain and simple, I find out what am hired for discretely." He declares.

"Well what do you usually need like details?" I asked

"Usually, I need pictures of the target, address if there is any or place of work where he/she spends time the most," he concludes

"Then what do you do with all that?" I asked

"I dig for more information whatever my client needs and I take pictures of necessary evidences," he says then lays back on the seat observing me. I guess gauging if I was serious.

"Well, I got a job for you, I have people I need to teach a lesson. They have been messing with me big time,and I want that to stop. And I mean 'they',coz its not one person but a group of stupid girls. I want every important detail of them, who they hang out with, where they live, what they do and their families," I said.

All this while, clutching a glass of juice tightly and as soon as I finished the last word, it broke into pieces and spilled the juice all over the table. The waiter came rushing towards us and I was in deep shock to talk. Thanks to Mark he talked to him and led me to another table. He asked for the juice to be replaced.

"Thank you," I managed to say and Mark had this concerned look written all over his face.

"They must have really hurt you badly",he said in a low tone. I just nodded and sipped my juice. I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Well, I gotta go now. Here is my card, call me when you are ready okay? And am taking care of the bill too," he said as he rose from the seat.

'Thank you!" I gave him small smile.

I sat down wondering how a glass could just break in my hands unintentionally. My fury must be on another level.

After taking my lunch I head straight home. I needed to start taking the medication. Its been a while since I slept at home so the time is perfect.

Immediately am home I went for a glass of water and reached for my medicine in my bad. Hazel should not know that am under medication. Its my secret now. I want to be able to take my revenge without anyone noticing. So my drugs will stay hidden in my closet.

Taking six tablets every morning, and evening like twice a day. Thinking of evening won't be good for me at job so I be taking them morning and lunch time. I just hope it won't interfere with my gym sessions. I lay on bed in my lacy night gown am overtaken by sleep.

I woke up in a dark alley, how I got here is a mystery to me. Nobody seems to be around and this gets me scared. Soon I hear whispers, I don't know from which direction but am sure someone is behind the shadows.

"Hello! Hello! Who is there? Can you hear me? Hello! Can someone please help me?"

Nothing seems to happen. The whispers keep getting louder and louder before they finally begin to laugh. That evil laughter and it started just a few meters in front of me. Then another besides me then another behind me and now all around me. My head hurts and I can feel it spinning and I scream so loud that the laughing devils stopped and faded.

"Alexa! Alexa! Wake up! Why are you screaming like that?" Someone taps me and I open my eyes to find Hazel seated at the bed holding my mouth.

Damn! That was a nightmare!

And if Hazel is here then am late for work.

"Shit,am late. What time is it Hazel?" I ask trying to spread my bed faster.

"It's half past seven," she declared

"Oh my goodness I overslept. Have you see my phone?" I ask her as I dress up. I have no time for a bath.

"I haven't seen it, maybe its in your bag," Hazel says.

"You don't look too well, why don't you call your boss and tell him you are unwell?" She pries.

That sounds like a good idea but I know Hazel will take me to hospital and I don't want anybody to know am already under medication.

"I will be fine," I tell her and reach for my bag to check my phone.

"Fifteen missed calls?" I gasp. Am so very much in trouble. Three from my boss sounds like am getting fired. Three from Lee and the rest from Lyn and Trini. Am so fucked up.

I decided to call Lyn.

"Girl, where's your ass at?" She spoke negro and I am tempted to laugh but this is a serious matter.

"Good evening to you too Lyn. Am sorry am late but I will be there in a few." I answer her.

"You better be here coz the boss is furious," she whispers and hang up.

I gotta go, am really sorry I didn't prepare anything tonight," I reach for her hand.

"Its okay I understand, go before you get fired. And call me when you settle the matter,"she says. See I have an angel right here. I peck her and hurried towards the bus station. Lucky for me I was the passenger they were waiting for since the bus was already full.

When I settled I decided to call Lee back. He picked at the first ring sounding so worried.

"Alexa are you okay? I haven't seen you at the club and everyone is worried about you." He asks immediately.

"I hope you didn't tell them am sick." I nervously asked.

"No I didn't, that's between you and me remember?" He said and I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank you, I will be there in a few," I said and hanged up as the bus got to a stop and I alighted.


"Thank God you are finally here. Where have you been girl?" Trini asked on sight. Sorry am late let me change and go see the boss first I will tell you later.

I knocked at the boss's door and when he sees me he stands up furiously.

"Are you okay alexa?" He asks and am kinda taken aback.

"I am fine sir. Sorry I am late." I said with my eyes glued to the ground.

"Better late than never. I thought something bad happened to you. I realized I haven't been good to you when you said the girls were causing trouble for you I assumed but I know your life matters. Just call next time so that we know you're safe." He says and am left in utter shock. Did my boss just say that he cares about me when he should have fired me?

"Thank you sir." Is all I could manage to say due to shock.

"One more thing, I will refund the part of salary that was cut earlier. My apologies for the misunderstanding," he adds.

Is my boss high on something or did he hit his head on a lamppost? Am so perplexed and he just dismisses me to go back to work. I came here to apologize but instead I get the apology? Wonders will never cease.

Am stupefied at the turn out of events as I reach for my phone to call Hazel. Everything seems just unbelievable and when I narrate my ordeal to Hazel, she asks if my boss is human or a saint working on earth.

The club is already half full and I make my way taking orders and replacing others. When I can't sport anyone who needs more I walk to Lee's table.

"Hey, heard you have been looking for me. Here I am sir," I tease and he turns around with a smile

"You got me worried sweetheart, you have no idea what million things went through my mind. I was thinking maybe you didn't get the prescription well and you overdosed, or you fainted on the bus, or...," I cut him short, placing a finger between his lips

"Dude, you are talking too much, plus quit over thinking. Am safe and sound, I just overslept," I whispered to him.

"You must have had amazing dreams then. Someone can't just oversleep like that," he whispered back.

"Actually I had a horrible nightmare, or should I call it 'daymare', and I ended up waking the entire estate with screams," I told him and turned to walk away.

"Are you serious Alexa?" He called after me but I was already in another table taking orders.

The night went by well no dramas just a usual.


Its morning and am heading back home. I slept well last night I guess I was too exhausted to have nightmares. Not that I looked forward to it, but I can't scream in the club, that will be crazy.

Christie and Mandy stayed behind so I have no company as I walk home today.

First thing that's comes to mind once I get inside is the drugs. I hope Hazel didn't tamper with it. If she went through my closet she probably knows that am seeing a therapist.

I take a glass of water and head straight to my bedroom. The drugs are untouched just like I left them. So I take them and head back to the kitchen to look for breakfast. Toasted bread and bacon together with black tea. Just the way I like it.

My phone chimes as I take the first bite. Its Lee checking on me this morning.

"Hello beautiful, how is your morning? I hope you had a peaceful sleep yesternight. We need to talk.!" The text read.

"Sky park in twenty minutes," I text back

"Okay on my way," came the reply and off I went to change.

We are seated in a secluded bench at the sky park. Lee came with snacks so it kind of feels like a perfect picnic. We eat silently for a while then I decide to break the silence.

"You know I didn't just come here to eat your snacks right?"

He clears his throat and faces me.

"Well, that's true, I was thinking about everything. I just needed to ask you something. Have you prepared yourself mentally and emotionally to receive the result of the therapy?"

He asks

"Of course I have. I have been waiting for this time working my ass off so that I can get money to pay to have my memory back. What are you driving at?" I crease my brows at him

"Well, I just wanted to know in advance because once I administer the other medication, there is no turning back. So this is the perfect chance for you to rethink, like maybe you should accept the current you and move on." He says calmly

"What! Are you trying to back down on me right now?" I explode

"Of course not, well...,"

"Oh, hell no! You are scared. Lee come on please don't do this. Don't start growing cold feet on me now when I need you the most," I hold his hand as I plead with him.

He can't do this to me now. After everything I have planned this is not what I expected.

"I don't want to lose you!" He suddenly blurts out.

"So all this was about you Lee? What about me? Why are you being selfish now?" I almost shout then I remembered we are still at the park and I don't need an audience right now.

"Alexa," he reaches for my hand, "I don't know how your past was like, but I know it will affect the current and the future. So forgive me if I sound selfish but trust me when I tell you this, it will definately affect everything you have already built. Your past will come back and everything will change. I still want to remain your friend but I am scared of the outcome," he sadly concludes.

I know he has a point, but I didn't run all the way just to give up before I hit the finish line, never. So I have to convince Lee somehow.

"Lee, do you have any idea how hard it is to walk around like a zombie. People plotting to kill you yet you can't see coz you have no idea how they look like? Do you have any idea how it feels to have people holding grudges on you, yet you don't remember how you hurt them? Do you have any idea how it feels to walk around while people confuse you with someone else? Calling you names you have no idea about? Well, that's how I have felt since I came back from rehab, so much I can't ignore. Having sleepless nights full of horrible nightmares is not exactly my awesome definition of life. I want a life too Lee, like a normal person. Like you Lee!" I was getting so emotional and I could see people throwing glances at me. I must have been addressing the nation. Even Lee didn't notice the passers-by.

I glanced at my watch, damn we have been sitting there for an hour plus. I was getting late for the gym so I rose wiping my tears with the palm of both my hands.

"I gotta go, call me when you are ready to continue," I told him avoiding eye contact and turned to go.

He tried to hold me back but dodged his hands and off I headed back home.