
Chapter Five


After the meal I was overtaken by sleep. I woke up later in a different room which looked more like a hospital. I wasn't the only one lying on the bed. There was someone else. He was having a transfusion too. But wait! The blood they drained on me, was supposed to be given to someone? There must be something mysterious going on. I felt light headed and weak but I had to wake up.

Before I could make any effort someone grabbed me and pinned me back on the bed. Syringe ready at hand and he squeezed the contents injecting them in my system. I let go and lay back on the bed as the drugs took effect on me.

For the next five months drugs on my system had taken full control. I had no feelings at all. Pain was gone as well as memories. At the secluded place where I was held I called it home.

I got to meet others who were abducted like me and made "laughing" friends. I guess my journey to insanity had just began and I was already past the front door.

We walked around the facility with loads of 'junk' as was referred to. We were given free syringes, food and junk was the order of the day. I became an expert in junk. Soon we were sent out to sell them.

We had specific corners of the streets where the dope exchanged hands. As for the sellers they made sure to give us our own so that we don't mess with business. I was the best saleswoman. I loved the streets and I made more money for the boss every day.

By this time they had given us different names. I didn't even remember my name. They told me I was Alexa, and so Alexa I became. After a year I was known well in the streets by fellow peddlers as well as clients. I became an underground household name.

One day the police hunted us down and since we had never been ambushed before, most of us were caught unawares.

That's how I landed myself in jail. Torture began. My body could not function without drugs. I became a shadow of myself. Euphoria and hallucinations kept me awake all day all night. I felt like I was haunted. I ran all over the jail screaming like I was possessed by a wild animal.

At the station they said I was a danger to others and so I was placed in a secluded room. Dark and scary as hell. I cried my eyes out. I became filthy. Whenever I screamed officers came and gave me a hell of a beating. At night they tied me up and took turns violating me. They added more drugs in my system so that no one could take me out. I lost my dignity in prison to the night wardens who were supposed to keep an eye on me.

Three months of prison, months of whips and assaults, my body had turned from brown to dark. My wounds left scars on my back that means I was forever confined to full heavy clothing if I was to make it out of here alive.

Soon I was taken out to rehab. That was much better though full of psycho's. That's where I became better. Half way towards end of the year I was discharged. They said I was no longer a threat. On my way out someone sported me and offered to help. She said I was her classmate back in college. Her name was Hazel.