
A Ghost

She turned and walked out without anything else being said.

Troy sat there in shock. He couldn't believe that he just agreed to this crazy woman's request! She really just threatened him into giving her eighty-thousand dollars!

The moment Ace walked out the room his guards automatically stepped forward to follow her but Troy put his hand up and stopped them.

"I know you heard what she said."

Troy didn't believe it when he heard that the Raingate Mafia was taken over by a girl. He thought that they were just rumors and that the REAL Raingate Mafia leader was going to put an end to the lies, but after Troy saw Jiggy's name on a grave, he realized that someone had put an end to him. They were not rumors. A woman really took over and became the leader!

When he found out that this was true he had thought that they had became weak. To let a woman take over and lead them? The most influential families were apart of the Raingate mafia and Troy thought they had all gone weak letting that girl take over who seemingly appeared out of thin air. He got his best men to try and find out who she was and they found nothing. That woman....He had to find out where she came from.

The other two people with masks watched silently as Troy ignored their presence and fell deep into his own thoughts.

He finally came out of his daze and spoke, "Go get my wife."

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Jack and Anne were sitting on 2 feet tall cement walls that enclosed rose bushes inside of them. Anne was leaning on his shoulder and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Jack was extremely uncomfortable. He didn't know what to do and he awkwardly glanced around at the men in black that were watching them. Where was Ace?

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Ace triumphantly walked down the hall and into the ballroom, still not noticing all the eyes that were on her. She needed to leave and call Mr. Zenk who was the head of one of the families in the Raingate Mafia. When she was about to reach the door a familiar hand grabbed her arm and she turned around to see the curly-haired brunette girl that she had saved earlier. She leveled with Ace and seemed to be staring into Ace's soul with her soft blue eyes and her light brown skin radiated. She kind of reminded Ace of someone.

Ace looked around. Was this girl really touching her right now? Did she really just grab her arm?

' I might've saved her a second ago, but doesn't mean I will hesitate to end her little peasant life.' Ace thought to herself as she looked at the girl's hand in disbelief. Even though Ace thought this, her cold aura still melted and she was subconsciously relieved that the girl was okay. But Ace wouldn't let herself actually think this nor say it.

Ace looked down and saw that the girl was clenching her yellow dress in her free hand. After Ace looked back up at her, the girl immediately looked down and Ace raised an eyebrow, "Do you...need something?" She asked coldly and looked at the grip that the girl had on her.

'Ah! I'm sorry!" She let go. "um...I..Thank you for earlier! That guy spent all night trying to get me alone and I didn't know what to do! I don't even know what would've happened if you didn't show up. My name is Jenna by the way!" She softy smiled and nodded her head in appreciation as she introduced herself.

Ace nodded back, "You're welcome. Enjoy your night." she didn't introduce herself back, but instead quickly replied and started to walk away before Jenna stopped her again!

"Wait! My brother would like to say thank you too!"

Ace slowly turned around and was slightly irritated, but she didn't show it on her face. She was contemplating on just walking away from the measly girl and ignoring her, but then she saw a figure walk up to them.

A tall man weaved his way through the group of people carrying two drinks. He had dark brown hair and soft blue eyes just like Jenna. His looks were just as extravagant as Ace's. To the women that had been keeping their eyes on him since he walked in, he looked like he had fallen from heaven. He was out of place with all these average looking people. As was Ace.

His hair was slicked back but showed his curls at the end. He wore a dark red suit and tie with black shoes. Ace looked at his straight perfect nose and sharp jawline. His light brown skin looked like it was glowing and he walked up to the two ladies with a large smile that seemed welcoming.

Ace was going to take Jenna's distraction as a chance to leave, but she then got a good look at the man and she froze.

She froze not because the man was handsome. No, it wasn't that. Many handsome men walked into her life, but there was a reason that Ace stopped in her tracks for this one. It wasn't the breathtaking smile or the gorgeous hair. It was because she knew him.

She didn't know him in this life. No, she knew him in another life. A life that she had tried her best to forget. A life where she wasn't Ace. A life where she had people that she loved and cared about. A life where she didn't kill men and where she didn't live in an extravagant mansion with butlers and maids to do as she directed.

Ace was frozen. Her heart had stopped. How did he find her? how did he know that she was here? She stood there like a deer in headlights with her lipstick covered lips slightly parted. He had broken her poker face. No one has done that in years.

He too had recognized her and, unlike Ace's fearful reaction, he seemed very excited to see her. He handed one of the champagne glasses to his apparent sister and kept one to himself.

"Wow.. It can't really be you! Is that really you!?" He turned towards his sister, "Why didn't you tell me the one who saved you was Li-" Ace rushed to cover his mouth with her fingers so that he didn't finish was he was going to say.

Ace stepped back and looked at the man with sad eyes, "Please don't say that."

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked slightly confused for a second before shaking whatever he was thinking from his head and smiling again, "Well okay then mysterious stranger! What will you like for me to call you?" He was smiling playfully as though it were some type of game.

Ace looked around the room and made sure that she didn't see anyone she knew and stepped in closer towards him, "Grayson, it's great to see you. It really really is, but I can't talk to you right now. I'm so sorry." She spoke in an urgent tone. If this were an ordinary man, she would've been gone by now, but this was Grayson! A man from a life that she didn't want to remember. Someone that she could say she used to care for.

Grayson raised an eyebrow and leaned forward so he could hear her while she whispered.

"Well I guess we can skip the how have you been?" He smirked and joked again while Ace remained serious.

She couldn't be seen with him. Not by her men and not by Troy's.

"Here give me your phone." She rushed him to take his phone out and she quickly texted her number before handing it back.

"Don't text me, i'll text you." Before Grayson could say anything Ace walked out the exit in a rush as Grayson watched with a lost expression.

He then laughed and sipped his champagne, "She always was a weird girl. I can't believe she's here though! I didn't know that Raingate was where she disappeared off to."

Jenna stood there extremely confused by the entire situation. It all happened so fast. Ace spoke so fast and Jenna barely had enough time to get her thoughts together so she could ask a question.

"Gray....you know her?" She looked at him and waited for an answer.

"Yep. She's a really really old friend. It's been forever since I've seen her. She did grow up to be a quite...beautiful woman." He smirked and looked back at his disoriented sister.

"She was so cold a second ago. You should've seen it! It was the same vibe she gave off with that creepy man. I thought she was going to end my life!" Jenna let out a sigh of relief as though she dodged a bullet.

Grayson bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows, "Mm...no that doesn't sound like her. Tell me more about what happened down that hallway."

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Jack heard heels clicking against the pavement and turned his head carefully making sure not to wake the woman beside him. He saw Ace walking out, but what he saw confused him. Ace looked like she had seen a ghost. He's never seen her like this before.

As she walked up to him, like it was on cue, a man that Jack recognized to be one of Troy's men walked out of the building behind her. Ace's guard dogs, as Jack liked to secretly call them, moved their jackets to reveal their guns. A few of them even had their fingertips on the handles. Ace turned around and saw him coming towards her, but she did nothing but put her hand up signaling for her men to stand down.

The man ignored all of them and only kept his eyes on Anne as he picked her up. A black limo pulled up and he gently placed Anne inside before climbing inside himself.

They all silently watched the process until the black limo pulled off. Jack massaged his aching shoulder and neck that Anne caused.

"Wow she's really heavy."

A valet driver pulled up with Jack's car and Ace spoke to Jack as she walked towards the car, "It's not nice to call a woman heavy, Jack." Her face was back to it's blank state and her eyes gave away nothing as usual. It was like the expression he had just saw was never there in the first place.

Before she stepped in she halted and realized she had forgotten that she had twelve men standing there waiting for her orders, "You're dismissed." She then got into the passenger side of the car.

Jack spoke as he walked over to the driver's side, "Yeah and threatening to kill a man's family isn't nice. Leaving me with that woman without filling me in on the plan wasn't nice either but you don't hear me saying anything." Jack mumbled to himself, but quickly stopped ranting the moment he opened the door so she didn't hear him.

Jack had to convince one of Ace's guard dogs to fill him in on what Ace was even doing. In reality, Jack wasn't fully apart of Raingates Mafia. He had relations to it, yes but he wasn't in the full circle. He was the son of the lawyer that they used whenever one of them had gotten into legal trouble. His dad was very important, but Jack wasn't. He didn't contribute much. Ace met him one day and decided from then on out that he was her errand boy. From the moment she met him she gave him a task and walked away before he could say anything.

Jack had extreme respect for Ace. She paid his father graciously and was extremely giving towards the people who were loyal to her, but extremely unforgiving towards the one's who are not. He admired her truly and he strived to be able to be respected like she was one day.

The car was quiet. Jack kept glancing over at Ace, who had let her bun down so that her hair was now sprawled out over her shoulders. Jack once again broke the silence, "Did everything go well?" He didn't want to ask what took her so long to come out. He'd be out of line to rush her. He really wanted to ask her why she had the expression that she did on her face when she walked out, but then again he'd be out of place prying.

"Yes." her answer was short and she didn't give details. She never gave out the details of business unless she was having a meeting with the head families.

Jack took a deep breath as they stopped at a light. He gathered up all his courage to finally ask her, "Ace why did you look like you had just seen a ghost when you walked out?"

Ace thought that Jack was getting bold making conversation with her. Usually he just does what she asks and he's dismissed, but now he seems to be growing some chest hairs.

' Well, I do need a new right hand man.' She thought to herself and thought about grooming him to be a good business man.

Ace frowned as she answered his question, "That's because I did."

A new character introduction? I wonder what his importance is! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to give your opinions.

QingMojidoricreators' thoughts
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