Charles is an ordinary boy living in 2128 and he is really looking forward in his future into becoming a disk gladiator . Join Charles with his friends through their year's at academy , exploring the world , exploring their powers and ahed............
The sun was shining brightly on the head of the people , it was probably the noon . The day was perfect for the match about to happen in the Stanford stadium .
Everyone was excited all over the world because today's match was happening between the two biggest champions of all the century .
Big G from the Taurus side and Shocker from the Aquarius side .
And those who were lucky enough to gt the tickets , were surrounding the stadium excitedly .
A small 7 year old boy was sitting in the passenger seat of car looking over the happy crowd .
When a soft lady voice calls him –
"Charles , Charles !!!!! "
She reaches the car and says...
" Honey look , I got the tickets!!!!"
She grins while waving the ticket's in air . A big smile is stretched on her face .
The boy was delighted to hear the news .
" So shall we go in then ? "
" But mom where's dad ? "
"Oh well honey , he's on his way .
Might be in traffic , he'll be here any minute now . "
" Can we wait for him ?"
" Dear the gate is already open , I am afraid we will miss our first row seats ."
They both went into the stadium and the match started after some national anthem , lasting for almost an hour .
While coming back after the match ,
the boy asks him mother–
" Mom can I be like them someday ? "
" Of course honey you can ! , my little Disk Gladiator . "She replies making her way through the heavy crowd .
While running to his car -
" Dad !!!!!!"
The boy shouted and ran towards a muscular ,tall man with a handsome face .
" Hey there my little man , Sorry I couldn't make it on time . But I assure you I'll make it the next time . " He replies throwing him in the air while the boy laughs .
"Sorry Lucinda "
"You should be " – She replies , clearly angry with him being late .
" Don't worry I'll make it next time . And sorry I can't stay longer , I have another meeting today .
I just came up to see Charles ."
The small boy was listening at this conversation .
Some voice inside his head keep saying ....
" Daddie no , please don't go .....please dad , there won't be next time , dad please.....No Daddddddd!!!!!!!!!! "
"Charles , honey are you okay dear ? "
His eyes shot open and he look around the room terrified . The room was almost dark , if it hadn't been the small light lighting the room . He was completely covered in sweat , his face pale of any colour as though he have seen a ghost .
It took half a minute for him to recover .
"Are you okay ? "– His mom asks patting him on the head .
He doesn't reply back , but from his face she understood it was the same dream again .
But still for him , she asks agin .
" Same dream again ? "
He nodes back and starts crying . His shoulder shake loudly as lone tears make their way down his eyes .
She sits on the bed with him , her one arm over his shoulder.....
" Don't worry dear "
" I don't know why I can't forget him , it's been 7 years since he's gone but I don't know why can't I forget him ."
" Oh no honey , you don't have to....Who told you to forget him , I know you miss him a lot .
Your father was a great man , he loved you a lot . It's not easy for you but sometimes you have to move on .
Don't be ashamed to miss him , make it your strength . Make him proud . I know someday your gonna do that .
Okayyyy? "
There was silence in the room for some time , until he replies...
" Yeahh I-I know"– Still sobing .
She removes her arm slowly from his shoulder , and starts to go out of the room .
" And yeah don't forget you have school today . "– She says cheerfully trying to cheer him up as well .
He sits there alone for a few minutes and then looks at the digital watch which was hanging over the wall . It wasn't an ordinary watch , other then time , it also showed date , day , year , weather and Horoscope .
It was 5:45 , his usual time for waking up , the date was November 23rd 2128 .
The weather was snowy and a good day for Aquarius . He'll be hearing a good news .
His school transport usually comes at 7:30 sharp , so he had managed his time according to that .
Before going to school he used to watch his favorite TV program ( Monster Hunters ) .
The TV was a big screen of hologram which can be controlled with the help of fingers .
Today after watching his show , he was just shuffling around some channel when he came across one ( HBY TV 20) .
He looked at the show that was programming , "Evolution of Disks ". He has always taken a liking in Disks .
Checking he has a little bit of time left before leaving , he decided to watch the show .
" Good morning ladies and gentleman , and to all those who are watching our show at this time of the day . Cause 75 % people usually sleep at this time . "
Charles giggles a bit .
" So let us directly start today's topic cause I don't wanna waste anybody of yours time . As you all know , in today's world , 'Quantilium Disks' are common to everybody who wishes to have one . And you also know that these powerful discks are the discks which when activated covers the host's body with suit made out of any metal , and helps him to control his zodiacal power .
But what many of you don't know is that when were these discks invented ?
How and why people started using them ? ...In today's session , we'll try to give you the answers ...
So the first prototype of the discks were invented in 2028 by Chadwick James Luthor . It was only the prototype so this was not that much efficient . The armor was made of nothing more then iron , which makes it difficult to move with .
People started using these discks because of the pandemic of 2020 .
In that pandemic , thousands of people lost their lives and to make sure this never happens again , these discks were invented . So that they can give protection to the outer body but as well as inner strength . "
" Charles , school or you'll be late . "– His mom warns him from the kitchen . But he still tries to concentrate on the show as it seemed pretty interesting .
" And after that time it's been over 85 years since the disks are in our life and next year it'll be 100 . So next year Luthor Cops is going to organize a big....
The hologram was turned off by his mother .
" School!! , just look at the time . "
It was 7:22 already . He realised that he was late for school so , he quickly grabs his bag and runs out of the house towards the ENP Bus stop .
" I hope today will be better . "
He mutter's under his breadth while running .