
The history

The malfunction happened abruptly. Many people gave birth to children who had hair, eyes, and nails a certain color and those children had special abilities. People have named this the world's malfunction. Anyone with a color is called a malfunction, that's all scientists have came up with. That this is a malfunction and these people turning up now are malfunctions. This started in year 2040 and it is now 2060.

The world doesn't really know what it is doing now, everything is haywire. People are panicking, the government is panicking, everyone is panicking. Most of the decisions the government has made is out of fear and most of the time they are straight up dumb and idiotic. However there is sometimes a smart one like making all guns illegal because if they where still around more people would be turning up dead then their already was and there is a lot.

Some parents are even abandoning and putting up malfunctioned children just because they are malfunctioned. The world is a very dangerous place, the crime rate has gone from a 65 to an solid 90. Which if you saw today's society it's not at all surprising, in fact maybe it is because you may think it is to low. Nowadays, it is very and I mean very easy to get away with murder. Just about any malfunction could do it if they wanted.

So they government had to do something about this and they had to do it fast. So everyone from every country (just about every country) got together and started brainstorming. Just coming up with every idea possible even if it didn't make a lick of since. Finally, over a corse of six years they came up with a decision everyone agreed on. They would import every malfunction even if they are above 18 to a school where they would train them and set up a life plan that they have to go by. And if they don't then they are punished by death.

Red: fire

Orange: shapeshifters into animals

Yellow: electric

Green: Earth

Blue: Water/Ice

Purple: Magic

White: Air-bending

Black: Shadow-Bending

Types hair, eyes, and nails are the color of their type.

Red type's manipulate fire out of themselves and it can come out of any part of their body. Whenever their emotions are very strong their hair catches on fire. The more intense the emotion is the more he fire will spread and grow. Also, its growth and severity differs with different emotions and how passionate they are.

Orange type's can shape shift into anything besides human beings. Most of the time orange types are very good it's animals, animals tend to attracted to them. Oranges, often have birthmarks on their faces, the form of the birthmark is different for everyone. Only into animals.

Yellow types sprout electricity. Yellow's use their electricity to shock people, charge and turn on stuff, jump higher then the average person, and have sudden bursts of energy that can throw them a small distance. They are very twitchy.

Green's can manipulate the Earth in however way they want. They are more affective in places with more Earth. However, in worst case scenario they can manipulate house plants, pots of dirt, etc. They can not manipulate water. Also, whenever they touch dead earth it will come back alive.

Blue types can manipulate water and ice. It was originally just water until it developed to where they could also control ice. Blue types have a higher risk of crying uncontrollably and are more emotional. They basically cry whenever they have a very strong emotion

Purple types use magic. When purple types are born they come out with a spell book, each spell book is different from every other purple type's spell-book. The spell book could have more earthy, hex's, healer spells, etc. The spell-book is fit for their owner, fitting their needs, morals, what they are most talented at, etc. Their are also many different types of spells and types of magic, to many to list or that we may know about.

White types are air-benders. Air-benders manipulate and bend air. They can use it for whatever they want, such as, moving quickly (very quickly), flying, blowing gusts of wind, etc. White's are very agile and move quickly. They are heavy briefers.

Black types control shadows. They can jump into and enlarge them. They can also pop out and spy out of them. They can travel long distances as long as all the shadows touch on another. Also, they can only enlarge one shadow at a time while they are not in a shadow. Most of the time black types carry a weapon with them since they have no direct way to attack.

The chapters will be longer soon! I promise! :)

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