
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · Fantasía
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30 Chs

13) New Member In The Party


Lucy was fidgeting while Gi Wan took a better look at her and rummaged through his memories.

"Ah! You are that stalker who used to stalk me one my way from home to college and college to home. You even moved to the flat next to mine just so you could stalk me better."

Lucy flinched.

"W-What do you mean stalker? I just so happened to move to that flat and you just so happen to go in the same way as me at the same time."

"What are you even saying? I bet you have some kind of stalker title because of your stalking abilities."

Lucy flinched once again.

Rai came closer to Lucy and whispered

"Hey, if you are his stalker, do you know his preferences in you-know-what?"

Lucy looked at Rai as if she was disgusted and said

"Dude, are you a homo?"

Rai looked confused and said

"What's a homo?"

"First say me why do you need his preferences and what is that you-know-what?"

Rai looked confused.

"Well, obviously I wanted his preferences in weapons or skills as i need to know them to get on his good side. I mean, getting close to an apostle would make you more secure you know..."

"And what's an apostle?"

"Well tha-"

"What are you both murmuring to yourselves?"


Rai moved away from Lucy. Lucy, then, looked at Gi Wan with cute eyes. To be honest, Lucy is also one hell of a hottie. She has a cute face and brown hair, probably because she is a foreigner, she was...


Lucy blushed and yelled at Gi Wan

"W-Where are you looking you fucking Otaku bastard?"

"What the hell? You even know that I'm an Otaku?"

"Says the person who wears the aheago hoodie whenever he goes out of his room."

"Stalker bitch!"

"What did you say?"

Lucy quickly summoned around 25 puzzle pieces. These puzzle pieces looked pitch black, and didn't emit any mana or aura. However, they were of different shapes. Five of them were rectangular and revolved around Lucy as if to protect her, while the rest had shapes of simple sticks and zigzag patterned sticks. Other than the rectangular pieces, all the other pieces rushed towards Gi Wan.

Gi Wan used his aura to make a huge greatsword over his staff and parried all of them. However, the pieces kept on attacking him, making him unable to attack and only focus on defense.

"Although I'm pretty much useless against monsters, I'm confident when I have to face people as they have low HP."



Rai used lightning body and dashed towards Lucy and tried to slash her head. However...


His swords were blocked by the rectangular pieces flying around Lucy. The sword which was able to slash down the noble orcs in an instant failed to cut through those pieces.


Rai kept on hitting those pieces but always failed to break them.

"Heh, you werewolf bastard. Thought you could defeat me?"

Rai was shocked. The girl definitely wasn't an apostle but he couldn't defeat her. He grew impatient and decided to attack for real now.

"Lightning God's Dual Blade Arts. 5th style."


"Endless Lightning"


Rai started to attack rapidly. Each of his hits gave out a BOOM sound. However, he still couldn't break past her defense.

"Ha! I see that you are quite strong but I'm a godess you know?"


Gi Wan let out a loud sigh.

"Authoruty over mana."

Suddenly, Lucy felt like her mana was being drained faster than usual.

"What kind of tricks are you using?"

She quickly turned one of her shield pieces into a shape representing infinity. She felt like her mana consumption was back to normal. No, it actually decreased a little!

"Haaa, guess I will just have to wait until you run out of mana."

"LOL. You think you can last that long?"

Rai smirked as he was reminded of his fight against Gi Wan. Gi Wan said confidently

"We'll see about that."


5 hours passed. The pieces which were flying till then fell down to the ground.

"Fuck, just how much stamina do you have?"

"Alot. And I gained so much thanks to being an Otaku."

Lucy thought for a moment and blushed as she realized something.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm embarrassed to hear a guy tell me how he gained so much stamina. I wonder how you'd perform i-"


Gi Wan activated his skill 'Bloodlust' and directed it towards Lucy. Rai who belatedly caught on also started to blush. Both Gi Wan and Lucy looked at him with disgusted expression.

"Stop looking at me with that face dammit!"


"Fuck! I'm out of mana and an orc had to appear right now?"

It wasn't an orc but a noble orc.

"WHAT THE HELL? The boss is coming straight away? No wait, there was that weird message earlier."

Gi Wan quickly slashed the noble orc and looked at Lucy with provoking eyes.

'Fuck, as expected these bastards are strong.'

"Well since it is not like we gained nothing from fighting you, I will let you off the hook and give you a chance to join our party."

The system messages could be seen beside him.

「Skill 'God Of Weapons (lv 8) - 2 has leveled up.

God Of Weapons (lv 8) - 2 --> God Of Weapons (lv 10) - 2

God Of Weapons - 2 is transcending.

God Of Weapons (lv 10) - 2 --> God Of Weapons (lv 1) - 3

God Of Weapons (lv 1) - 3 leveled up due to the effects of the skill 'Persistent Bastard'.

God Of Weapons (lv 1) - 3 --> God Of Weapons (lv 7) - 3」

「God Of Weapons - 3rd stage

Rank :- SSS

Lvl :- 7

Type :- Passive

Effect :- All your weapon mastery skills are combined and all of your stats are increased by 5% per level regardless of the weapon you have equipped.」

'She will definitely become really strong in the future and it is quite fun to be around her.'

"So? Will you accept the offer?"

"Tch, Not like I can survive here without joining you. Fine I will join your party. But first say me, how did you come here?"

Gi Wan, then, took his time and explained about Rai's existence and his powers to Lucy.

'So this fucker is the apostle who is responsible for the title I obtained.'

"Hey Rai, isn't this guy too much for you to bear with? Let's kill him! I'm also quite recovered now."

"No. I will never mess with an apostle as my master ordered me to."

"Tch, so stubborn."

"You must have lots of guts to be talking about betraying me right before me."

Gi Wan pointed at Lucy with his staff covered by an aura spear.