
the world that changed me

25 year old mike gets to be the first experiment of the new world. is this good luck or bad luck for him. what will he find. will he be the savior or the end of the world?

mdh · Fantasía
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8 Chs

chapter 6 learning about the demi humans

as of this point mike and oka start's to help around where they could.

they seem to accept oka after they got to know her, but as for mike its not gunna be easy.

oka went around helping the villagers to hunt.

mike thought (damm oka became better at fighting beast).

(she comes with less and less bruises).

(as for me i am still recuperating).

hey emma can i go help you guys with something?

emma answered no.

mike asked why no i can help people out with one hand or sometimes none even.

i kind of hate being in debt of someone.

emme said since you are so adamant at it i can let you try at the impossible one's.

where our doctor's have no idea since we cant heal it with magic.

are you sure you want to try.

you can barely stand.

mike answered yeah it hurts.

but i want to do something.

its annoying me doing nothing but staying in bed and to look at the sky.

and the food tastes average.

emma said hey everyone my food is delicious.

mike anwsered maybe being fed by a hot girl.

emma said should i take that as a compliment or s insult.

mike answered both.

emma said can you cook better than me.

i would like to see that.

deal i will make something to make the food taste less bland after a bit.

ok we are here emma said

first patient we cant find out why he keeps fainting.

and he said also when he close to fainting he loses half of his vision.

whenever we use magic to heal him he comes back sick after some days.

so we don't know what to do with him.

mike answered ok.

this guy is getting migraine.

after he wakes up ask him if he eats enough and tell him to not overexert his body.

also to eat properly.

it seems your guys magic does not heal chronic illnesses.

emma said you said some gibberish at the end of the sentence

but did you call me a guy?

dont call me a guy.

mike said okay okay i dont know why you are so annoyed by what i said.

emma said i dont understand your feeling's

it's like you have none.

like at all.

your aura never changes so i can never tell what are you thinking.

mike asked what do you mean aura.

and the reason why i am so emotionless is because of their experiments.

emma answered maybe later i will you about it, but you sure that your method will work.

mike said yes one hundred percent.

emma sigh's and il believe you for now.

and what did you mean with chro whatever illness

mike said il tell you another day.

emma said okay we are here.

this woman is the other patient that comes back every once in a while.

she comes with swollen mouth but thanks to our magic we quickly remove some of her swollenness that she does not suffocate

mike said ok so these one are allergic to something that she eats or touches or gets sting's by.

ask her what she did the day before becoming like this.

after that tell her to not do of the things that i stated.

then she wont get sick anymore.

emma asks how can you be so sure.

mike answered in my world there was allot of information how to deal with stuff of people.

emma said its hard to believe that you came from another world.

that being said how did you even get here.

to our would i mean.

mike answered i don't know.

i just went to sleep and woke up here.

emma said really you woke up here?

mike answered yeah.

emma said that is not that believable.

mike answered i know right.

oka said okay so.....

we move to the next patient and the most grim one.

we have no clue what to do with these type of people.

when they like this they die after a while.

with our healing makes it worse quickly.

so we just have to care of them until they die.

il take you to one.

mike stays silent.

........okay we are here.

do you know of a method to cure her?

mike said nah it seems like this one is too late.

normaly cutting of a limb would help but in this case its too late.

emma said how can you look at her without any emotion's and talk like its nothing.

are you even human!

this is really saddens me.

how can a person have no remorse.

mike about to say something emma pushes mike to the wall.

mike slides to the ground.

mike said ouch.

and emma leaves the room.

as i try to stand on my own.

my body is shaky and weak.

as i get close to the door.

someone get in the room.

its the grandma of emma.

emma's grandma said so she showed you what we cannot fix.

i feel sad looking at these people.

sorry about my niece.

she can be like that sometimes.

so i heard you came from another world.

do you know a method to save her tell me.

the only thing my son has its her and emma.

mike said so its her sister.

sorry but my method's of my world has no way countering it.

if it gets so far.

and where is their father.

emma's grandma said he went going around the world just to find something or someone that can cure her.

mike askes is that why emma is in such a touchy mood?

emma grandma said yes.

mike askes emma grandma do you really want to save her.

she answered yes.

can you teach me magic.

your healing capabilities are interesting.

maybe teaching me i can get a method to heal her.

but since you don't trust me.

i wont blame you if you don't want to teach me.

if you are going to teach me its gunna be soon.

she does not have much time.

emma's grandma grabs mike and tells him give me a day to think about it.

and i told her about the other patient i looked at.

after that she drops me off in my bed and went away.

and i try to practice my magic.....