
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: New Soviet Leader!

Presidential Office, White House ------


On the other side of the globe the president Bush again played the assassination incident.

Black circles could be seen under his eyes, not just him but also the other senators and the generals around him.

They were all waiting for the CIA 's intelligence report.

They are all staring at tv without blinking. And it wasn't just them all the leaders around the world were doing the same.

The CIA chief opened the door of the president's bedroom without knocking, and shouted excitedly in disregard of etiquette, "Mr president, the report from the CIA! Here's the latest conclusion."

  But when he opened the door, he saw Bush pick up the phone beside the bed, staring at him with a frown, making a gesture to silence him.

Then Bush uttered the historic greeting as if chatting with an old friend, "Thank God, Mikhail, is that you my friend? Are you all right?"

  However, the person was not Gorbachev who picked up the phone, but it was comrade Andrei, right from the Kremlin office.

  "I'm sorry, my friend George. President Gorbachev can no longer perform the duties of the president due to physical reasons. From now on I will take over all his duties. Oh, yes, I almost forgot to introduce myself.

I am Andrei Ivan Kornilov , now the supreme leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. If you don't know me yes i am the young handsome guy on the tv. Don't get jealous of my looks"

  "What will you do to Mikhail? He is a friend of our Americans." Bush clenched the microphone, and even used a small threat.

  However, Bush forgot that Andrei is not a soft character, "I thought that there were only interests between countries, but I didn't expect an American president would befriend the country's leader who they consider the most evil."

  "Mikhail and I are good friends in private, and have nothing to do with you and the Soviet Union." Bush quibbled.

  "Forget it, I don't care about your relationship with Gorbachev, but there is one thing I want to remind you Americans." Andrei's voice suddenly became serious.

"I have enough of your hypocritical liberal ideas or the ideas of the communists. Remember the Soviet union is an evil empire and even the Empire might be in difficulties now but it's an Empire indeed. The world is at stake!

Remember Gorge if i die I'll make sure to drag you to the grave with me ."

Bush raised his head and met Brent's eyes. He lowered his head and asked, "Then what do you want?"

  "It's nothing, I just want to tell you that the relationship between countries should sometimes be like a businessman doing business, only discussing interests, not ideology. When there are common interests, they should benefit from each other. Isn't it ?

But if the other party wants to frame themselves in every possible way, in addition to vodka to receive guests, the Slavic nation also has a Ak-47 rifle to treat the enemy."

  Andrei told Bush vaguely that he did not want to continue the boring ideological confrontation, but if the United States continued to provoke aggressively, he would not mind turning the bipolar structure into an abyss of war .

  "Okay, if there is nothing else, President Bush should go to bed early. After all, you may not have slept well all day. Good night, my new friend.

Oh one last thing. God bless the Soviet union"

Andrei hung up the phone without waiting for Bush to finish speaking.

He took a long breath, it felt like a dream to him that he just lectured the President of the United States! The most powerful person in the world! He laughed out.

"Hahaha hahaha the world is at stake! the world is at stake!"

  On Bush's side, Brent and him both looked at each other , the phone was on loud speaker and everyone heard their conversation . Their faces were pale.

"G...od bless the Soviet union?"

Bush couldn't help but to murmur again.

For deeply religious Bush senior the fact that a soviet leader can utter these words was incredible.

He said , "The coup, the emergency committee won, and our friend Gorbachev lost. Now the Soviet Union has completely slipped into the abyss beyond our control, Brent, I want to call an emergency meeting ."

  Brent was dumbfounded, and stood in place as if struck by lightning.

At this moment, he slowly looked at the paper in his hand, and saw the most concise summary of the intelligence agency written on it, which echoed the ending of this call.

  The chance of a successful coup by the State of Emergency Committee is 65%. The probability of failure is forty-five percent.

  Bush rubbed his face with his hands, and said slowly, "It seems that we are about to face a tough opponent. This will definitely be another serious disaster for the free world."


The assassination of Yanayev caused a lot of fluctuations in the Soviet political situation, which was already undercurrent.

The Soviet authorities or the people could not accept the bad news of losing two top leaders within two days.

So the emergency council decided to elect a new face to save the soviet union from the crisis.

  Of course, no one would know that the gunman who attacked was the best sniper of the GRU, and he had rehearsed a dozen times for this seemingly impromptu assassination.

  The injury of the supreme leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union gave the soldiers under martial law a reason to expel the demonstrators in an open and aboveboard manner.

When the shield policeman cleared the field, the birds and beasts immediately dispersed. After all the people dispersed at the gate of the White House, Yeltsin's body was carried out by the GRU assassins and secretly transported to the hospital morgue.

  Then in the afternoon, the news that Russian President Yeltsin committed suicide in fear of guilt was broadcast on the TV screen repeatedly, and declared that the Soviets would not let Yeltsin and his party destroy the country.

Some political allies who had secret deals with Yeltsin saw the news, took out their pistols in despair, and stuffed them into their mouths.

For them, suicide and being arrested by the KGB, they would rather choose the former.


  However, many intellectuals who advocate Western-style democracy and freedom showed disdain for the news, which was hailed as the victory of the people, and said "bah" with disdain.

It's just that these flies who will soon realize that the special psychiatric hospital of the KGB Fifth Bureau is a kind of enjoyment of summer vacation compared with the torture they suffered.


On the morning of August 19,1991 everyone across the world greeted the sun with dark and darker circles under their eyes.

Especially those in the Soviet union .

Everyone was eagerly waiting to see the new master of Karmiln.

Ambassadors, dignitaries, communist party officials and journalists across the globe were making the red square crowded.

But there wasn't much disturbance as 30,000 red guards flanked them. Truly a sight to behold.

Prime Minister Pavlov and First Vice Chairman of the National Defense Council Baklanov came to the podium and gave the usual feel good speech.

They both declined to take the post of Genaral secretary sighting their age and encourage everyone to choose someone more younger and capable.

Then finally Anderi entered the scene , in a professional suit, accompanied by Natalia, flanked by Yor and Natasha, serving as bodyguards with unwilling faces.

Despite their objections he kinda forced the girls to accompany him. After all he wasn't going to debut his political career accompanied by grumpy old dudes.

The girls were in black military dresses, looked super sexy.

What's more the person who was leading Anderi was the head of the orthodox church, the ultimate heretic/ final boss for communists.

Just seeing him in such important place many die hard communist fainted.

Anderi took a deep breath, then under the eyes of the world and the clicks of the camera he got up to the podium and looked at the crowd.

There are nearly 100,000 people in front of him and he knew everyone across the world was watching him. He felt a bit daunting.

(These are all mine.)

"Citizens of Moscow, please calm down. I am the New General Secretary Of the Soviet Union, Andrei Ivan Kornilov." He spoke in a steady and powerful tone.

(The Soviet Anthem being played)

"The Great Soviet union has suffered a lot. It has experienced the barbaric iron hooves of the Tatars, the spears of the Napoleonic Empire, the knives of the Ottoman, and the bombardment of the Nazi bastards.

However, these invaders were driven out by us without exception. My soviet, without exception, was victorious!

But this time, the motherland once again faced a dangerous test, not from a ferocious foreign enemy, but from a despicable and shameless traitor. And countless foreign enemies are gleefully waiting for us to fall, so I promise that all the traitors will be tried as they should, and their despicable behavior will not go unpunished!"

The music of Soviet March was being played, tanks rolled in . Troops marched in disciplined line.

"We will unite the Red Soviet. We have nowhere to retreat, nowhere to compromise. Behind us is Moscow, the Red Square, the Kremlin, and our belief!

Anderi extended his toward the red flag. and then clenched has fist, shouted ,

Down with the enemies of the people! Long live the Soviet!"

Andrei saluted the flag as the song ended, followed by soldiers, making a spectacular scene, captured by the camera.

A thunderous cheer rang out from the red square welcoming a new age of war.


Okay guys comrade Andrei has now become the Soviet leader as he struggle to keep it together. Now give some 5 star reviews or I'll just drop it.

I have lots of ideas about the story but it doesn't seem to get much views so I'll have to start something new. So please rate this novel and leave a comment. I really appreciate it.

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