A guy dies and wakes up in a world where there's immortal dark witches and a immortal that likes his coffee
[ Hey guys, This is my first story after getting inspiration after reading fics from some of my newest favorite authors here as of late love to give them a shout out to making me get of my lazy rear and finally take the dive to start writing, so big thanks to Saeko_Kaburagi, and Lilith_Zenon. Amazing stories so if you can please check out their stories and see why I enjoy there stories.
I would like to add that I don't own these properties just my OC's. I also want to state this may be a single pairing, I don't know if I'll change this in the future but since I'm not that good at writing Romance or remembering too many characters at any given time it may take a while before any changes are made so please hold on and be patient with me as I get my bearings.]
The Void where all Reincarnation stories seem to start, there is a single entity floating in the vast nothing that is empty space outside the multiverse. If we look closely we will notice a vague male shape just staring into the nothingness losing his mind slowly.
{MC's Pov}
Well shit, I knew I should've been paying attention while walking out of that Café but this scene in the chapter I was reading was just soo captivating that when I turned the page that i didn't notice the Jackass hydroplaning down the street hit me like Truck-kun's revenge on steroids. So, here I am floating in the Void waiting for the random ROB to kick me into a new world with some BS powers with some unknown drawback that's gonna give me a migraine to try to figure a loop hole with.
While my little monologue is going on a new being walks out of a rift behind me drinking a coffee with a look of amusement at the soul in front of her. A Goddess with snow white hair, ice blue eyes with pointed ears like an elf with light greyish skin and hour glass frame wearing a long flowing black dress that doesn't leave much imagination to her looks.
"well, are you done losing your mind or would you like to get this over with?" The strange woman asks while our MC just deadpans at her.
"Yes, that would be more productive than whatever I was doing. So what's next I already aware that I'm dead and while I had a decent run at my life I'm ready for the next great adventure?" He said while looking the goddess up and down.
The goddess while sipping her coffee notices him checking her out which just makes her smirk as he's not the first mortal today to do so. "well lets start with with my name shall we. You may call me Lady Luna and while I would like to send you off on your way with a OP system that's not what I'm going to do because I've never like those little handy caps you mortals seem to like so what I'm going to do is give you four wishes and let you design your new body before sending you a world that has been annoying me and let you have fun and shake some things up." She says while smugly looking at his annoyed look.
He shakes his head and thinks for a moment. 'Well my wishes should depend on the world she sends me to but there's a chance I can travel to other worlds later so I need to plan ahead and not catch myself with my pants down without any back-ups.' He looks over at the goddess and asks. "So can I know which world I'm going to and if there's a chance to traverse the multiverse?"
Lady Luna takes a second in surprise that this mortal actually thinks before blurting out wishes without getting any info before hand. 'Yes this mortal will be interesting to watch and see what his story will unfold maybe throw some obstacles to test his mettle.' "Since you asked before blurting out nonsense I will let you know the world you will me sent to and yes, you will be granted multiversal travel after doing tasks I ask of you as well as other boons if you take up the challenge. And the world you will get sent to is RWBY."
He nods understanding that there's more than just running around in the new world than just doing whatever he wants. "Ok my first wish is unlimited potential, second my abilities can't be copied or stolen, third I would like a True shapeshifting ability meaning I can change into anything and get whatever natural skills and abilities of the form I take, and my forth wish... I want pseudo immortality so I'll never age or get sick but can die in battle if I get reckless then it's my own fault."
Lady Luna smiles and nods. "all good wishes and very responsible for your own actions this will be fun. While most of your wishes are easier to grant there will have to be a downside to the third wish. You will have a Time limit to how long you can stay in larger forms compared to smaller. For example if you... lets say change into a dragon or something of the same size you will only get to stay in that form for about 3 hours at a time does that seem acceptable?"
He thinks for a moment than nods. "Yes Lady Luna, I think I can live with that so next up is character creation? *sighs* I hope this doesn't take several hours."
[5 Hours later]
"Finally, couldn't decide on the one thing guys would change or leave as is though I will say I kept it somewhat average in my opinion in the looks apartment." Our MC says to himself while looking over his work. What he ended up with is a male body of 189cm (or 6'2 for my fellow americans) with a chiseled chin, short black hair with grey blue eyes, wearing a black V-neck t-shirt with faded blue jeans and black sneakers. "Not bad but do you pan on staying human or try out being Faunus?" Luna asks while checking over his new body.
"Yea, I think i can get away with being faunas with these abilities, I think I'll go with a wolf faunas since I have a soft spot for wolves plus I wonder how my interactions with Blake will be like since she was afraid of the corgi?" MC says while thinking about his favourite cat faunas.
"Alrighty than we're all done here so we can move on and send you on your way." Luna says as she snaps her fingers while a large black hole appears under the MC. "W What the hell!" MC yells while falling through the hole in space and time. "whoops forgot to tell him when he was arriving oh well." Luna says as she returns back to her realm.
[MC's POV again]
"FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK" Our unfortunate MC yells while falling from the sky. 'What the hell Lady Luna just dropping people from the sky. Wait shapeshifting maybe I can change to a bird so I don't smash into the ground." After a few seconds of falling unable to shapeshift our MC gives up while smashing into the ground like a pancake. *Groans* "already in a new life and I hate sky diving...." he wobbly gets up and looks around before spotting a tombstone that reads 'Summer Rose. "Great atleast I know where I landed." He starts walking through the trees before he starts to hear growling coming from a bush to his left. "Great just my luck....now just have to kick some evil puppies and go for some cookies and choco milk." he takes a stance after picking up a branch nearby for a weapon. A single beowolf jumps out of the bush running at him with its mouth wide open. He swings the branch hitting the beowolf sending it flying into a nearby tree before it fades into smoke. "wait what the hell wasn't that too easy?" Unknowingly a young girl with a red cloak was watching nearby with stars in her eyes.