
The examination

"Age?" The man's voice filled the small space between them.

"Twenty." She said somewhat frightened. She was not one of those women who got scared quickly but something was wrong with the person in front.

"Take off your clothes please." She was stunned. She opened her eyes widely and waited for another confirmation. Or maybe that he would laugh right after to indicate that he was joking.

"I did not understand." She waited patiently for that laughter that would probably never come.

"What did you not understand? I'm asking you to undress." He glanced at her covertly before lowering his head to the papers that stood messily in front of him. He was serious.

"Miss, your clothes, away from your body." He started explaining as if she had some defective brain cells. She didn't blame him, she was not moving from the chair and was too focused on a white dot on the table.

"No." She said without raising her eyes.

"Then why did you come? If you do not intend to undress you can leave." He answered very calmly. She did not know what reaction she was expecting, but this was not it.

This time she looked up, she looked at him as if she were asking for mercy. And maybe she was.

"Please." She begged with a broken voice. She did not care about pride, or anything else, she just wanted him to understand.

As she begged, he took one of the pens that stood carelessly on the table and did not hesitate to place a large cross on the sheet with her data.

"OK." She said within seconds.

She got up heavily from the chair and began to remove the clothes she was wearing. She turned his back and unclipped her brassiere, letting them fall to the ground.

When she was fully naked she turned to his direction and waited for some kind of reaction. But he was not seeing her at all, not even a glance.

He gestured to the corner of the room, implying that she should go there.

The road to there seemed longer than it actually was. She tried to cover herself with her hands and occasionally imagined the lustful looks of the man.

"Weight?" His voice woke her from her thoughts and she jumped a little out of fear. But she quickly climbed on the scale and said aloud the number that appeared on the small screen.

"What about now?" she asked after some seconds had passed, more than a person might normally need to write down a two-digit number.

"You're underweight." Answered the man. She was not expecting this comment, it was not something new, but it seemed too out of place for him, exactly him, to point out her lack of weight.

If you could look closely under his shirt, you could see the last two ribs that, if strained a little, could come out of there.

"You too." She said without thinking. She was not sure if she was offended by what he said or simply irritated by the fact that she was completely defenseless against his gaze. Whatever it was, within a few seconds she realized she should not have opened her mouth at all.

"You are here to be judged by me and not the other way around." She refused to speak again. She knew he was right and just stood there waiting for his next move.

"Anyway. Lie down." He told her as soon as he realized he would not get any response from her.

In another situation she would have made some of those totally childish comments of hers, perhaps, and would have laughed out of absurdity, but she had already realized that one wrong move could cost her more than a few broken bones.

She did as she was told, even though she knew that within a few seconds she would feel his breathing on her. She began to hope to at least he would avoid careless touches.

To her surprise, a pleasant cologne scent filled her lungs. Somewhat disappointed, she was expecting something more slanderous, the smell of tobacco, or stale meat. Even his hands were not harsh, understandable seeing the moisturizer he held on the table.

She shook her head from the unpleasant thoughts that occupied her as he began to touch her feet. What was she even thinking! She was not like that. It was his fault and his soft hands. Delicate touches and frequent breathing.

She wanted to slap herself in the face. Until a few minutes ago she was disgusted by him and his words, and now, now she was forcing herself not to do something she would later regret.

"A virgin?" For a few moments she thought that all the blood had gathered on her face. Why did she ask such question ?! She decided to ignore him, if he asked her again he would have to check himself.

She noticed how her lips rose slightly forming a faint smile from the last thought. This time she raised her hand and slapped herself as hard as she could.


"Is there a problem?" she denied with her head. She refused to speak out of fear that he would understand what she was feeling.

"There is no need to be ashamed. There are many like you." She frowned and gave him a stern look. She knew he could see her even though he kept his eyes fixed on her open legs.

"Like me?" She closed one leg to get his attention. He immediately raised his head and she could swear that, for perhaps less than a second, she saw him smile.

"Twenty-year-old virgins." This time it was certain that she was blushing. She was not ashamed, but she hated an old man like him making fun of her.

"It's not up to you to decide on my emotional state. You are being very unprofessional doctor." She laughed provocatively. No reaction.

"Get dressed." She got up heavily and started wearing her underwear.

"No bra." He asked again. If she had not spent enough time with him, she would have begun to think that he was giving her some sign of interest.

He started touching her breasts lightly and then put more pressure on her fingers.

"Okay." She took this as an assertion that everything was already over. He sat down again behind his desk, but this time he was watching her every move.

"You're at the right age. The weight is a bit of a problem and the small breasts, but it's adjustable." It took her a few seconds to understand what was being said. Small breasts?!

"Excuse me, but, what does the size of my breasts have to do with it?" In fact she wanted to say that her breasts were not small at all, but she did not since she knew she would not get a nice answer.

"I will recommend a dietitian with whom you can consult more about weight gain." He ignored it! She gathered her fists and took a deep breath. He was playing openly with her and she had no choice but to smile and shake her head in affirmation.

"See you in two weeks." She opened the door slowly and left the room avoiding eye contact and greetings.

"How did it go?" she immediately faced the worried face of her mother. She was trying harder than she could to be the perfect caring mother.

"Not good." She said honestly. She could be in trouble, this visit was supposed to go perfectly, without any mistakes or shortcomings.

"He told you that you can't do it, didn't he?" she hit her lightly on the head with the knuckle of her index finger making her push back a little.

"Not exactly. He told me I have small breasts." As much as she tried to erase his inappropriate comment from her memory she found it a bit impossible.

She raised her head to watch her mom's reaction and put her lip to the gas.

"I'm underweight. I'll be back in two weeks." She added, to let her know that it was just a joke.

"Besides that, everything else is okay right?" she rolled her eyes and started walking in front of her.

"Yes mom, I'm a virgin girl ready for your ritual." She heard her mother telling her to lower her voice but she simply ignored her and continued walking.