
The Witch of the Forest of No Return

What will happen if the only Grand Duke of an Empire and the Famous Witch of a Dangerous Forest met? Ezekiel is the only Grand Duke of Clovis Empire. Handsome, Powerful, Famous and Wealthy! Named it and he has it all! He is the No. 1 Bachelor in the entire Empire! But he was betrayed by one of his people. Thru twist and turns, he was saved by the Famous Witch of the Forest of No Return! “My role here is done. Now I need to go back in the forest and finish what needs to be done.” She said to Zhi. “Em. Inform me when you’ll be back to the Empire.” Zhi answered and a glint of loneliness can be seen from his eyes. Rin tiptoed and pat his head. “I’ll be back before you know. “She said. Ezekiel nodded. “Kyell. “The tiger opened his eyes then he stood up.

whitedestiny20 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Michael placed an envelope in front of her.

"What is this? "She asked looking puzzled. Today is Sunday and all four of them are in the Mansion. They have gathered in the garden outside.

"Open it. "Ezekiel said.

She opened the envelope and her face frowned.

"Foreign Language? Business Management, Psychology, Mathematics… Are these the subjects that you mentioned for my Mid Entrance Exam? "She asked.

Ezekiel drank his tea and nodded. "Em. Turn to the next page. "

She flipped the paper on the next page. "Studying Schedule? Monday: Foreign Language and Geography by Ezekiel. Tuesday: Business Management by Ezekiel. Wednesday: Mathematics by Ezekiel… "She read everything that is written and all of the subjects have 'By Ezekiel'.

She lifts her face and shot a glance to person himself. "What does it mean? "She said turning her gaze from him to Lawrence then to Michael.

His two aides just shrugged their shoulders, indirectly answering her that she should ask the person itself.

"Zhi? "

He cleared his throat and placed back his tea cup to the table.

"I will be personally supervising you in your study." He explained.

Her eyes lit up but suddenly, she remembered something.

"What about your work? Are you going to be on leave again? If that's the case, I'll just study by myself. I don't want you to neglect your company and work. "She answered and her voice is full of sincerity and worriedness.

Ezekiel smiled realizing that she's worried about him. He leaned close and pat her head. "You don't have to worry. I will not neglect my work nor my company. "

"Then what does this mean? "

"It means that you will be coming to the office with me. "He said and her eyes lit up in surprise.

"Really? Can I? But, am I not hindering your work in the office? "She pouted.

This time, he chuckled. Rin looked like a real little girl when she does that. "As long as it's you, you will never be a bother. "He said reassuring her.

Michael and Lawrence both cleared their throats. Then the latter said, "Such a warm day. "

Michael nodded. "Yes. So warm that I am beginning to sweat. Oh, is something biting me? "He said then acted it out.

"Invisible ants. "Lawrence remarked.

Rin shift her gaze to them so Ezekiel shot the two busybody a cold glance. "Let them be. "He said. "So, are you happy with my arrangements? "

Rin smiled widely. "Em! I'm happy that I can be with you while you're working. But don't blame me if I disturb you, okay? "She said sweetly and Ezekiel's heart can't help but to shudder in happiness.

"Yes. "His smile to her is like a ray of the sun that is burning with deep emotion.

Ah… Look at our boss. He is sooo happy. Is now the time that I should find also my happiness? Michael on his own dialogue. Lawrence notice what he is thinking so he tapped his shoulder.

"What? "

"Don't try it. Not everyone is as lucky as him. "He answered then snickered. "You will just get dumped. "

Michael just shot him a blank glance. "Bastard. "He murmured and Lawrence just grinned at him.

Once again, Rin looked at the two men on the other table. She is like checking them out and all of a sudden, a thought came to her. "Don't you think that both of them suit each other? "

Michael and Lawrence stiffed up then at the same time they sprang up from their sits and gave Rin a 'What the hell look.'

Rin can't help but laugh at the sight of them. "What? Did I say something wrong? "She said holding her tummy as she laughed.

"Hey Zhi, what do you think? "

He instantly caught what she means and seeing that she's enjoying it, he just nodded.

"Hey Boss! Why are you nodding? Are you agreeing to what she said? "Michael said reproachfully.

Rin stopped her laughing then change into an innocent girl mode. "Mister Michael? Did I say something wrong? I was just saying that both you and Mister Lawrence has a good relationship." She said with her eyes pleading.

Ah. This little Lady is becoming like a little devil!!!

Ezekiel frowned then stood up. "Let him be. Let's go back inside, it'll not be good if you caught cold. "

Rin nodded and both of them left.

"Caught a cold? She's been on the Forest almost all her life! Her immune system is on the highest level!! If she gets cold, then what about us, normal people?!! "Michael murmured and Lawrence just looked at him helplessly.


Today is the start of Rin's study for the Mid Entrance Exam of the Imperial University. And according to Ezekiel's plan, she will be with him on the office and Ezekiel will personally supervised her.

Since she's going to his office, she decided to wear a Mock Two-Piece Tweed Mini Dress. The dress has a long sleeve and a plaid A-Line style. The sleeves are in color white and are made of chiffon. (Please see pic below. Ctto) Then she paired it with a black shoe with 3inch heel.

Once she's done, she rushed out from her room that she almost bump into Ezekiel who is at the same time just finished changing.

Ezekiel's mouth fell open as he looked at the girl on her front.

"Is it not good? "She asked awkwardly.

Actually, this is one of the dresses she picked on the catalogue when she first came in the Capital. It was delivered together with the 50 sets of clothes. Yes, fifty!!! And that is aside from the ones they personally bought from the store. The dresses delivered to her all measured from her size.

He cleared his throat and coughed lightly just to hide his embarrassment. "Is this one of the clothes you pick in the Catalogue? "

She lightly nodded.

Ah. Did he make a wrong decision this time?

"If it's not good, then I will choose another one. "She pursed her lips and bit the lower part. She is also embarrassed! When Zhi didn't answer her, she turned her body around but Ezekiel immediately grabbed her hand.

"No. No. You don't need to. The dress looks good on you." He said shyly.

She looked at him then asked, "Really? Am I pretty in this dress or ugly? "

Ezekiel's embarrassment suddenly vanished. He smiled at her warmly then answered, "You are the prettiest no matter what you wear. "

She smiled widely and said, "Okay. I believe you. "Then giggled.

"Ehemmmm… Your Grace, Little Lady, are we now leaving or – "Michael stopped when Ezekiel frowned at him. Hey boss! You're so unfair!! Am I really just your servant???!! He pursed his lips then smiled.

"Our Little Lady is so pretty. Boss, are you sure you are letting other men see your Little Lady? "

Ezekiel looked at him then said, "Aren't you also one of those men? "

Michael was shot by his boss savageness!!! It's an instant kill!!

Boss. I hate you. Huhu

The poor man just walked away lifelessly.

Rin can't help but grin at Ezekiel's savageness. "Zhi, you really are cool! "She said commending him.

"Am I only cool? "

"No. You're not just cool. But you are the most handsome in my eyes. "She said.

Ezekiel laugh and pinched her cheeks. "Em. And you are also the prettiest in my eyes. "

Arrrgghhhh!!!! It's only just morning and they are already in lovey dovey mode!!!!! Michael screamed on his head.

Lawrence looked at the lifeless Michael who sat in the Passenger seat. "Are you okay? "

Michael ignored him and just closed his eyes. While the lovey dovey couple, had just sat at the back seat.