
The Witch of the Forest of No Return

What will happen if the only Grand Duke of an Empire and the Famous Witch of a Dangerous Forest met? Ezekiel is the only Grand Duke of Clovis Empire. Handsome, Powerful, Famous and Wealthy! Named it and he has it all! He is the No. 1 Bachelor in the entire Empire! But he was betrayed by one of his people. Thru twist and turns, he was saved by the Famous Witch of the Forest of No Return! “My role here is done. Now I need to go back in the forest and finish what needs to be done.” She said to Zhi. “Em. Inform me when you’ll be back to the Empire.” Zhi answered and a glint of loneliness can be seen from his eyes. Rin tiptoed and pat his head. “I’ll be back before you know. “She said. Ezekiel nodded. “Kyell. “The tiger opened his eyes then he stood up.

whitedestiny20 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter Ten

At 10.30 pm, they arrived at the Rheids Mansion located at an Exclusive Subdivision in the First District of the Capital. It has two Huge gates in front; one for the entrance and one for the exit. There are several lined-up trees before getting into the front of the Mansion itself. Then near the front is Fountain that is worth a million dollars.

The car stopped at the front of the Mansion where several maids, servants and knights are waiting in rows.

Lawrence and Michael where the first ones who get off from the car. The latter opened the door next to the Archduke.

Rin was instructed by Ezekiel to sit still in the car and wait for him to open the door beside her.

"Good Evening and Welcome Your Excellency and My Lords." The butler greeted them in behalf of the people waiting for them.

Ezekiel just nodded at them then he goes over to the other side of the car and opened it.

A girl with a pink hat and pink coat appeared before them. Except for the Butler, the maids, servants and Knights looked at in surprise.

Just who is this girl that even the cold Archduke opened the car door personally for her?!!

"We're home. "He softly said to the girl beside him then held her right hand and walk to the front. Seeing the confused looks on the faces of his people, he then said, "This is Lady Eyrhin. She is an important and special guest of the house. From today onwards, she will be staying at this Mansion. Treat her like you treat me. If anyone dares to disrespect her, I will not let that person off. Understood?"

Oh. The Cold Archduke is now secretly establishing Rin's status in the House. Tsk. Tsk. She is still not your wife nor your lover but from what you have said, the people who heard you might come into conclusion that this girl is their future Archduchess. You're so sly Boss. So sly. I just hope you will not get dumped. Michael said to his self while grinning from ear to ear.

Hmmn.. What would really happen if the Archduke was dumped by Rin? Who knows?

The servants said yes in unison. After that, they entered the Mansion.

"Rin, this is Butler Kang. He is the one in charge of the Mansion here in the Capital." Ezekiel said.

"Em. Hello Butler Kang, I'm Eyrhin, but you can call me Rin." She said then smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you Lady Eyrhin. And welcome to the Rheid Mansion." He politely said and glanced at the girl beside him. "My Lady, this is Rosy. She is the almost the same age as you. She will be your personal maid in this mansion. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask her. "

Rin looked at the timid girl on her front. She's wearing a Maid's uniform that is different from the ones she saw earlier outside. But the thing that is the same is the embroidered Emblem of the House of Rheid. She also noticed it to suits of Michael and Lawrence. While on the Archduke, it is located on the head of his neck tie.

"Good evening My Lady. I am Rosy, your Head personal Maid. "

"Hello, I'm Eyrhin. I am in your care from now on. I thank you in advance. "

"No need to thank me My Lady. This is my duty. "

After several minutes, they escorted Rin to the second floor on the west wing.

"This will be your room. Do you like it? "Ezekiel asked her. After coming back, he immediately instructed his people to renovate this room according to a 20-year-old girl preference.

The room is beautiful and pretty. From beddings to furniture's, to walls, almost everything is in rose gold. The ceiling is white and it hosted a luxurious chandelier.

"Wow. Is this really for me?" She asked. Her eyes are twinkling upon seeing the entire room. It is thrice as bigger as her house in the forest! Plus, she loved the Rose Gold color. "Did I tell you that I love Rose gold? "

"No. It's just my instinct. "He said. But actually, he knows. All most everything on her house in the forest is in Rose Gold. Then, isn't it obvious that she like that color?

Rin smiled widely then said, "Thank you. Don't worry, I will walk hard in order to repay you everything. "

"Everything has already been paid." Ezekiel said with hidden meanings to his word.

Rin tilted her head and gave him a 'what do you mean' look.

He just chuckled at the sight of her. "It's already late. You should take a shower first then go to bed. Good night. "

Rin nodded and also said her good night.

On the next day, Rin had her breakfast together with the Three men.

"Did you sleep well?" Ezekiel asked her.

"Em. The bed is so soft and comfortable. When I visit the Forest next time, I'll definitely make a bed like that. "She answered enthusiastically.

"When are you going back? Can I come with you? "Michael inserted. All this time, he has been curious of her living condition in the forest. And not just that, he wanted to see the what was really in there.

Ezekiel put down the newspaper then he looked at his aide.

"You are not allowed. "He said.

Michael pursed his lips. "Tsk. Are you the Little Lady? She hasn't even answered me. "He protested. This jealous Ice Statue is too much! Hmmp!!

"What? Do you want me to assign you in the Southern Empire Branch? "

Michael tensed up then he laughed. "I was just joking Your Excellency. Oh right, I have a meeting at 10am. I'll go ahead first. "He said. But before he left, "And Oh, I have already cleared your schedule for the whole week Your Excellency. So, you don't need to worry about the company. Just enjoy your days with the Little Lady."

"Don't forget about the University. "

"Yes. Yes. I will contact them later to prepare the needed documents for our Little Lady. "

"What about the books and other things that she needs to study? "

"I will also call them later. Don't worry, Your Excellency. Little Lady, I'll be going now. " He said.

"Wait. Bring him also to the Company. I am with Rin so there's nothing to worry. "Ezekiel added and set his gaze to the man silently eating his breakfast.

"What? Me? No. I will stay here with – "

Michael tap his shoulder and smile like a puppy. "Of course. Of course. Captain Lawrence, let's go. " He then grabbed Lawrence on his shoulder. The poor Lawrence silently weeping upon having to let go his precious meal.

When they are now out from the dining area, Lawrence shot him a deadly stare.

"What? I am just saving you; you know? He doesn't want us to disturb them! Have you forgotten what happened last night? Or do you want to experience it again? "

Lawrence immediately recalled the lovey dovey scenes of his Boss and the Little Lady. His face turned sour. "Ah. I almost forgot. Thank you for saving me Brother."

The two men left the mansion happily.

"Is true that you're on leave for the whole week? "

"Em. Why? Don't you like it? "

"Of course, I like it. But, am I really not disrupting your work? "

"Don't worry. Michael can handle everything in the office."

"Okay. I believe you." She said stuffing her mouth with food.

"Where do you want to go today?"

Where? Hmmmnn… Oh! Her eyes lit up. "I want to go to a manga store! Does the Capital have one?"

"Manga? "

"Em. Remember the book that I showed you right back at home? "

"Those with pictures and drawings? "

"Yes. Does the Capital have one? "She asked with expectant eyes.

"Wait. Butler Kang? "

The Middle Age man who is just standing in the corner walked closer to Ezekiel.

"You called for me Your Excellency? "

"Search for Manga stores in the Capital and give me the list. "

"Understood Your Excellency. "

Butler Kang left the dining room and instructed some servants.

After 30 minutes, he went back to the dining room. "Your Excellency, we have now sent the list to your email. Ezekiel nodded.

"Can I see it? "Rin's eyes are shinning in excitement.

"Let's change first. "

Rin nodded and both of them went back to their rooms. After an hour, they left and proceed to their destination with just the two of them.

Meanwhile after they left, the servants of the mansion started discussing about Rin and their Master.

"What do you think about her? "

"I don't know. But she's young and pretty. "

"What do you think is her identity? The Archduke didn't mention her family name, does it mean she's not from the Empire? Or from other Empires? "

Even the poorest of the poorest in the Empire has family names. The only people who doesn't have one are those not staying in any of the Empires. But those people are commonly barbarians or runaway slaves of other empires.

"Sshhhh… What are you saying? Do you want to be punished?"

"But to think that our Archduke is so good to her, I couldn't imagine that our cold statue master has that side. He even held her hand last night! Isn't he romantic? "The girl said excitedly.

"Ah. No. The Archduke is only for the First Princess. No one is fit for him other than the Princess! "Said the other one. She's a hardcore fan of the Archduke and the First Princess.

Her friends face turned sour upon hearing her.

"She may be fit, but the Archduke doesn't even like her. Have you forgotten when she visited the Mansion? The Archduke didn't even show himself to her! "

"Yes, I agree with you. Now, look at how the Archduke is treating Lady Eyrhin. He even agreed to renovate the room next to his just for the Lady!!! And that room is from the late Archduchess!!! "

"Kyaaahh!!! " The girls screamed as their excitement reach to a certain level.

"But she is only 20! While the Archduke is 29! They are 9 years apart!!! "

"And so? Age doesn't matter when it comes to love! And I can see how the Archduke love and cherish Lady Eyrhin!!! "

"The Archduke might just be playing. "

"I don't think so. I have heard the he's on leave for a week just for Lady Eyrhin. He also went out with her today! And it's only just a two of them! "

"Atlast, our Master finally found his soon to be Archduchess!! "

The woman who is a fan of the Archduke and First Princess frowned. "You are all excited when you don't even know who really is that woman! What if she's just a lowly village girl? Based on her action and personality, she's definitely like that. Do you think someone like her can be an Archduchess!! Sooner or later, the Archduke will have to marry the First Princess. And your so called Lady Eyrhin will be thrown out! "

"What? Our Master doesn't need the power and influence of the Imperial family. He is standing at the top even without them and he will always be! That's why he can marry anyone he loves, no matter what her status or identity! And besides, the Lady has a good personality. Unlike your Princess who is so haughty and proud. A two faced Princess!! "

"Your Little Lady has only been here for almost a day! Later on, when she shows her true side, all of you will regret. "

The maid's discussion end in a bad way. And now, the mansions servants have been divided into two. The Princess side and the Rin's side.