9 Chapter NINE

After the events that had happened in the cafeteria, classes were immediately dismissed. Everyone was on high alert ever since they found out about Amelia, and they were all worried about her presence on the island. That issue prioritized everything else, including the arrival of the most feared vampire in the school.

The one who Ryker had gone to welcome, but more on that later.

An emergency meeting had to be called in the cafeteria that afternoon to discuss the latest developments. Mia, the girl who had made introductions on the previous day, and some other vampires who were supposed to be continuing with their college studies were heading it. The area was filled to the brim with students, and they were shouting over each other so they could be heard.

"This does not look good," one of the vampires standing beside Mia commented. The girl gulped, wondering how she would proceed with the unplanned meeting.

"Order! Order!" she started, forcing herself to remain calm as she tried to control the chaos in the room. She, too, had heard about Amelia, and so everyone had to meet to talk about what to do with her around.

"That freaky witch is on the island! Are we safe? What are we going to do?" a girl was heard yelling.

"There's a simple solution. We should all leave!" a boy shouted, and everyone else continued yelling out their concerns in the area.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, SHUT UP!" Mia snapped, and everyone went silent, except for low murmurs that could be tolerated. She then cleared her throat.

"We all know why we are here this afternoon. We need to talk about the unexpected guest on this island: the witch."

Disorder started picking up once more.

"Everyone, I understand the concern, but there is no reason to worry about her," a vampire beside Mia spoke.

"How can you tell us to do that?" Emmett voiced out from the crowd; he was with his sister. "We have a witch living on this island. A freaking WITCH! That girl was strong enough to throw that werewolf and have him crack a wall like it was nothing!"

There was an uproar once more. Everyone was openly freaking out and potentially having panic attacks at that moment.

"Yeah, and don't you remember what she did to the werewolves not more than a month ago?" someone chimed in, and sounds of agreement echoed in the room.

"I can't believe she killed them in broad daylight," another person commented.

"I saw the images that were leaked online," a girl commented softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I can never unsee them again."

"This is a mess," Mia commented, walking back and forth in front of everyone. She felt stressed as she could not think of any solution that could prove to be lasting. "What do you want us to do?"

"We have to leave the island!" a desperate plea sounded.

"YEAH!" everyone voiced out their agreement.

"Guys, we cannot do that," Mia stated. "Remember, it is not good for us to be out there with the rest of the world right now. Also, the planes that brought us here wouldn't be back for a couple of months."

"WHAT?" a good number of people exclaimed as others murmured their surprise at the new piece of information.

"It's being done to keep us hidden. We can't even phone someone because we have no form of communication set up around this place," Mia added, much to everyone's displeasure. "And even if we could, it would not be smart because we risk the humans finding our secret location."

"What are you actually suggesting?" another student asked.

Mia sighed.

"We have no option but to stay with her."

"What?" someone yelled, followed by shouts of disbelief.

"Again, WE HAVE NO OPTION!" Mia yelled, having everyone quieten down. "There is no escape from this island at the moment. We just have to wait for the planes to come back, and so we can plan to leave when that time comes."

"What do we do for now?" Charlotte asked from the crowd.

"We have to act normal. We just do what we usually do," Mia suggested, and rumblings started once more.

"What if she kills us all?" someone else asked.

"I don't think she plans to do that," someone beside Mia chose to answer. "She is capable, sure, but she hasn't attacked. If she wanted to, I believe she would have already done it by now. We'll just have to hold on to the hope that she will mind her business as we mind ours. In the meantime, we will try to find a way to communicate with the other vampires about these developments."

The students started talking once more, but after a while, they realized they could do nothing but follow the given advice. They had to live on the island with Amelia for the time being, and they worried about what she could do to them.

"Charlotte? Emmett? Can I see you in my office?" Mia spoke. The two had heard her, and so they moved through the crowd to approach her. Mia started walking away from the cafeteria. Charlotte and Emmett followed, leaving the students to talk amongst themselves. The other college vampires continued speaking to them, aiming to calm them down. Surprisingly, it seemed to be working.

Soon, the three were in Mia's office. It was spacious with a tall glass window on the side that offered a view of the beach nearby. The college girl had sat on a leather seat, hands placed over her desk as she stared at the two.

"You are the Dean's kids," Mia began. "What would you do in my position?" Charlotte and Emmett were, at first, surprised that she knew that. Not everyone knew about their parents, and they wanted to keep it that way so that they wouldn't be judged by it.

"Um, just as you said, we are KIDS. We don't know jack about Amelia," Emmett stated.

"Amelia?" Mia perked up at the name. "That's her name?"

"Yes," Charlotte confirmed. "She told me the moment we met."

"The two of you talked?"

Charlotte nodded in reply.

"That is good," Mia said, wearing a thoughtful look.

"But that was before she was discovered," Emmett added.

"How was she?"

"Normal," Charlotte answered with a surprised look. "I mean, she sounded and looked okay. She wasn't all judgemental or anything. She wasn't even giving off bad vibes. She seemed nice, and I thought we could be friends. It's just… I can't believe she was acting the whole time."

A few seconds of silence passed.

"I think I know what to do from here," Mia stated.

"Really?" Charlotte and Emmett spoke at the same time.

"Yes. There is no doubt about her origins, which is the town of Wolverstone. I just need to know more about her. Like, who is she? Who is she really? And what does she want with us?"

"Does that matter?" Emmett said. "She killed the werewolves. Imagine what she could do to us."

"You are right. She did render the wolves extinct," Mia acknowledged. "I just need to know everything about her. Particularly her upbringing."

"That's what I said," Charlotte spoke.

"You can't be serious!" Emmett exclaimed with a look of disbelief. "We know who she is and what she's done. I say we go deal with this now."

Mia raised an eyebrow.

"And your idea of 'dealing with this' is to attack her?"


"Just as you said, she got rid of the werewolves. Attacking her will just get us all killed in the end. What the hell do you think will happen if we go through with it?"

Emmett thought about it for a moment, until he sighed in agreement.

For the time being.

"It's safer for everyone to stick with my plan. We need to find out everything we can about her. Maybe there is a weakness we can exploit to bring her down."


"Let's just do this, Emmett," she interrupted the blonde-haired boy. "I could be right about this. Now, you are dismissed. Go to your homes, and I suggest you should avoid moving a lot tonight. Especially with that other headache that decided to show up unannounced."

Charlotte was the first to leave, and his brother followed suit. Emmett had his doubts about Mia's plan, but he knew she could be right about her method of dealing with Amelia. He just hoped no one would get hurt in the process.

****************** ********************* *********************** ****************

The rising sun signaled the beginning of a new day. The sky was partially cloudy, but not that much to hide the bright blue sky. The students had gathered around the school, loitering as they waited for classes to begin. Conversations were mainly about Amelia and what could be done about her. So far, nothing bad had happened, but everyone was still nervous and uncertain to be in the same place as her. Others felt some kind of thrill to have witnessed a witch in action as they had never seen one before. However, everyone would agree that they wanted her gone.

Things immediately turned awry when a loud scream pierced the air. People tensed at the sound, and they all rushed to the source, which was the grassy area behind the school building that was a short distance from the ocean. Emmett, Ryker and Charlotte were immediately at the scene, seeing the girl who had screamed pointing at two bodies lying on the ground.

They were both facing up at the sky. They had large, red marks that showed where they had been attacked. Blood had drenched their clothes as their eyes stared blankly open, and their skin had turned pale.

"Oh fuck," Ryker cursed, seeing fleas hover around the bodies as a horrible stench permeated the air. What made things worse was that the dead people on the ground were Mia and Declan.

Charlotte suddenly started tearing up, and she quickly moved away to puke her breakfast out. There was no doubt in her mind about who could have done the murders.

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