
The Winner Of Life

Update: Daily (If not I am sick or some problem arises) ................. In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Arjun, an ordinary young man, discovers an ancient system mysteriously embedded within his soul. As this extraordinary power awakens, Arjun's life transforms into a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery. With newfound strength and a cascade of superpowers at his command, he travel many fictional dimensions and live a life of fulfilment. .................. The story will also focus on the Earth and his personal life there. The first world and also the second main world is 'Against The God.' Second World: Marvel Universe .................. Tag: MILF, INCEST, Dimension Hoping

Slime_king · Cómic
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59 Chs


[Ticket Name: Against the Gods

Rank: Special

Details: as the host is in a universe where there are no supernatural elements and the host's body is unable to grow stronger because of the universe's rule, a special ticket is given to the host. By tearing this ticket, the host will enter the mystical world and get the chance to grow stronger and become a powerful being.


• It will create a link of the universe directly to the host. Host can come and go as he pleases.

• Time can not be stopped but the host can adjust the time duration between worlds.


• the universe on the other side is dangerous. Be cautious.

• This is a 'One-time' ticket and 'only' the host can use it.]

I gulped some saliva when I read the details of the ticket on the screen. It really was what I thought. But as excited as I was, I was afraid too.

It even warns me about the danger. I had finished reading the novel so I knew how dangerous the other side is.

I had no idea where I would be. If it was somewhere dangerous I could die instantly.


I opened the door of my sister's room and entered inside. She was reading a book while lying down on the bed.

She moved her eyes from the book and looked at me. I smiled and walked towards her, sitting on the bed by her side.

Without saying anything I hugged her. She was confused but hugged me nonetheless. She asked, "What happened?"

I shook my head and said nothing. I moved closer and buried my face between her breasts. The sweet smell of my sis cheered me up.

It's been 20 days since I got the system. In these 20 days, we were closer than ever. But we still never did something like last time.

She would still tease me about it. She would show the picture and tease me.

After a few minutes, I raised my head and looked at Di. Our faces were very closed. We could feel each other's breath.

I move my hand and touch her face and neck. I wanted to imprint everything about her inside my head. I would leave for another world after some time.

The other side was dangerous. But there was also the system. I had a higher chance of surviving there. Also, the ticket says I could return anytime. So I can leave whenever I face something very dangerous.

I never hide anything from her except this. I don't want her to worry for me. She would never let me go if she learned about it.

"Arjun, you are scaring me. Tell me, did something happen?" She asked again.

I smiled and shook my head and said "No, I wanted to appreciate my beautiful sister."

Di sighed in relief hearing me. My forearms were pressing her breast. She smiled and said, "Don't tell me you want to suck your sister again."

I smiled and nodded "Yes, I want to." I moved my hand downward only to stop when my palm was on top of her breast.

I could feel her raging heartbeat. She didn't say anything, only continued to look at me.

Our lips almost touched each other. She suddenly said "Don't Arjun. I won't be able to stop myself. I don't want you to regret anything we do."

I stopped hearing her. I could see the sadness, hurt, longing, fear, and a lot more emotions in her eyes. I move upwards kiss her forehead and move back from her.

"Good night, Di." She didn't reply. I went out of her room.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the ticket in my hand. Without thinking anything anymore I tear the ticket.

"Goodbye Earth, I will be away for some time."

The next second my body disappeared from my room, leaving behind my clothes.


When I opened my eyes I saw darkness around me and I felt my body was confined by something. I was about to panic but then I saw a ray of light ahead.

I tried to reach towards it.

But I felt pain all over my body as if my whole body was being squeezed by something.

After more trying I finally reached the light. But for some reason, I felt like I passed through a small tunnel.

I opened my eyes to look around when I saw a giant. Literally a Giant.

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