
The Wind’s Wanderer

In a land named Alta lives a boy named Hyouka, in this land to be strong means everything to your value. The greatest honor among men and women alike was to work as samurai, to serve under the greatest of people. However to be a samurai one had to be strong, and the requirements are quite brutal as Alta is a small civilization, their samurai required to be equal to 100 of their enemies at least. Hyouka being born skinny and frail still wants nothing more but to be samurai, the strongest of them to spite his father who was once a great samurai, however his father hates him for his inability to keep up due to his small and frail state of being. Without magic Hyouka has no way of working as a sorcerer either, and with only the ability to understand and see the spirits of the elements, or spirits of evil which is shared among all the people of Alta. Hyouka has a strong connection with the winds for some odd reason, rather the winds like him. And with little to his advantage just how can Hyouka manage to become the greatest samurai of all time?

aTeamAndaDream · Fantasía
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7 Chs

When I awoke

I didn't remember how, but I was within one of my town's few hospitals as I looked about, a bloodied rag upon my head, it had been covering of my eyes. "So you've finally woken up," a man said to me with a warm and calm voice.

"You're lucky the spirits like you kid, you could have been a goner." The man said to me once more with an amused grin upon his face.

"If the kid is fine, then get him out of here! I have other people to attend to." A nurse said to him as she passed the door, she had a very stingy and rather aggressive voice.

"Calm down, I'll decide when the boy is doing fine, last time I checked I am the doctor here." The man then looked to me and said, "So, what are your plans for the future then kid?"

I then responded with my weak and silent voice, "I want to be a samurai." The man sighed as his eyes wandered off, he seemed sad.

The man the said to me "Can I tell you something kid?" I nodded, a bit interested in the man.

"Well, I don't know if you're really ready to be a samurai is all."

He begin to speak again but I cut him off, "Do you think this because of my size?"

"No! No, that's not is kid." His voice trailed off as he looked back to me, and in his deep blue eyes was one one could only describe as a soft sorrow.

"The samurai aren't all that they seem." He said to me with a quieter voice, "This isn't the place to discuss this, if you really must know come down to my farm. It's hard to miss, large windmill and corn fields." He wrote the directions upon a piece of paper as he folded it and handed it to me, I grabbed it and hid it within my hands. I then nodded to him a bit, I was about to say something but then my father came into the room.

"What are you doing here boy?!" My father demanded. I watched as the nurses and a few other patients stepped out and watched, clearly in awe as they looked upon the mighty samurai my father was. My father grabbed my wrist as he dragged me out from the room violently and quickly. Everyone stepped back as we left, all except that man who spoke to me earlier as he followed.

As we left the man yelled out to me, "It was nice talking to you kid, I hope everything works out for ya!" He waved to me as he soon disappeared back into the crowd of people at the hospital's entrance. I smiled slightly as my father dragged me along, I wanted to speak with that man again. I remembered him inviting me to his home as I looked to the paper he gave me. I knew what I was going to do after dark.