
Chapter 13- Interlude : The Sea Snake

120 Ac

Third day of the first moon

There were times when I felt the sea was calling me back. After all, It was the first love of my life. If someone had asked me in my youth about how I wanted to live my life then I would have told them that I would have spent every moment of my life sailing. The sea had given me everything. During my first voyage, I sailed beyond the Jade Gates at Qarth to Yi Ti and Leng. Returning with treasures like silk, spice, and jade, doubling the wealth of House Velaryon. It was due to that very voyage that my house gained prestige beyond that of just being another house with Valyrian blood. But just as the sea gives It takes as well. It is the way of the water. My second voyage took me to Assahi. Just sailing to that damned place had led to the death of half of my crew as well as her. Mathis had called her my love but she was not just that, rather she was the love of my life. Her dream was to visit every place of renown in Planetos.

When I returned the very thought of staying in Driftmark angered me. So I sailed and sailed until there was nothing left to see. My successive voyages had made my house the richest in the realm. The Lannisters with their gold and the Targaryen with their dragons could not compare to the wealth that I had amassed. Grandfather would have been proud.

Grandfather was a man like no other. He was the Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark, and the head of House Velaryon during the reign of the kings Maegor I Targaryen and Jaehaerys I Targaryen. He served as master of ships and lord admiral for both kings, as well as Hand of the King for his nephew, King Jaehaerys I.

"We are the right hand of the Targaryens Corlys remember that. We may look like them and they may even have our blood but never think that you are equal to them. No matter what we do or how much ever wealth we have or ships on our ports they will still believe that they are superior to us."

His words rang true as steel. If there was one thing all the Velaryons throughout history shared was that we were an ambitious lot. I had received various proposals of marriage from various high as well as low lords but only a Targrayen would quench the fire to be recognized as more than just the "second house of the realm". I never thought that I would have the chance to open my heart to anyone else ever again. But It was then that I met Rhaenys. She could brighten up the entire room just by being there. She was unlike any noble lady I had ever met. Bold and fierce just like her dragon. After losing 'her' in Assahi I had thought that any woman I would marry It would have been a marriage of convenience but It felt good to be proven wrong.

For a time life had been perfect. Rhaenys was with my child who would eventually sit on the Iron Throne but all those dreams were dashed when Prince Aemon died at the hands of the Myrish. The months following that were hard. Rhaenys grew despondent after she heard about her father's death but the harshest blow was struck by none other than her grandfather the Oh so great Jahaerys Targaryen, "The Conciliator" himself. Naming Prince Baelon his heir and discarding Rhaenys as if she was just another piece on the board had broken her. But then Laena was born and for the first time in my life, I realized that there was something that I would love more than the sea itself. Holding her in my arms gave me more joy than sailing ever did. It was her that helped Rhaenys out of her grief. After Laenors birth I had realized that she did not have any ambition to retake the Throne that had rightly belonged to her. But I had not given up hope. When the news of Prince Baelons passing I realized that there was a chance of retaking the throne but It did not come to fruition.

I finished drinking the cup of dornish red as the memories of the past faded through my thoughts instead being replaced by the events of the present. Just a few days back they had celebrated the beginning of a new year and the thought of holding another one of his grandchild filled him with delight. But that joy had turned to sorrow when the maester told him that the child was stillborn.

In his entire life he had been afraid only twice. The first was during that storm in Assahi and the second was when Laena was born. The thought of losing his firstborn was more frightening than anything imaginable. Afterall no parent should watch his child die before him. But then when I learned what the white haired boy had done I wanted to throw him into the sea but then as he explained why he had done what he had done I realized that he had saved my daughter. Rhaenys who looked as if she would toss him to Meleys a second ago had a look of gratitude. The boy truly was an anomaly. I had never seen a smallfolk let alone a child of eleven namedays speak with such confidence that too to a lord. His eyes reminded him of someone but he couldn't place who it was. But all of that did not matter. Laena was safe.

The screams of his daughter had awoken him. He ran as fast as his legs could take him and when he entered the room he saw his daughter crying hysterically while Laenor was consoling her. It seemed that due to all the madness that had ensued following the birth he had forgotten to inform Laenor of the events that had transpired in my solar.

I just prayed to the gods that nothing should befall her like what the boy had said would happen if we had told her what happened to her son. Then as the boy entered the room in a hurry there was an eery silence until the voice of his good daughter ordering her 'strong' knight to take him to the cells was heard. The boy did not even fight back and just hung his head low.


The coffin was slowly pushed into the sea. After two days of agony, she died calling out for her son. Baela and Rhaena were in the arms of their grandmother as they wept for their mother while his good son looked on solemnly. The eulogy was given by Vaemond and he pointed out

who pointed out about the true Velaryon blood. Princess Rhaenyra looked stifled at the comment while Daemon gave a dry chuckle.

After the funeral was over we went back to hightide after which we all had supper and the children were sent to bed.

"Good-father, we have something to ask in regards to the boy", came the voice of the princess.

"I want his head father. For what he did to Laena", came the voice of his son.

What he did to Laena he says. My blood begins to boil.

"You fool, he saved her by not telling her about her son. If you had not opened you fucking mouth she would have been seated with us today."

"And you", I said pointing towards Rhaenyra, "You may be the princess of Dragonstone but remember you are not the princess of Driftmark. You have no right to imprison anyone without my orders do you understand."

Her face grew red and before she could respond the doors swung open and Daemon walked in along with the boy. The boys garments were torn and I could see the bruises on his hands.

Seeing the boy Laenor unsheathed his sword and started walking towards him. The boys expression did not change at all. My attention shifted to Daemon who had taken his sword out of his scabbard.

"If you so much as touch a hair on this boys head I will gut you like the sword swallower you are, do you understand me Laenor", came the voice of Daemon.

"The boy is my squire and If anybody touches him then the person will face my wrath", he hissed looking straight into the eyes of his niece.

Laenor looked incensed but before anything else could happen I walked towards the boy with a piece of loaf in my hands and gave it to him.

His eyes were filled with gratitude as he understood the significance of the gesture and soon ate the bread. Laenor left the room in anger and Rhaenyra followed him while giving a glance to Daemon before moving on.

"I apologize for what was done to you boy", I said gently.

"It was not your fault mylord. I am sorry for the inconvenience that It has caused you," came the boy's reply.

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