
Good news

Raffa walked out of the room and went to speak to the doctor to get Angelica discharged. Angelica was left behind to talk to Erin.

"What is your problem?" she asked him angry at his persistent nature.

"Angie, listen to me, dear. I know that our relationship ended on a bad note," he said in a soft voice.

"What tipped you off? The fact that you broke up with me over a text or the fact that you shamelessly made out with my cousin before me, on my birthday."

"I know how much our relationship meant to you. So give me a chance and I can mend my mistakes," he said apologetically and looked at her with a gentle expression.

"I know, it meant the world to me but sadly I meant nothing to you. And you can forget about getting back together," Angelica said sternly. "I have fallen in love again and he loved me more than you ever did. He loves me the way I always needed you to love me and I love him for it," she added.

"You and I both know that you don't mean that. Raffa has always been just a friend to you and that won't ever change," he asserted right as Raffa walked into the room with the nurse.

"That is where you are wrong. The love that Raffa and I share is something that you or anyone else can never understand. Our love is pure," she replied standing up for Raffa.

"Is that why you asked him to seize all my properties," Erin asked angrily.


"Baby," Raffa called out to her before Erin could dig further into irrelevant matters. "The doctor said that I can take you home now," he said and went to help her get up.

He helped her get up from the bed and handed her a set of changing clothes for her. He helped her get to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. His expression changed as he gazed at Erin.

"Harassment, physical and mental abuse," These are all cases that I can file against you for what you are doing to my wife. But I won't because that would be too cheap," Raffa said and smiled at him.

His smile made Erin nervous as he could tell that the man was angry. "You want to taunt Angelica with the memories of your past right?" he asked in an ice-cold voice. "Let's see how you will like going down memory lane," he said reaching into his pockets.

He retired a recorder from his pocket and handed it to the nurse. "Take care of him," he said before Erin could speak and ask him what he was doing the nurse injected him with a syringe.

He dropped unconscious on the bed, the nurses called for two extra nurses and together they carried him out of the room.

"Hey," Angel said walking back into the room completely dressed. "Where did Erin go?"

"Don't worry the love of your life is fine. He left saying something about Emeline needing his help," Raffa replied carrying her bag and opening the door for her. "The press is here, we are going to smile and give them the good news of our children and our wedding," he said holding her hand.


"The children can't be born out of wedlock. And the sooner we provide a perfect home for them the more happy your fans will be," he explained. "Also the wedding is in X city. I have a meeting there for the next four days. We will get married and have our honeymoon while we are there," he said as they made their way out of the hospital.

The reporters rushed over to them taking photos of the two of them before calming down. "Mrs. Aguellio, can you tell us what caused you to be admitted to the hospital?" one of the reporters asked.

They didn't want to ask her too many questions at a time and end up stressing her. That would mean facing Raffa's wrath and the man was rumored to be a secret mafia with an army of terrorists.

Most of which is unproven so no one knows if it's true but they weren't stupid enough to try and find out. So they decided to take turns questioning her.

"I came for a check-up," she replied confidently.

"What would you say were the findings of the check-up, Mrs. Aguellio?"

"There was some good news that came with even more good news," she let out excitedly.

"Do you mind elaborating on that Mrs. Aguellio?"

"Not at all. I am so happy right now I feel like screaming to the whole world. The good news is that we are expecting twins," she said. "And we are getting married," she said and the paparazzi went wild. The news of the top trending actress of the week was going to make headlines and they wanted the first scoop on it.

"The wedding will happen in two days in X city. We will be traveling soon and we won't return till after the honeymoon," Raffa added.

The reporters wanted to ask more questions but Raffa's bodyguards cleared the way for them. They boarded the car and left the hospital.

The car ride was silent. Angelica had Erin to blame for it, the man showing up at the hospital ruined everything for her. It made the situation with Raffa worse.

Like it wasn't bad enough that he was her ex. Now she was expecting two of his children. One child was a nightmare, two had doubled her troubles.

Angelica wished that they could be in front of the cameras at all times. It seemed to be the only time at present when Raffa was able to tolerate her presence.

It was heartbreaking to see the one who has always had her back hurt because of the choices she made. Angelica regretted meeting Erin. What hurt her the most was the price she paid for loving that man.

'I'm sorry,' she thought glancing at Raffa.

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