
Arriving at X city

Angelica and Raffa arrived at X city. They alighted ftok their plane, and made their way to the exit.

The bodyguards lined up to each of their sides protecting them as reporters gathered around them to take pictures of the power couple.

Raffa wrapped a gentle hand around Angelica's waist. They took confident marching strides out of the airport. Smiling brightly at the flashing lights of the cameras.

It was the the day before their wedding. As they had announced it on the national television. X city was flooding with Angelica's fans. Who had followed her to show their support.

"She is coming out," the fans screamed happily. "Aaahhh," cheery shouts echoed in the crowd of thousands of fans that had gathered upfront of the airport.

"Angel, I'm your biggest fan," echoes resonated in the air.

"Can I get an autograph?" requests flowed in from all sides.

"How was your flight?"

"Welcome to X city."

"Will you have an open wedding?"

Questions stormed from each direction. It was nearly overwhelming to the superstar. She loved her fans and the support they showed her. But she was too exhausted to entertain them.

Her life was too overwhelming for her to add on the stress of having to stop and attend to her fans.

"You should sign at least one or two autographs," her manager whispered from behind her.

Angelica swallowed.

She halted in her steps, pushing her feeling deep in her heart. She wore her award winning smile and motioned for Raffa to wait for her.

Angelica approached the group of fans to her right. The girls squeaked happily as she neared them. "Hello," Angelica greeted.

"Hi!" they chanted in unison. Stunned she was speaking to them.

Angelica reached out for the headshots they had of her with a pen. "Who do I sign this out to?" she inquired of the girl.

"Lena," the girl spoke. "I'm your biggest fan, I've watched all your movies and know them by heart. It's an honor to meet you," she chanted on.

"Thank you," Angel let out.

Angelica handed her the signed photo and moved to the next girl. She gave five autographs and took selfies with a few more fans.

"Thats all for today," she announced and turned to head back.

"I hope to become a star like you one day," Lena vowed aloud. Angelica glanced at her, she beckoned for Lena to come closer.

The bodyguards ushered Lena in to get to Angelica. The crowd held their breath waiting to see what the national fairy does.

"Why don't you join me as my VIP guest during my stay here?" Angelica offered to her. "That way you'll get to see what you are signing up for," she explained.

"Really?!" Lena's shrieking scream reached the masses. She was in disbelief, unable to believe her luck. The top superstar was asking her to join in on her stay. Which meant that she was going to experience first hand what it was like to be a star. And get a VIP seat at the wedding.

That was the best day of her life. "I'll have to check in with my mother but my answer is yes," Lena responded excitedly.

"Give my assistant your number. She will make the arrangements," Angelica smiled brightly at Lena. She remembered when she was given the chance she was handing to Lena. When Raffa offered her a chance to achieve all her dreams. To become the star that she was today.

A tear sneaked out of her eyes. Angelica wiped it before anyone could notice. Because whether she liked it or not, she was losing her friend, her cumbers one fan. It was out of her control.

"Shall we?"

Raffa nodded. He took her hand and they headed for the car. Angelica sighed.

To the rest of the world, the next few days were extravagantly awaited with hope. Yet she couldn't be happy, if only she could turn back the clock and erase all the time she gave Erin. To stop herself from meeting that awful man.

Angelica leaned against the window. Her smile fading from her eyes, loneliness and regret lingering in the air around her.

There were no words that could explain the pain in his heart. Before even when it was just the two of them, Angelica felt so much love it was as though she was surrounded by a thousand people. And today when thousands shouted her name with love, she couldnt help but feel alone.

Because Raffa wasnt a part of that crowd. His support was her motivation. At that point, her energy was low. She didn't feel like doing anything, Angelica wished that she could stay in bed all day and let the world move on without her.

"Are you hungry, Angelica?" Pablo asked to break the silence in the car.

Angelica shook her head. Food was the last thing in her mind. With all the problems she had on her plate, taking care of herself seemed too exhausting. Especially when she remembered that there were two beings growing in her stomach that benefitted from her taking care of her body.

The unwanted children that haunted her life.

"You need to take care of yourself. If you don't eat then it could harm the babies," Pablo advised her. Angelica gritted her teeth and remained quite. Everyone seemed to care only for her pregnancy.

It's always 'don't do this it will harm the children'. Don't do that it's bad for the pregnancy. No one was concerned for what was right or wrong for her.

This further increased her dislike for the babies growing in her womb. "You need to maintain a good diet, Angelica," Raffa let out.

Angelica gasped, her eyes moistened. She shot a gaze of despondency at Raffa. The way he called her surprised her. It stunned her for fast she went from being Angel to Angelica.

It had to be the first time she heard him call her like that. It stung. Like a thousand poisoned daggers piercing through her wounded heart.

More signs of how she was losing him.

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