
The Warriors of the Zodiacs

"Zodiacs!! I don't know if you're real or not but save my child." This were the prayers of several parents sixteen years ago and that's exactly what happened but something bad also happened. Demons led by their kings Yao Wang and Vasilias escape the dark realm and plan to take over their world which they've been waiting to do for the past one hundred and forty-four years. Will they win or will the zodiacs defeat them again

Fonstine_City · Ciudad
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 2:The Exchange Students

"Okay class, get seated." the teacher began. "We have a new student joining us today." she continued. "Come in, please," she said turning to the door. There was no answer. A few seconds later a very beautiful girl walked in. She had long black silky hair that extended to her shoulders. Her eyes were so bright and sparkly that you would be lost in their beauty if you looked at them. She had gleaming white teeth that could blind anyone who looked at it for too long. She walked over to the teacher's side. "Hello," she said in a shy but friendly voice. "Hello!!" responded the class in the same friendly manner. "Okay, would you like to introduce yourself to us?" asked the teacher. "Okay. "she said in that shy voice again. "My name is Sue Ming." she began. "I'm from China and I moved here from California a week ago." she continued.

"Oh!! Good to know." said the teacher. "Speaking of exchange students, Decorvise!!" she shouted. There was no response. "Decorvise!!" she shouted again. Again no response. "Decorvise!!!" she shouted for the third time. After the third call, a boy who looked as if he had just snapped out of a trance responded, "Yes madam." "You've been staring out the window again. "said the teacher furiously. "Sorry madam." said the boy apologetically. The teacher went on with what she had wanted to say. "Anyways, this is going to be your long-awaited class partner." "But ma'am I mean madam, I don't want a partner." said the boy angrily. "What I'm saying is final. Sue Ming please go and sit by him." said the teacher completely ignoring the boy's complaint. The girl thanked the teacher and slowly walked over to the seat next to the guy. As she walked over to the seat almost all the boys' eyes followed her causing some of them to be pinched by their girlfriends. She got to the seat, took off her bag, and sat down. The teacher turned her back to the class and began. "Okay class, today we're gonna learn how to recite 'The Declaration of Independence'." The whole gave a very loud 'sound of disapproval. The class went on and soon enough it was recess and the students started to make their way out of the class.

When the boy and Sue Ming got to the door, the teacher called him. "Decorvise, please come here." she called. "I know this is difficult for you but she is just like you so just open up to her only, please." said the teacher. "Okay, ma'am but just because you told me to do so," he replied with a smile on his face. "That's my boy." she said with a smile on her face. After the talk, he rushed out of the class to find the girl.

When he got out of the class, he saw that she hadn't gone far. He then ran to her and started a conversation with her. "Hey." he began. "Hey." she responded. "I'm sorry for what I did back in class, so can we start over." he continued. "Okay." she responded. "So first things first, my name is Leonel Kardia Tari Decorvise." he said stretching out his hand. "Hi Leonel Kardia Tari Decorvise, I'm Sue Long-Xin Ming." she replied. "You're funny and I like that, but you don't necessarily need to mention my full name. You can just call me Leo." he said. "Is it okay if I call you Sue?" he asked. She nodded her head in approval. "Then that's that's." he replied. "Okay now that we're properly introduced and we have nothing to do can I show you around the school?" Leo asked. "Okay." she replied with that same shy voice. "Then let's go." he added. They then went off and Leonel spent half off recess showing her the whole school both inside and out.

"Wait, so you're sixteen?" Leonel asked in astonishment. "Yeah." answered Sue. "And you were born on... shi qi of liu yue which just a chinese way of saying seventeenth June?" he asked again. She nodded her head in agreement. "That's also my birthday." he continued. "Really?" she asked in astonishment. "Yeah." he responded. "That's really cool." she said. "Can we go to class?" asked Leonel. "Okay." answered Sue. On the way to the class, Sue could see that Leonel was feeling uneasy. When he got to the path on which his class was he heard a voice which he disliked. "Running away Zeus boy." He turned around muttering to himself "Oh no!!"