
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 8 Altho

Opening the magic note, there are rows of strange and weird alphabets, which do not belong to one of the two languages that Lucien knew before traveling, and the body after the time travel belongs to the poor, and has not learned anything. The words are normal, and being able to understand and speak the language of this world instinctively, without affecting communication, is already the most shining luck among the countless difficulties Lucien has encountered so far.

Therefore, the current Lucien has tragically become a true illiterate, he can only look at the magic note, unable to understand a single word.

Lucien laughed at himself: "The Feeling of Illiteracy Chapter 8 Alto is really uncomfortable."

Although he has experienced a lot of things on this day, he has become more mature and calm than before. Even before reading the notes, he was worried about the threat of the church and hesitated to learn magic, but now, the huge Disappointment still impacted Lucien's heart. As a new-age college student with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline, the feeling of being illiterate was not good, especially when writing was related to extraordinary power rather than human power.

Without much hesitation, after calming down for a while, Lucien made a firm decision in his heart: "The most important thing right now is to learn the characters of this world!"

Even if I don't choose to learn magic in the future, it is still an advisable way to get rid of the living conditions and status of the poor at the bottom, learn to write, and acquire knowledge, especially when Lucien himself does not have strong strength, a strong body, and no swordsmanship Under the premise, the possibility of getting rid of the current identity by means of military exploits, adventures, and being a thug is very small.

Having thought and made a decision, Lucien quickly got rid of the sense of disappointment, a little bit of passion filled his heart, and continued to look through the magic note to see if there were other secrets hidden in it, such as the eighth chapter of the treasure map, Al To support things.

Looking at it, Lucien frowned slightly, because he saw many familiar things in the magic notebook, such as many standard geometric figures and some strange patterns formed by lines.

"Magic circle, or magic imprint?" Lucien guessed based on the "Sacred Emblem of Truth", then quickly turned to the back of the magic note, and then saw rows of formulas similar to chemical equations, but these formulas In it, there are no symbols, but some words: "Magic formula? Potion formula?"

These two similarities made Lucien have some guesses, but since he couldn't understand the text, he could only have doubts first.

After flipping through the magic notebook, Lucien opened another one. In this one, the text was even more distorted, and the letters resembled patterns.

"Not the same language?" Therefore, Lucien opened the third book curiously. This book had some patterns of plants, ores, and monsters drawn on it. It seemed to be a book like "Picture Book", but the text on it, It is consistent with the above of the second magic note.

"The language I know is probably the one in the first magic notebook." Lucien guessed the generality from the difficulty of the words.

After reading the three magic notebooks and books over and over again, and finding nothing more, Lucien lay on the bed and forced himself to fall asleep.

For Lucien, the desire to change his situation is so strong. Starting tomorrow, he must work hard every day for his life. If he is depressed due to poor sleep, there is no way to prepare for tomorrow better. Take your chances.

Although Benjamin's healing magic completely healed Lucien's wound, but after a fierce battle, he was mentally and physically exhausted, and Lucien still quickly fell asleep.

In the sewers, the witch's chamber has been completely destroyed.

At this time, a black mouse ran over from nowhere, its eyes were blood red, indifferent and strange.

It circled around the ruins, squeaked twice, and then ran towards the sewer in the other direction. After a long time, it found a small hidden hole, got in, and disappeared.


In the early morning, noisy people's voices and the sound of fetching water gradually sounded in the Aderjan area, breaking through the coldness of the night, and immediately made Lucien feel alive and energetic.

Lucien, who usually likes to toss and turn in bed for a long time before getting up, forced himself to get out of bed as soon as he woke up, lit the stove, boiled water and baked the last loaf of black bread.

While eating the unpalatable sawdust-like bread in pain, Lucien planned today's arrangements.

If he didn't need to be distracted by thinking about things, Lucien would definitely not be able to swallow this piece of black bread when he was not too hungry.

"Go and find out where you can learn characters and the corresponding conditions. In addition, you have to find another job to do. Otherwise, you will starve to death at home before you learn characters." Lucien doesn't know much about this world. Can simply plan, "It's best not to be known by people you know, so as not to show your feet."

After simply cleaning his face with the water in the jug, Lucien took out the seven coins from the crate and put them on his body. Although there were not many coins, he still felt a little safe.

Locking the door, Lucien walked directly to the house where Aunt Alisa's family lived. He had no impression of the terrain of the City of Psalms, so of course he had to ask someone.

"Hi, Lucien." A black-haired girl greeted Lucien with deep curiosity.

Lucien didn't know her at the moment, so he could only pull out a standard smile and nodded perfunctorily: "Hi, I have something to go to Aunt Alisa's house." Then he hurried past her.

"Hey, Lucien, what do ghosts look like?"

"Lucien, what does it feel like to cast a magic spell?"

"I saw a guard lost his right hand. Wasn't it dangerous last night?"

It was only a few dozen steps away from Aunt Alisa's house, but Lucien encountered inquiries from several neighbors. Overnight, Lucien seemed to have become a well-known figure in the Aderjan District.

Lucien didn't know anyone, so he could only perfunctorily walk to Aunt Alisa's house.

Before reaching the door, Lucien heard a familiar voice: "Little Evans, you got up really early today."

Lucien secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Joel, good morning."

Joel was dressed neatly today, holding a classical harp in his hand: "Have you had breakfast, little Evans? You are in good health. There is no need to rush to find something to do. Your Aunt Alisa keeps calling You came to eat."

Lucien asked Joel about the terrain, and he prepared this excuse. Seeing him bring it up, he felt more at ease: "Thank you, Uncle Joel, I have already eaten, and there was Lord Benjamin's magical treatment yesterday, and I am cured of any illness." No need to rest anymore."

Joel nodded, and greeted Lucien to walk side by side with him: "I can rest assured that you have the priest's magical power. Wait until you go to the Copper Crown Tavern to find the boss Cohen, and he still owes me a bottle of Lacey." , will introduce you to a good job."

After Lucien thanked him and was about to leave, Joel thought about it, put away his usual laughing face, and said seriously: "Little Evans, you are already seventeen years old, you are not young, you should think about your future. life."

"Uncle Joel, what do you mean?" Lucien asked clearly.

Joel sighed: "If you rely on your strength to do things, your body will age quickly after you reach the age of forty, and it will be difficult to find a job. If you don't have savings, and don't have good sons and daughters, you will be brought down by poverty and disease within a few years. Go. Uncle Joel has seen a lot of people like this, and few of them live beyond the age of forty-five. You should learn a craft while you are young. Although the apprenticeship contract is ten years, if you learn well, you will come to If you go to a small place, you can definitely live a good life."

While talking, the two walked along a road and walked through a city gate watched by guards. Suddenly, Lucien's eyes lit up. The wide road, the tidy street, the lively shops on both sides, and the people coming and going. People with colorful and different styles of clothes, long skirts, etc., and occasionally nobles with luxurious clothes and jewelry decorations. Even the air seems to be filled with bursts of wonderful music, which seems to be the same as Aderjan District. two worlds.

"Thank you, Uncle Joel." Lucien could feel Joel's sincere concern.

Joel paused for a moment, and then showed that playful smile again: "Besides, if your master when you were learning crafts had only one daughter, maybe you could become a boss directly from an apprentice. Our little Evans looks pretty good."

Being teased by Joel, Lucien could only smile awkwardly.

While talking, Joel suddenly stopped, walked to the corner of the street, put a prepared hat on the ground, and sat aside himself, preparing to play the harp.

Uncle Joel is a busker? Lucien is no stranger to this method.

Joel pointed to a luxurious and gorgeous building similar to the Baroque style of Lucien's previous life that was faintly visible in the distance, and said with a smile: "You can directly see the chant hall from here. The feeling of playing in the chant hall."

Before Lucien answered, Joel seemed to be aroused, pointing to the chant hall and muttering: "Since more than 400 years ago, the church guided the Holy Hiertz Empire westward, bringing this ancient Greek empire to the west. Occupied by Alto, the last core of the Irvanus Magic Empire, and drove the dark creatures and monsters to the vicinity and depths of the Dark Mountains, Alto has always been one of the most famous cities in the entire continent."

"More than 300 years ago, under the crown of Pope Charles I, who was still a cardinal at the time, in Aalto, he sorted out the church's hymns and songbooks, and set the standards for singing music and singing. After the chant and choir were extended to every church, Aalto has the title of the city of chant."

"Due to the proximity to the Dark Mountains, elves, dwarves, and kobolds often change their beliefs and become members of the principality. The convergence of different music makes Alto the music capital of the entire continent. The emergence of polyphonic music and the formal formation of symphonies The invention of musical instruments such as the violin and Jisu violin are all here. Great musicians have left their names in history."

"For every bard, every musician, every musician, it is the greatest honor to perform their music in the Alto Chant Hall."

"Uncle Joel, although I can't enter the chant hall, I am very happy to be able to play nearby."


Saying goodbye to Joel, Lucien asked for directions while experiencing Alto's style. There were many bards playing and singing on the streets and corners. There were singing and piano sounds floating out from time to time in shops and residential houses. , the whole city seemed to be enveloped in music.

As soon as he returned to the Aderjan area from another inner city gate, Lucien saw the tavern with the bronze crown at a glance.

Outside the tavern, girls and women came over from time to time, sneakeda sneak peek inside, and then left disappointed.