
the genius group

The test will be soon. Lets all gather at the market.

-Ok Xiu fey.Lets see where are the others.

We gathered at market and i just followed Xiu fey at a line...a big line. I see Wang and Kay there speaking animated to other people at the line.

As i arrive with Xiu fey i see a lot of men looking at her ,some of them with lust and some with malice, and i realise i did a great job hiding my face from the world because i dont know if i could manage so many heavy looks.

I sit in line and i see Rong is behind me. I sit with my new friends and i look around me and i realise that i am attracting weird looks from the other participants and i dont know why until i hear the whispers....

- What does that country pumpkin is doing in here.....

- Does he has no shame sticking with the beautiful Xiu fey and Wand Zheng?....

- He is mad to think he can compare with us..... he should be at the servants line....

- He has guts but no money....he is a pauper.....

As i sit and hear the others i realise this society is divided by money....as usual.... I have earth money and tech but they dont help me here, i must earn money of this world and expand my knowledge . ...and change my clothes....

- You guys have guts to denigrate my friend.....who are you .....

I hear Wang talking to the ones that insulted me a few minutes ago and i realise they all looking at me with disbelief....

- He is our friend and i will hurt you if you hurt him.....

First Wang took my defence and next Kay and i realise even Xiu fey and Rong  looks at the crowd with furry.

- Guys please stop, i dont care about them and you  will attract more people..

- You are our friend now and we stick together..... you will never get away from us...hehehe(Wang's evil laght)

- Yeah , i notice.....

-Wang.....danger approaching....

- Who?... Where....

-Jun li let us do the talk..... Wang's brother is coming so this means nothing good will come out....

- Why is that Xiu fey... it is his brother after all.....

- that is no brother....he is enemy ..... he and his gang are dangerous and at the first occasion he gets he will stab you in the back .

-What a joy...

- Let us do the talking and do the cards. No matter what don't give him something that could use against you.


As i chose to stay quiet i see Wang's brother from afar and i could feel the malice around him. As he approaches i notice a beautiful girl that sits next to the evil guy. I could have swear that i saw a sneer thrown at me but it was just for a second and now she is like a goddess and she looks so innocent....not. I still can see the malice in her eyes even if she is a expert at hiding. I know that look, my mother had the same look of malice .

- You took your time Wang. You are late as usual....slowpoke

- I think i am quite certain that i am on time, Li Qiang

- And you brought a servant with you....

- He is not my servant. This is our partner in our group.

- You kidding. You are so desperate that you brought a peasant with you to take  your group in the mud, ohhh but i think that is your place brother...

- Watch your tongue brother because i will burn your tongue.

- Wang...that is not the way to talk with the family heir. Show some respect....

-I didnt know you are here, Li Na. After all you are only a shadow.

-Hummpp. You are a bully ...

As i was looking at this show of words between Wang and Li Qiang, the other males they were reacting at Li Na tears and the fake emotions she was spreading and i had a shiver down the spine. This woman is dangerous, she could start a fight with only two tears. She was fake and i dont know how others didnt see it.

- Dont worry brother, i could recommend a more capable person to complete your team.

- No thank you, i dont want your puppet.

- Father will be disappointed in you knowing you have such a poor team ,after all he thinks you are a genius.

- Hehehe what a joke, Wang a genius? More like a loser , you are the true genius Li Qiang.

- I can't wait to see what you score at the entry of the Glory academy. I bet you are a weak.....little mongrel...

- You fucker.....

I see Wang is red with furry and before he takes a step and tries to start a fight i decide to intervene in their "brotherly love" and to calm the spirits. All this is just pointless.

- This is enough. Soon we will take the test and all will see the results...

- The servant is talking....how about you get lost and let the masters to.....

- I didn't talked with you ,Li Na. This is something private and you dont help this situation.

As i answered to Li Na i see surprise on her face. She actually thought i will sit there and let her talk shit.

-And you Li Qiang, i think to let the professors to decide if we are good enough. Its not you who decides.

- You have guts....but be warned , this is not over. I will make you swallow your words and i will show you what a genius is all about....

As we were arguing ,at the back of the crowd , a old man is coming to us. I think he tries to stop the dispute before we start fighting. As i wait for the old man to come , a strong pressure is unfolding behind me , taking me by surprise. I turn and behind me is a man with fiery red hair and a big fox on his shoulder. The man looks at us with deep green eyes and i notice that the fox looks straight at me like its analyses me .

- You make to much noise. For some children, you chat to loudly.

I am quite taken by the beautiful face and deep eyes that when i hear Li Qiang addressing to the guy i am shocked.

- We are sorry Master Zhang. Me and my brother decided to talk and we were carried away from news from home.

- Hnnnn. I heard you quite clear and i suggest you go back to your Master and pray i do not take action against you. After all you are here to keep peace between groups, not to start a fight.

- Yes Master....

I look at Li Qiang leaving with his tail between his legs and i turn, prepared to thank him but i am scared because the guy .....master Zhang bends to my height and he is looking at my mask like he looks at me. This gives some cold shivers and i wish i could go and hide in my dimension.

- Who is in your group?

I am too stunned to answer because of his looks but i hear Wang answering to him.

- We are with him. We are a team of mages...and we come from.....

- I asked you?

- No master....

- Are you gonna answer me?

And he flicks my mask making me look at him.

- They are my team.....i mean i am with them....

- Did you take the test?

- Not yet..

After i answer him he starts to walk in the direction where i saw the old man that looked like a professor and as he walks ,the youngsters part ways. As he walks ,he stops and he throws a impatient look at us .

- What are you doing.., come now ,i dont have all day.

Me , Xiu fey, Wang, Rong and Kay we walk to the front desk were the enrolling is taking place and we follow the young man . I realise all the people and the students around us are calling him Master Zhang so this means he is a big shot around here.I don't know who he is but from the look on Xiu fey face and others they knew who he is. Instead of staying at the same line, Master Zhang takes us at the front row where a large white stone is placed.

-Hyeon please take your registration note.

After he called someone to the registration, he took a place on a chair and he sits like a king looking at us.

As we are waiting to see what is next I se someone with glasses on his nose with a big book with him.

- Please come . I need your full name and after that we will see the colour of your aura .If you pass, you will continue at the next level.

As we were preparing i notice others coming and they whisper how Master Zhang decided to take us under his wing or other girls were talking how they dont see nothing special and how did we catch the eye of the great Zhang....

- Please come closer...name and age?

Wang is the first in line..

- My name is Wang of the Zheng clan and i am 17 years old.

- Please touch the stone and release your energy until a colour appears on the stone.

As Wang is preparing to touch the smooth stone ,i see Li Qiang is coming to see our test and he has a sneer thrown at us.

I look back at Wang and i see that the stone is coming to life. At beginning i see a light pink and then is a light purple but even after 10 seconds, the colour is not the final one. I have so many emotions for my new friend and to know i have to take the same test and i dont know if i truly have a light yellow aura.Finally the colours stops and we see a very dark purple. The dark colour is a good thing because the darkest colour is very strong, at least that is what i know.

- First test for Wang..... high dark purple aura. Next please.

The next in line is Xiu fey..

-My name is Xiu fey of the Lotus family and i am 16 and half years old.

- Please proceed.

As Xiu fey is releasing the energy i see from the start a dark fiery red like the blood . It didnt take so much at her test so i feel a little better. All around me i hear buzzing with the news that a fiery red has appeared at the tests this year. So my little friend will be the center of attention this year but i can't stop to notice that Master Zhang is still looking at me.Next is Kay...

- My turn now... my name is Kay of the Spider family and i am 17 years old.

- Please take your turn at the stone.

This time when Kay touched the stone, a black color appears on the surface, but it is not over... a few strands of light blue appears and it takes like some layers are added and we actually see a very dark blue like midnight sky and those light lines are like the sky . Hyeon doesnt know what to think about those lines and he looks at Master Zhang. Because he has no answer he decide to note all .

-Please take your turn .

Now i will let Rong to take the test before me.

- I am Rong of the Zheng clan and i am 16 years old.

At Rong we could see a royal blue is on the surface with nothing as a surprise. And now me...Me....i am scared. ...I come closer and i see that everyone is looking at me.....since when did i become a star.....?

I am so nervous that i didnt hear when Hyeon asked my name until the third time.

- I am Ferren Jun Li and i am 16 years old

-Please touch the stone and push your energy inside the stone.

I touched the stone feeling the cold smooth surface. As i start to push my energy, the stone just stays clear devoid of colours. I panic and because of this i push more energy inside the stone.....finally... A dim light starts to glow around the stone but as i feel happy knowing that i have some colour ,indiferent of which i have. As the yellow colour appears to form on the surface, from a side it appears that a green and a dark blue is trying to take control and dominate on the surface. The colours come closer to my hand and mysterious they attach to the hand forming like some rings around the fingers ,each ring ...different colour.As the dark blue and green are settling around my hand , a streak of orange ,bright red, electrifying azure, deep yellow and black colour appears on the surface of the stone but now those colours are violent in intensity and i feel like my skin is burning on my hand. I try to take my hand of the stone but i am a fool because i end up with my second hand touching the stone...now other colors are appearing battling and there are fuzzing that eventually a bright light is enveloping the whole area, bursting with heat. I feel the scorching heat and i hear a cracking noise close , as i try hard to take my hands from the stone,a strong force pushed me two meters away from where i stood. I feel like my whole body is burning and electricity is passing through my body. I hear Wang shouting my name and i feel a cold hand touching my neck, probably to check if i am dead, and after that all is black.

Master Zhang pov.

Again i am chosen to act like a teacher to a group of teens. Every year ,all those teens that think they are special , they are pursuing me to become my students. In all this years i haven't seen my perfect candidate and i never saw a student to meet the requirements to learn my technique.

I am bored...

As i suppress my aura ,i take a walk thru the kids . As i pass a group of boisterous kids, i feel a spark. I dont know from where did it originate  but somewhere around here. I come closer to the group that they argue and i see a sign from the elder to terminate the discusion.As i search for the spark i hear the words spoken by Li Na and Li Qiang and i chose to intervene because i hate those that think they are the best only for the relations their family have. I sit behind a small girl but i hear the voice and i freeze....

(- This is enough. Soon we will take the test and all will see the results...)

The voice, is not a girl, the tone of the voice is sweet but with a hint of manliness. In just sit and hear what is the reason they argue to look and after i found out i unfold my aura..

The others just realised i am here and i can hear them and their fear pumping through their veins.

(-You make to much noise. For some children, you chat to loudly.)

The others just flew the scene and i am intrigued by the boy with the mask... i feel  a strange energy...a aura but not one at the same time...he is small and interesting. I feel my pet is intrigued as well, she feels what i feel and we share the findings through mind link. I never been interested to train someone before but if i get the chance to find a a candidate with the potential of space and time elements i will fight tooth and nail .

(-Who is in your group?) i asked the kid...

(-We are with him. We are a team of mages...and we come from.....) i asked him and another kid answered..

(-I asked you?)....

(- No master....)

(- Are you gonna answer me? ) i am loosing my patience....and i flick his mask and maybe i will get his atention

(-They are my team.....i mean i am with them....) ...finally he answered...

(-- Did you take the test?

(- Not yet..) lets see what he can do.....

I sit and look at all those kids that they take the test with him. I see potential especially when it appears like we have a student with two colours. I sit and wait for his turn to take the test . I hear his name..Ferren  Jun Li and i wait to see the colour he has....i hope he has space and time potential because that is the only logic why i'm so interested in him.

I wait and wait.....ahhh finally a colour appears and its ....yellow....no wait...a deep blue is appearing on the surface and we start to see a battle of colours.... yellow ,deep blue ,deep purple, green and even pink....as all colours appears, i see intricate lines  interconnecting and as i wait with my fists tight i see it.....white... a   bright white and...crackkkk..

I cant believe it , it cracked.... a holy stone cracked... the power it takes to even make a fissure it will be enormous.

Not only it cracked , but blow up and we all felt the wave of power, the electrifying energy that not only is a pure energy but if forced my meridians to expand and absorb it. I

I look at him how he flews through the air and after he crashes  ,he faints in the arms of his friend.

- Hyeon what colours did we saw?

- ummm i dont know, i think all of them were stable and yet fighting for domination.

- All the colors...

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