
The Void Writer

This young man in his early life as a teenager is considered to be a talent born once every century. A modern Shakespeare. Highly regarded by thousands of people all around the globe with his tear-jerking creations of love story that will make men and women cry. In short, a genius. But everyone knew of his true nature. Despite being awarded countless awards as one of the best romance author in the whole world, he's... clueless. Everything about love. His cold demeanor and a stone cold face shows no signs of attractions or feelings to anyone. He doesn't feel any attraction to anyone. Now, he enters the first years of his high school life. Several interesting characters entered his life in which fate clearly planned to. Will he be able to feel the feelings of the character he writes in his novels or will he just be the same old, cold and heartless, 'Void Writer'? AUTHOR'S NOTE: As much as I'd like to reference real books in the real world in this story, I'm afraid that I cannot since there's copyrights and licensing protecting those things. And I'm not going to risk it. So that's why most of the books in this story will be made up by me.

Yrythaela · Real
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169 Chs

Page LVIII - Intertwined Fates

The fated day begins.

It was a hot morning. The blinding light of the sun completely going through Gwyneth's window woke her up combined with her alarm clock at 7 AM in the morning. 

She reached over to the small bell on the top of her dresser while still laying down in bed and shot it to the small ring attached to her dorm room's door.

The sounds of spring and the awkward noise of the net was heard loudly as it was just a cheaply made basketball board.

Her shot went in the hoop.

She stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes for another ten minutes to gather her thoughts. Her head was completely in the game.

The nervousness she felt was the fuel to her passion. Her weakened stay was warming up for a perpetual engine. And her consciousness was clear, free of thoughts. She was in the zone.

She hopped down from the top bunker to the ground. She woke up Phoebe sleeping on the bottom bunker of the bed.