
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
140 Chs


You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



A wave of blue energy in the shape of a dome blasted everything away from Kang and for the first time since meeting the enigmatic dictator, I could finally feel the eclipsing hate and contempt he held for me but none of that made any difference in our current slugfest.

'Anything notable about the result of quantumizing my form-shift ability? What even is a form-shift?'

[Based on the reaction it has with effect of quantumization, it can be safely said that it takes the attributes of whatever it is acting in tandem with]

A stray thought came to me as I looked at Kang whose telekinetic powers were surging in such a haywire fashion. 'What if he wasn't exiled? What if he had access to all his tech?'

The resources that he could find in the Quantum Realm were very limited and he also didn't have access to his time device unless I would have been dead 10 times over.

'Enable fusion.'

[Running sequences….]

[Recalibrating the Mind Stone's effect on quantum-siphoning…]

[Molecular deconstruction has been affected. Shape-shifting has been affected. Fundamental force manipulation has been affected]

[Fusion and assimilation is underway]

[Caution: Due to the current environment being the Quantum Realm, a level of restraint is required in order to prevent any unforeseen fusion with the realm. In the event that such a thing occurs, it is highly probable that connection with the Mind Stone will be lost]

"Fuck!" My involuntary scream died out due to the loud screeching sound that echoed inside my head.

It felt as if all my limbs were being mushed into paste and then pulled apart and then shoved into a shredder while my mind was still connected to it.

[Possibility of fusing with the Quantum Realm has been greatly reduced due to the now broad connection with the Mind Stone. Caution is still advice]

"Idiot. Quantumization in the Quantum Realm is just inviting your demise."

I ignored Kang in favor of running a scan on my body, and while I didn't look any different from before, the feeling I got was vastly different from seconds ago.

"No matter. This doesn't change the outcome in the slightest." He hurtled all the debris and metal parts at me but I easily dodged them and just as easily took control of them as they sailed safely past me and sent them back to Kang.

My movement this time was instant as if I had always been standing in front of him. I punched him hard in the gut while channeling the quantum energy through my body.

Even surprising to me, my hands actually punched Kang's armor and not the forcefield he's been using since the fight began.

"Damn!" I whistled as my head started downloading new information concerning my state with every action that I took.

It felt as if I was some sort of quantum god since I was currently taking the properties of the place and embodying it. Of course there were still a fuckton of limitations but at least this was something that I could work with.

'I guess I should count myself lucky for hiding the Mind Stone in a linked neutral subspace with the quantum space.'

Whatever energy Kang was harnessing was something similar to Wanda's chaos magic in that it can negate the Mind Stone's effect but his was more… overwhelming.

"You destroyed my life's work… and you think you can just walk away like that?" Kang said in an aggrieved voice as he tore off his cape. "You will make a very nice addition to my collection, of that I can assure you."

"That'd require me to be dead if I understand the context of your words and that's something I'm not keen on experiencing."

"Haha, I forget." He laughed in mock amusement. "You heroes and your silly ego that makes you feel entitled, infallible."

"You're drawing quite the perfect picture of yourself there, man." I retorted. He didn't react to what I said and just looked at the vabrances around his arms and looked at me like an ignorant man who made a fool of himself for his lack of understanding.

"Who do you think will be left standing after all… this." He pointed at the rubble of a city surrounding us.

I shrugged. "I don't know about you but I have promised appointments with some people that I can't miss."

"How truly unfortunate… and repulsive." He said under his breath and fired two blasts at me but I had already erected some sort of quantum field around me that was barely holding up against Kang's beams.

It didn't matter however as I created an axe made out of lightning and hurled it at Kang, forcing him to let up on the pressure.

The moment he gave me a little respite, I pushed forward with both of my hands enlarged with quantum energy. He tried warping away but I got to him first and punched him which he surprisingly blocked but unfortunately for him, there was nothing he could do about the second punch that snuck into the other side of his face for a healthy reassurance.

I intercepted him whenever he tried moving away and pressed forward in my attack. There was an instance where he tried attacking me when I was too close into his reach but while the attack made his way home, it hit nothing as I literally burst and dissipated into the air only to reform a few meters back.

Kang was running out of steam and we could both tell. First of all, whatever tech he was building to escape the Quantum Realm was mostly destroyed by now either by our fight or Janet did something right. Meaning the only way for him to get out was by killing me and harvesting the method I used for his escape.

Since I was currently exhibiting the attributes of this realm, it meant that I could also manipulate it to a very limited degree with extreme caution if I don't want to be sucked into it.

A whirlpool started forming above us with lightning strikes in increasing magnetic pull as the whirlpool swallowed us.

Before he could take a step to clear out his obstructions, he received a blast from me from under the ground that sent him careening into the air. I appeared above him and drove a kick to his chin, sending him back down where he started from but I wasn't about done with him.

Catching him by the leg before he landed on the ground, I smacked him against the ground with a loud boom and a lightning strike before blasting him to the side where I was already waiting for him with a gigantic bat that I pelted against him from above, digging him straight into the ground.

The entire place exploded in a blue blast from Kang but I was already clear from the area around the blast, only to be gone the next second as the blast subsided and joined my hands together and brought it into Kang's back that had him coughing out large amounts of blood.

I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and without waiting a second, pumped my quantum energy into his body for a brief moment and then phased him out of his suit after ensuring he experienced a temporal imbalance before his suit helped him fix it.

Away from his armor, Kang was just an elite fighter with future knowledge.

Even after it couldn't be clearer that he's most, he didn't look that phased.

"W-what do you think happens now?" He asked me with defiant eyes.

"You die." I said.

"Do you think you can shoulder the consequences of killing me? Are you even sure I will die?"

I raised an eyebrow at him but then remembered that some Kangs could download their memories into other Kangs and control their bodies, essentially becoming immortal, we'll sort of.

"I guess I'll live with the consequences then." He tried to move but I held him in place and directed a surge of energy inside his body that slowly started disintegrating him.

I was beyond tempted to dive inside his memories and harvest everything I can but something held me back.

I am not strong enough.

I have no idea about the capabilities of the Council of Kangs and the fact that they play around with the reality stream of the multiverse was a big deterrent. If they were to know in any kind of way, since they'll definitely know that this one is dead, that I took his memories, trust me, I'll be dead before I shrink back to earth.

There are even Kangs that could see through the eyes of other Kangs, so yeah, I'm not taking that chance.

And besides, it's not as if Kang memories are the only way to get stronger.

'But I'm pocketing his armor.'

With Kang dead, I teleported to where I could feel the only human aura and appeared just in front of Janet, making the old woman jump up with a scared yelp.

"Vision! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little stuffy, I think." I said as my eyes surveyed the rest of people around her; weird alien lifeforms.

"What about…"

"He's dead."


"Are y-"

"He's gone, Janet. Disintegrated to dust." I said cutting her off. "If that's all, we should get moving out of here. I believe I've had enough quantum adventures for the time being."

I didn't want to waste any time here since I'm also worried how much must have passed during my time here.

Before she or anyone could say anything else, I wrapped her in a magnetic field and immediately activated my quantum-shifting and we were gone in the next instant.