
The Vile Creatures.

On the way towards his graduation ceremony, Omkar was caught in an accident. Barely surviving without scratch, he was swept away by river.... And the nightmare started! Discord: Omkar_M #2388 https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW Updating schedule: 4 Chaps/week.

Cosmic_SpiritKing · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Man Versus Wild.

Chapter: 2

After getting off the tree, Omkar sat down for some minutes to rest, before planning what he should and should not do in his situation.

" Sigh... That animal…? " Omkar realised he didn't see clearly what it was... Was it a porcupine? —how can it jump from nowhere... Was it a monkey?—It did look like one... But still, he had his doubts in his mind. 

Even though he had doubts, he didn't ponder on that for long. He somewhat felt sad, cause he was the reason that the animal got crushed, but he too got busted, or was going to be one; he could have died back there. 


"Alright, "

Omkar stood up from the ground and stretched a bit. He wanted to check what things are there with him presently. 

What is important for survival?-Making good use of the limited available resources. 

"First thing first" Inspecting his pockets he retrieved his wallet from his back pocket. But before checking, he looked at his watch. To his bad luck, it was broken and he couldn't see the time on the empty watch. 

"sigh!" Omkar shook his head sideways. 

Throwing the watch aside, he decided to explore his wallet. On the backside it had cards, on the front it had money and in the middle compartment, he kept some tablets and a toffee. 

'Nice... Money is safe and dry.' He wasn't stupid to think about money at this time and in this situation. He was making sure if he could use it,' I can't use it to light a fire. ' Realising there was nothing with him to create a spark he sighed again. 

Aside from money, there was his licence card, credit card, debit card, adhar card(personal identity/Citizen of a country card), two small wrapped coffee flavoured toffee', and medicines. 

It was lucky that the medicines he had were the medicines that could help him. Being in the forest there always arises one problem—The problem of food poisoning. To treat the diarrhoea caused by food poisoning, he had the tablet in hand. 

He wasn't sure of using his card for anything, this early. Because who would want to sacrifice their card for no reason? What if he gets out of the forest tomorrow? He would for no reason break it! No. 

Keeping the wallet back into his pocket Omkar untied his tie and removed the blazer, " Tie can be used for tying and blazer for purifying water. "

Pulling out the wallet from his pocket again he thought of using it to collect water. 

He held his chest high, appreciating that he didn't become a cheapskate, and bought a leather wallet some months ago. 

Aside from his blazer, wallet, tie, and his shirt, he didn't take off his pants and underwear. 

"I shouldn't have hung my bag on my bike. " Even though he had some very useful things he still thought about his bag. 

There was a first-aid kit and all, but he wasn't worried about that, in there all his important files were present. Moreover, they were original documents and not their copy. 

Leaving that thing for another time, he searched for the nearest water source, and luckily he found it easily. 

(A/N: River became somewhat traumatic for him.) 

In the wilderness, it is necessary to check the water properly. Even though water looks clean, it can still have pathogens and fatal impurities. Like—Dragonfly larvae, mosquito larvae, leeches, snails, etc. This water needs to be treated before drinking. 

Keeping that in mind he inspected the water source. 

"Nice, now I just have to make preparations for purifying and collecting water. "

Luckily, there were no such impurities in the water, and the water was clean. There he found some crayfish in the water. 

They say that if you find any crustaceans like crayfish or shrimp, that water is safe to drink. But even so, he has to purify it to remove the mixed soil. 

It was good that he had a handkerchief near him. Due to dirty water going into his pocket, it was wet and dirty. 

The handkerchief was necessary for the last purification, so he decided to keep it clean—after washing it in clean water. 


Removing all his wet clothes he became butt naked. Collecting his clothes he washed them clean and twisted them to leak all the water from them. 

After hanging the wet clothes on a nearby branch of a tree for drying, he decided to go in search of food. He had the crayfish near him but he couldn't eat it. The problem was fire, he couldn't eat them raw right!? 

He was naked , thus he didn't want to go far from this water source, so he just wandered nearby. 

" Bird?" 

Walking for some time, he heard some hushed chirping sound of a bird. 


Looking up he explored the trees with his eyes, and luckily he found its location. 

Near the water source, he found a tree that was as tall, which reached about seventeen to eighteen metres in height, and there was a bird nest on it. 

Climbing up naked he found that there was a bird sitting in the nest. It had red feathers on its front and the whole body( except head) was black coloured. 

Omkar didn't know what kind of bird it was, nevertheless he didnt think about it and shuttered the bird away with his hand. 

The bird got angry and aggressively started pecking him. 

"Stop it birdy!" He waved his hands in the air to shutter the bird away.

And just when the bird got away he quickly grabbed the two eggs in its nest and ran away. 

"Heck! It peck harshly! " Omkar rubbed his head. 

Eggs are a good source of energy and can help to rest his hunger for a while. Even though there's nothing to cook them, they can be eaten raw. As the eggs were in good condition, there's less chance that they could be infected. 

Returning back, he washed himself and the two eggs( ͡°_ʖ ͡°) in the water.  

Picking up his clothes he returned back to the hiding place. 

There, he collected some big and small tree branches and intertwined some tree fibres and made a wooden wall-like-door and laid some leaves on the ground, creating a warm place for him. 

Staying warm is actually just as important as food for survival.

In the forest, the temperature drops quickly. He didn't want to be preyed on by hypothermia. Also, they say if we are not warm. Our body digests more food to generate heat. And that's what he did not want. He wanted to preserve food as much as possible.

Now what left was to purify water and say goodbye to the day. 

Retrieving his blazer, he sprinkled the clean pebbles on it, along with some sand. Under the blazer he placed his handkerchief and then poured water on it with his hands. 

Collecting the somewhat clean water in the wallet he drank some and went back to the natural tent, where he laid the dry leaves and his shirt—to create warmth. 

The day was exhausting for him.

Thus, sleeping soundly after getting all preparations done. 

"I hope nothing bothers my sleep! "


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