
The Vengeance Will Come ¿Eventually?

If your World End´s next is just a new beginning. Follow The Fate´s Doll in their seek of vengeance and purpose

ShadowsOverTheWall · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Reviewing the lines

[The sound of steel clashing with steel, screams and blood flowing in the din of battle followed by a blinding light].

Breathing in as if there was no oxygen he awoke. He sat up instinctively, covered in a cold sweat, breathing with extreme difficulty, immersed in himself.

"My lady loves men with problems... although this one is not bad." thought a girl with her eyes fixed on the pale black-haired man who rested bent over with nothing but his pants on that large and comfortable bed.

Still gasping for breath, he turned his gaze to his arms, to his chest, and then moved his hands away. A pile of scars covered his pale skin. He tried to venture to check further down but a throat clearing made him react.

Next a beautiful lady with straight brown hair in a maid's outfit spoke in the direction of the boy who, up to little , was immersed in a thorough check.

"My name is Lisa, my mistress entrusted me with your care. You are currently in a guest room within her domain."

Regaining his calm the young man observed the girl, she reflected no more than 18 years of age, a calm countenance with an honest smile and eyes with ochre tones.

Soon he looked around the room adorned with paintings, red velvets and a long metal cylinder on a base of the same material that extended to the ceiling. Behind him, a pair of padded handcuffs embedded (and adjustable) in the back of the King Size bed in which he lay.

A shiver ran down her spine at the discovery.

"(Cough) Some of my lady's guests have particular... tastes." Said the lady in a serious tone as she stood up, eyes closed and a slight blush on her cheeks.

"You just had a check up while you were unconscious so don't get any funny ideas." He said looking at the pale man as he walked over to a nearby piece of furniture.

The young man took a deep breath with his eyes closed before jumping up and bowing in front of the girl.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, I haven't finished assimilating this whole situation, I don't think I can say my name, I just know it ends with U!" he expressed with great effusiveness.

The girl showed a look of surprise before trying uselessly to control a loud laugh that escaped from her lips seeping between her hands.

"'So with U, eh?" she said regaining her composure after such a strange apology. she was opening and rummaging through something in a nearby cupboard.

"Well..." Said the young lady with a thoughtful countenance.

"They say that every new beginning comes from the end of some other" she expressed cheerfully looking inside the cabinet.

"What do you think Uzziel?" She said to the young man as, with a smile, she extended a black, satiny robe with a pair of slippers.

The young man looked up and returned the cheerful expression as he held out his arms.

"Phenomenal" he said as a rejoicing warmth welled up in his heart.

[Soul integrity: 66.66%]

Soon a knocking sounded at the door, Lisa opened it, at the moment a maid entered bringing with her new clothes which, although simple, gave her the impression of being quite expensive.

"We have prepared a special bath for you so you can relax before dinner. See you in a little while!" indicated Lisa before leaving, waving her hand in farewell.

The other maid immediately requested that the young man follow her, outside the room two others joined the procession, directing the young man towards the bathroom between giggles, touches and flirtatious glances.

He simply tried to ignore these advances.

A spacious hallway stretched with gold-plated chandeliers and multiple decorations befitting nobility that lent it a distinguished character. Velvet carpets and paintings of the most explicit themes adorned each side along with various ornamentations and plants followed by doors every few feet giving the impression of containing spacious and innumerable rooms.

Every so many steps a few groans and squeaks of creaking wood escaped from some of the innumerable doors, the boy saw the image of the saintly red-haired widow turn into that of a hungry succubus salivating for her bruised flesh one room at a time.

In the middle of their walk they passed an old man with handsome features smoking from a pipe held by a lady as they walked in the opposite direction. On the other side and under his eaves he was accompanied by another sensual lady, both on the order of about 20 years old. Short, black, sexy bunny suits covered part of their bodies, velvety white ears adorned their heads, flirtatious looks came from their faces and black tights betrayed their legs topped by sharp heels of the same color.

The older man looked happy, his attire consisted of a red satin robe, a white yacht captain's hat and a silver rabbit emblem pinned to it. He looked ahead, examining the approaching group.

"Welcome, playboy" he expressed to the black-haired boy accompanied by 3 maids as he gave him a genuine smile accompanied by a wink laden with pride.

A part of Uzziel felt a dream come true.

[Soul integrity: 69.99%]

After 15 more minutes of a long walk, the procession stopped in front of a door, the door had marble and gold details.

One of the maids went forward to open it and made a gesture for the young man to enter, another one handed him the clothes he had been carrying up to that moment. An aromatic and relaxing scent entered through his nose with hints of soap and lavender added to some steam seeping from inside leaving the young man absorbed in the aroma with a dazed and happy expression.

Without further warning the ladies stepped forward with flirtatious smiles. The sound brought Uzziel out of his gawking state, he swiftly blocked the door with his chest in front of the flirtatious ladies who wished to "help" him.

The girls crowded around, trying to beg, grope and tickle the young man who, like a starfish, resisted with strength, holding on to the ends of the frame.

After several seconds of endurance and repeated refusals before the fiery advances of the beautiful maids, he decided to push them and then lock the door. To his surprise, it was much easier than he thought it would be.

He breathed a sigh of relief with a palm on the door, at last, he could admire the scenery in front of him. He found himself in a birch wood anteroom furnished with a variety of empty spaces in which to leave his belongings. A variety of shelves with tonics, oils and bath utensils and even scented candles were neatly arranged waiting to be reached.

Halfway up the wall in front of the door was a white satin curtain. The boy left all his clothes organized, covered himself with a towel and crossed to the other side of the room.

Crossing to the other side of the room, he found a large room like he had never imagined: quadrangular, spacious and black in color.

In the middle of the room was a round marble pool, embedded in the floor, surrounded by four pillars of the same material in a square and perfectly geometric arrangement. Above it a starry sky with a full moon could be seen, from which a soft white glow fell forming a halo of the same width of that circular opening into the water. 

On one side of the opening there was a statue, on a curved base, of a satyr sculpted in quartz that regularly poured crystallized and vaporous water from a vase of the same material resting between its arms.

On the side walls immense mirrors were centered and perched at a slightly inclined angle with a certain red seat of certain use arranged on matching carpets, some "toys" could be found on small shelves near them.

Towards the back of the room a gigantic screen of sorts projected space and various galaxies with mind-blowing image definition. On one side a subtle opening could be seen and under it a golden service cart.

Part of his mind that was no stranger to such places although thousands of times less luxurious.

The multiple surprises of his instance only invited a sigh of resignation. He relaxed and dropped a towel that had accompanied him until that minute before walking to the middle of the large and curious bathing room.

He looked at the reflection of his body reflected in one of the mirrors, he appeared to be between 16 and 18 years old. If well defined and slender, he reminded her of a rag doll with finely stitched but noticeable ends at joints and other places that made him look like a jigsaw puzzle, except for about a quarter of his left side starting from his abdomen.

His hands were worked, with veins and calluses coming from the repeated practice of some martial art. His body ended in a well-defined sixpack followed a little further down by a hanging and exotic Kukri of flesh resting ready for battle under the termination of his abdomen.

Imperceptible laughter and expressions of surprise occurred on the other side of the gigantic screen on the back wall.

[Goddesses watch blushing with flirtatious glances].

[Gods look on with pleasure at their creation].

Uzziel touched the water, perfect temperature, he could only put on a relaxed expression as he plunged into the warm waters under a starry sky up to his neck, with no more noise than the flowing of the waters from the statue. After several minutes of the best bath of his life, he got out, dried off and returned to the anteroom to try on his new clothes, leaving the rest in a space provided for that purpose.

A red linen shirt, black pants and shoes of the same color covered his body with a perfect fit. A belt with an initials "GC" in a curious arrangement and a silver watch of the most known copyright accompanied as accessories. He took some hairspray and a brush from one of the shelves before combing her hair back.

[Goddesses approve of wardrobe choice].

Once ready she hears a knocking sound coming from the white door behind her.

[A powerful force suppresses vision.]

Immediately the young man went out, closing it behind him.

"Pretty good... 60/100" said the tall, provocative lady in a seductive tone, with the black veil over her face. At her side a young acquaintance accompanied her.

The young man flashed a big smile at both ladies.

"I think you fell short by 40 my lady" was heard rounding a corner from a back section of the spacious bathroom, soon a girl with short light brown hair and pale golden eyes of similar age to Lisa appeared accompanied by a blushing maid in the direction of the group.

"Marie!" Said the redhead happily.

Once they were close enough she expressed "I guess you saw where that 40 was left or not?" Directing a flirtatious glance at the male's nether regions moving on to perch on the newly arrived ladies. His left hand covered his mouth to this followed by a wink directed at the pale man before him.

Marie, her companion and Uzziel burned with blushes while the red-haired lady laughed sensually and Lisa watched them in confusion.

Past the initial embarrassment they were directed to a compact and cozy lounge where the 2 cuties, Lisa and Marie, accompanied their supernaturally beautiful lady and Uzziel. The 3 ladies were seated in front of the young man at a fine oak table with subtly lewd engravings and equal decoration but without losing the taste of high nobility.

The sensual woman was the first to break the ice.

"Well, about our striking encounter the day before yesterday I was unable to introduce myself." Said the sexy woman in a serious tone.

"My name is Aphrodite, I think you already presume what I do for a living and what kind of Goddess I am. I see you've already met Monna."

The girl with straight brown hair twitched an eyelid as she heard the name causing her displeasure.

"And this other little girl is Pauline. She can be half whimsical at times." She expressed as the Maid showed similar reaction to her equal.

"I am deeply sorry to have caused your Excellency discomfort with this frail and unconscious being. I have no words to express my unhappiness at having caused inconvenience in spite of that dog's warnings." said the young man giving a leisurely bow.

[Somewhere private in the Endless Pantheon, a Doberman-faced butler sneezed in a sitting position while holding a lit cigar].

"Hanging out with those cattle must have given me some malady" He expressed before continuing his recreation.

Back in Aphrodite's Dominions....

"Fate is a capricious lady, please don't blame yourself for being the butt of her jokes." asserted the peerless beauty with a soft smile.

"Likewise I am even more sorry for not being able to share a brief passing with such a beautiful woman." Alagated the young man to the Goddess.

"Mmm... while we were unable to have our rendezvous, feel free to come see me whenever you like during your stay at The Pantheon. This domain will always be open to you." She winked coquettishly as she reached for one of the hands the young man had resting on the peculiar table.

A slight itch ran through the Goddess's resorted hand along with a particular sensation of warmth in the limb and giddiness in the tail.

"Because I am extremely busy I will give you a consolation prize, these little girls are at your disposal for the day, take advantage of them..." After a noticeable pause. "...and solve all your doubts, I'm sure it will be of help to you during your stay."

Both damsels looked at their mistress with surprise but nodded at the order, both understood their Mistress' feelings about the boy as well as the constraints the covenant had on him.

"Good luck sweetheart." Said the Goddess, throwing a kiss to Uzziel's cheek before withdrawing. He, promptly stood up and gave a solemn bow until the precious Goddess disappeared.

[(notification sound) passive acquired: Kiss of The Lusty Goddess]

"Very good Marie..." said Lisa, rising enthusiastically from the chair. "... Let's get to work!"

The young woman at her side gave a sigh of resignation before rising from her own.

The three walked out of the Goddess's domain into a luxurious district quite far from where the young man began his wanderings, filled with gigantic buildings with plenty of space between one another.

Behind them was a magnificent Soapland of refined architecture and imposing size with a dark wooden facade reminiscent of the architecture of Japan or China in an ancient era. Beautiful and gigantic gardens filled with the most varied guests and flowers stretched around it.

Uzziel had only a moment to appreciate and memorize such a structure before being pulled by the beautiful girls to continue on their way.

On their walk, they enjoyed a thousand kindnesses and certain attractions of the Endless Pantheon. They answered every question from Uzziel and explained the general layout of the Endless Pantheon as they toured the place, becoming more and more friendly.

No one dared to approach the red-haired teenager due to the aura emanated by the Handmaids of a powerful Goddess.

The Pantheon was composed of different districts and biomes depending on the power and influence of the different gods. The sectors closest to the Hall of the novices are full of minor Deities that seek to take hold of individuals of weaker wills. The farther one moved, the fewer and more powerful existences congregated. Only the Primordial Deities were on a plane unreachable by conventional means, even so for the most powerful Eminences within the Pantheon, with few exceptions.

There were several places and resting areas scattered for the wandering souls in search of the favor of the Gods although it was not uncommon to see that those interested granted dependencies within their domains to their postulants so as not to leave them at the mercy of another God. There were also several free sectors scattered all over the place where to enjoy part of the different divinities in order to flatten the way to their hearts.

"What's the profit in all that?" asked Uzziel sitting outside the headquarters of one of the numerous properties of the Gods Bistrea, administered by Servant Kaldi who was a close friend of the young man's companions.

"Two things: first, to give excitement to their eternal existences by creating protagonists capable of exciting and unique adventures to pass the tedium of eternal life." Marie replied.


Lisa directed a threatening glance at her companion who stopped the girl's explanation in its tracks.

To stay alive... The Gods need champions who enhance their power with the worship of new believers in the different worlds for the purpose of the action of their chosen ones. Ultimately, these worshippers and even champions could be food for the Gods or trusted Servants, the latter did not escape such a bitter possible fate.

Lisa cleared her throat before taking the reins of explanation, "You omitted something, humanoid beings endowed with spirit and reasoning possess a certain degree of divinity in their souls provided by the cosmos from their origin. This can be cultivated or enforced by... certain means. To increase such power is of the utmost benefit to Their Excellencies, that in the second place." expressed the lady with utmost emphasis in the final part.

After a slight pause to drink from her glass she continued, "Such Divinity can be active (allowing to manipulate magic, have more robust bodies and/or create miracles) or dormant, sometimes powerful individuals are born with souls of such strength that they could become the receptacle of a God during their lifetime, at least their oracle in the world."

"Mind you both conditions are exclusive and haphazard, they do not allow any Being to descend from the Pantheon. Exceptionally they can descend for short times through their Chosen or in aid of these by paying a certain price." Marie complemented.

"Also, in cases of exception, distinguished servants had the possibility to ascend to the personal care of their Patron for eternity." said both girls proudly.

"And something several times better but muuuuuch more complicated." said Marie with her eyes fixed on the beautiful pale boy sitting in front of her.

"What would that be?" consulted the expectant young man with a serious look.

"A secret" said both beauties followed by giggles with their eyes closed and hands over their mouths.

"Would it be...to become one?" thought the boy looking at the girls raising one of his eyebrows while drinking from his cappuccino.

Of course, in their explanation, Lisa and Marie only addressed permissible points while enjoying the coffee shop. There are things that the Handmaids of Aphrodite were allowed to know but not to divulge to the applicants as well as other servants of The Gods.

Although the ladies were bound by their mistress's pact, that did not prevent them from subtly twisting phrases on matters of reserve for the young man's interpretation.

They also detailed the functions of a certain element that up to that point the boy had not been able to access due to his troubled beginning. Soon, thanks to his teachers, he learned to access a map with his location in real time, a useful guide with information about the districts and Gods, and the time until his stay at the Pantheon was over.

[18:00 on the 3rd day. Time until the Draw of Worlds: 4 days, 2 hours].

With the big picture addressed and Uzziel's doubts resolved, they returned to the domain of Aphrodite's Motel. This would be the last night the young man would spend in the company of the three beautiful ladies before truly embarking on the search for a Divine Maecenas.

The three of them dined in the same room with the oak table where they had spoken together hours earlier in the morning, Aphrodite appeared in a different outfit: satiny and provocative, with a veil covering even the tip of her upturned nose. They laughed and talked about a variety of topics, being entertained with refined dishes from a thousand worlds, although in The Endless Pantheon there was no hunger or thirst, since the bodies were the representation of the soul expressed in a form understandable to unenlightened brains, they ate and drank -except Uzziel who did not know if he was of age- until a cuckoo clock struck 12 o'clock showing a figure of quite ordinary mechanisms that caused laughter among the ladies and a disappointed sigh from the young man with white eyes.