
The Vampire King’s little obsession

~Even if you were are an item, you can only be mine. No one else can have you not even death can take you away from me.~ He was her sin and joy, she was his obsession. From the moment Devany crossed his path, she was fated to be his. Slyvian Hawthorne,Prince of the underworld, born from a demon father and Vampire Mother had set his eyes on Devany and he would anything and everything to keep her by his side. **** "Even if you were an item, you can only be mine," his husky voice rang out, sending shivers running down her spine. "From the moment you came into this world your fate was sealed with me." "I can decide for myself," Devany spat out weakly. "You see, wife. That's where you get it wrong. Not even death can take you away from me. Your body and soul are..." He inhaled deeply, his warm breath making the hair on her skin to stand on end. "MINE." Mass release Ten Gt for a three chapter release 100 powerstone for two chapters release Join our official discord server https://discord.gg/BuPyuDJS

Little_North_Star · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
72 Chs

Chapter 5

Deva hugged the cat happily the little ginger cat squirmed in her hands.It wanted to finish its milk, hugs were after that.

Deva placed mittens down as she went to meet the horses in the stables, such beautiful animals Deva thought to herself.

She played with their manes and feeds them all before going back to meet mittens.


Mittens rubbed herself against Deva, she had finished her milk now it was time for play.


Deva who was about to pick mittens up grabbed the air as she saw mittens chasing a mouse. Mittens was hell bent on catching the mouse not because she wanted to eat but just for the fun of it.

Deva chase about them, and they were getting closer and closer to the dungeons.

Slyvian had warned strictly never to step foot into the dungeon, but she had unknowingly ran into it while chasing mittens.

Both Deva and mittens stopped when they felt the damp environment and eerie silence.

It was at this moment Deva knew she had messed up! She immediately grabbed mittens and dashed towards where she thought might be the entrance.

She looked at the triple fork pathway and cursed, which one was the way outside.

Deva closed her eyes trying to remember how they first came in, she didn't seem to feel herself turn or bend she felt herself run straight through.

So she made up her mind to go through the middle pathway, it didn't take them much time to get to the entrance and bump head first into Slyvian.


Deva cursed as mittens immediately jumped down from Deva's arms and ran away into the bushes, it was utterly terrified of Slyvian and never went close to him.

Deva gulped as she stared at Slyvian she could see fire burning in his eyes. She felt a little scared and immediately apologised.

"Slyvian I didn't mean to go into the dungeon, I was chasing mittens and I unknowingly ran inside. I promise I wasn't trying to break your rules please don't be angry.."

Deva pleas immediately quenched the fire in a Slyvian's eyes, he sighed and pulled her into his arms inhaling her scent.

He was still very angry but he had calmed down, he had warned her never to stepped into the dungeon. This little rabbit seemed to love to break the rules he couldn't accept that.

He stroked her hair, just like how he would stroke a cat wanting to calm his nerve. He had strictly warned her never to venture into the dungeon yet here she was.

"You broke the rules you'll still have to be punished.."

Deva sighed now she was slightly annoyed at mittens that mingy cat had gotten her into trouble and then ditched her.

Next time she'll see who's gonna give her milk!

Slyvian took Deva to his room, he sat on the bed and told her to stand in front of him. His next words made her Deva freeze.


Deva blinked as she stared at Slyvian in shock he wanted her to strip!

Slyvian smiled amusedly as he repeated himself although he had a smile on his face his words were very commanding and his eyes were cold.

"I said to strip little rabbit, if you disobey the consequences will be unimaginable.."

Deva shivered as she slowly placed a hand on her zip.

She slowly zipped it down up till her waist and then she stopped, her upper body was completely bare now but her lower body was still covered.

Slyvian smiled as he looked at her fully mesmerized, his eyes traveled from her eyes to her twin peaks and then her lower body which made him chuckle.

She only stripped halfway, he didn't want to make her too uncomfortable so he went along with it.

"Come closer.."

Deva tried to walk as slowly as possible, Slyvian only smiled and waited for her to get closer to him.

Soon enough she appeared in front of him, her twin peaks coming in contact with Slyvian face.

"They're beautiful and the size is just how I like it.."

Deva blushed seeing Slyvian stare at her like that she felt her body grow hotter by the second yet she still ducked her head from fear and embarrassment.

"Get on the bed.."

Slyvian commanded once again as he began to take of his shirt leaving his own upper body bare as well.

Deva laid down on the bed her heart beating wildly in her chest he wasn't going to have coitus with her right? He wanted to claim her body just because she went into the dungeon wasn't that a heavy punishment.

Deva felt Slyvian weight on her and she couldn't help but gulp. She could feel the his bare upper body press against hers and it made her skin tingle.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you.."

After saying that Slyvian smiled devilishly as he used his fingers to flick her nipples.

Deva stifled a moan as she felt herself getting aroused she bit her lips was she really going to let this man claim her, the man that had captured her, made her leave her family, she had never forgotten that she was a prisoner because now matter how muc she tried she couldn't leave the gates.

She stared at Slyvian with rage her emerald orbs glowing, but Slyvian didn't care he continued to play with her nipples for a while before getting down to business.

Hehe now tell me you won’t comment

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