
Evening party(part one)

“Madam, this looks good, take a look,” the sales lady said, handing Laura two more ties matching the navy-blue suit she picked out.

“It's great, do you have more designs… Something unique and new,” Laura suggested, and put the necktie back on the table. The sales lady smiled warmly and gestured for the other female employees to bring more.

“We have more in stock…these came in yesterday and the material is rich and comfortable,” the sales lady explained as she showed Laura more tuxedos and suits. Laura nodded while touching the clothes and had to say, the fabric was good.

“This is a slim fit with a blazer…it can be worn in any weather,” the woman added while showing Laura more. By now, the entire private room was filled with new, expensive tuxedos and suits.

“I like this one,” Laura raised a white one, it was pure white and lively. She scanned it carefully and knew Nathan would look good in it.

“Pack 14 for me…seven tuxedos and seven suits,” Laura said while taking out her phone from her purse since it was ringing.

“Sure madam, come on…let's pack these,” the sales lady said with a smile and walked to the others, so they could pack everything. Laura glanced at her phone and walked out of the room

“Nate, hang on… I'm in the middle of something,” Laura said immediately after she answered the call. It was Nathan calling.

“I'll be right there, wait for me,” Laura added with a chuckle and disconnected the call. She smiled, loving how restless Nathan was.

“Umm, can I see some male wristwatches,” Laura said when she reached the jewelry section and a man walked to the counter to assist her?

“Sure madam…we have a lot,” the man said and went back to get the boxes. Laura waited patiently while scanning the place. She specifically decided to buy everything Nathan needed, since he had no time to do so.

“Here, we have very nice ones…are you buying for your husband?” The man returned with small boxes and placed them on the counter. Laura nodded with a smile and started checking out. She had noticed Nathan didn't fancy any accessories. He only had two watches he barely wore.

“I'll take these,” Laura said, showing the man what she got. She chose two gold watches and a silver one.

“Nice choice, these are our best and…”

“Excuse me, I think I already paid for those,” someone said before the man could finish. Laura knew that voice very well, she didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

“M-Madam, welcome,” the man stammered when Larissa came forward and stood by the counter. The entire time, Laura ignored her.

“Pack everything for me,” Larissa ordered, and the man was hesitant, his gaze shifted from Laura to the watches chosen.

“Didn't you hear me, do you want to lose your job,” Larissa yelled with a slam of her hand on the table that the man flinched nervously.

“It's okay you can find something else for me,” Laura said and prepared to walk away when Larissa stopped her “Excuse me,” Laura glared at Larissa holding her arm. Larissa cleared her throat cheekily and smiled mockingly.

“I wonder why you flaunt yourself like this, Laura… you are a nobody… Despite the money and all,” Larissa remarked while scanning Laura from head to toe. Of course, Laura knew what was happening, but she decided to ignore it.

“I'm not like you, I'm better than you in everything…at least I work for my things…unlike you,” said Laura storming away leaving Larissa fuming in anger. She hated seeing Laura more than anything.

“Madam, should I…”

“Get lost!” Larissa spat out with a sharp glare and stormed away. She saw Laura happy, she was buying things for Nathan. Larissa knew there was a party at the Harrison mansion later on

She came to buy something for Bernardo as well as herself. Since Nathan was going to be there. Larissa wanted to dress to kill.


After Laura was done shopping. She went back home. To her delight, Nathan was already there. She bought him a tuxedo for the party, and the man bought her an evening gown for the party.

Nothing made her feel happier than Nathan paying attention to her. They got ready for the party. Even Elizabeth and Camila were invited to the party. Although, Laura suggested going in different cars. Her mom was still acting up.

“What's wrong…you seem down,” Nathan said and gripped Laura's hand tightly, Laura didn't say a word but leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

“Nothing, you didn't tell me about the construction site,” Laura remarked, trying certainly to hide the fact that she knew Nathan was the heir to Bernardo's fortune.

“Just some work…there isn't much I guess,” Nathan said with a heavy exhale while he creased Laura's hair. The night was getting dark. The bustling cars and the honking sounds made the city night more lively.

They reached their destination. The driver drove the car straight inside since the gate was wide open,

Bernardo's mansion was large and a glamorous thing to behold. Laura understood why her friend got married to him despite their age difference. Laura was uncomfortable, especially because she had to see Larissa. Their friendship turned to the worst.

“Come, sweetheart," Laura said once the security man opened the door for him, and he extended his hand to help Laura.

“Thanks,” Laura muttered, and stepped out in style. She glanced up and saw countless people heading inside. The decor was mesmerizing.

To Laura and Nathan's surprise, they were greeted by Dean at the entrance and Larissa, both were welcoming guests. Nathan recalled the bad blood between him and Dean and knew it was going to be a long night for him.

“And we thought you wouldn't come,” Dean said when he saw Nathan.

“Nonsense, his mother is here…do you think he wouldn't come…our CEO," Larissa chimed in sarcastically. The entire time, Laura grabbed Nathan's hand tightly to keep calm. He easily lost his temper. Laura didn't want anyone to point fingers at her husband for misconduct.