
Bernardo's secret

Elizabeth and Claire were at each other's neck, the two women had always been hostile toward each other. And letting their children get married was the biggest thing they ever made.

With no one in the living room to interrupt them. Claire and Elizabeth were free to express their hatred towards each other.

"Don't act like a saint Claire… we all know… you are not as innocent as you seem," Elizabeth remarked disdainfully, he was aware of Claire's dirty secrets, she appeared like a Saint and a wonderful mother. When in reality she wasn't. Claire on the other hand wasn't bothered.

"Your daughter is hurt Elizabeth, aren't you ashamed…even if you hate my son so much…take care of your daughter, " Claire said sincerely, she was disappointed in Elizabeth. Even if Laura was expecting a child from Nathan. Elizabeth didn't have to treat her with so much disdain

"You have no right to tell me what to do…I only let you here for the sake of it Claire…I'll have the guards throw you out!" Elizabeth lashed out with anger, she hated the sight of any member of the Dawson family. His hatred for Nathan would exist even if she died. 

"I won't let you cause them harm…Laura is my daughter-in-law…she deserves happiness and if my son is giving her happiness…then not even you can ruin it," Claire declared boldly, her determination to make sure Nathan and Laura stayed happy was written in her eyes. Elizabeth was even angry, the sight of Claire and her son made her feel nauseous. If it were up to her, she would have put them behind bars to rot away.

"Claire, don't be too sure…or have you forgotten or is living at Bernardo's house, make you this bold," Elizabeth remarked sarcastically and walked around Claire. There was tension between them. Claire didn't care what Elizabeth said.

"I'm sure reuniting with your lover has gotten you like this," Elizabeth added and stopped in front of Claire.  By now Claire was seeing red from rage. But she calmed her nerves knowing Elizabeth was provoking her.

"Stop talking nonsense… you are the loose one or have you forgotten how you trapped my husband," Claire lashed out and Elizabeth broke into laughter, her low voice echoing throughout the living room. 

"The husband you abandoned…the husband you never loved, the husband who ran to me for affection…tsk tsk, did you tell your son your little secret," Elizabeth whispered with a dark mischievous grin. Claire fiddled with her hands as she lowered her head. Elizabeth saw this and laughed even more. It was funny seeing the innocent woman exposed

"Now I'm having doubts…you staying with Bernardo… poor Larissa doesn't know she invited a serpent to her house…her husband's true love…isn't that right Claire?" Elizabeth added mockingly just as the living room door opened and Laura walked in, she stopped upon seeing her mother and Claire with gloomy expressions. Claire regained her sense and straightened her back and smiled

"Hello, Laura… it's good to see you are doing well," Claire said and strode to Laura. Both hugged and Laura smiled. Her gaze was on Elizabeth the entire time. She didn't like how Elizabeth was happy so suddenly 

"You are welcome, mother, please have a seat," Laura said softly and Claire nodded and both sat down. Elizabeth rolled her eyes in annoyance and stormed away and left the room.

"Where is he?" Claire asked the first thing. She came specifically to scold Nathan Nathan for what he did. Laura smiled helplessly and glanced toward the door. She thought Nathan was following behind. 

"Don't worry mother…he'll be here…in the meantime let's talk, I asked for breakfast to be served. I'm sure you can spare some time for me," Laura said, lowering her gaze shyly and Claire smiled and cupped her face.

"For you my dear…I'm glad you are feeling better despite what happened," it was sad to know her son was careless enough to let his pregnant wife run around the city without proper security. Laura knew it would haunt her entire life. But maybe it was for the best.


On the other hand, Nathan had bumped into Elizabeth on his way to meet his mom. As usual, the woman wasn't so pleased to see him. He tried to ignore her but Elizabeth didn't let him off so easily 

"So now you decided to bring your mother here…how shameless are you," Elizabeth said disdainfully,  Nathan wasn't in the mood to talk to the woman. 

"This house belongs to Laura, aren't you ashamed that your other older children depend on their sister to survive," Nathan countered back sarcastically,  his words were a direct insult to Elizabeth.  Anger flashed in her eyes and could kill if possible. Nathan didn't care, he hated it when someone insulted his mom.

"Your days are numbered okay…I'll make sure you pay, you and your family," Elizabeth lashed out and stormed away, Nathan only shook his head and proceeded to the living room.  

Elizabeth was furious,  she hated everyone for walking all over her. It was high time she took her revenge for all the humiliation. Especially when her dear husband didn't leave a penny in her name but in Laura's name. This showed how hostile he was towards his two children Jeremy and Camila 

"Larissa I need your help, my son is locked up in there… I need him to get out," Elizabeth pleaded over the phone to the only person who could help her with Jeremy's case. Laura wasn't willing, hence she decided to do something about it.

"I have something which will make you help me…something your husband has been hiding," Elizabeth said with a smirk knowing full well. She was about to take full advantage of things. Bernardo was a shrewd man. Disconnecting the call. Elizabeth's expression turned sour. 

While Laura was trying to convince Claire to forgive her sin, Elizabeth left the house to meet Larissa at a restaurant. It was approaching afternoon. The sun was getting hot. But Elizabeth knew allying for her children's sake was imperative. 

"Tell me what you want…I don't have all day, especially after what your daughter did," Larissa cut to the chess and said striated.  Elizabeth admired Larissa, the elegant way she carried hers. The fact that she was smart enough to marry a wealthy man. Unlike her daughter who married a peasant.

"Sure darling, but shall we order something to eat," Elizabeth said elegantly and gestured for the waiter. Larissa wasn't in the mood to stay long. The Larson family repaid her kindness with hostility. Laura and Nathan accused her of having caused an attack on Laura. 

"I'm not here to chit chat Elizabeth, or did Laura send you to humiliate me?"

"Forget that, I'm here to propose something.. I'm sure both of us can help each other," Elizabeth remarked shrewdly and dug in her purse. Larissa's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she watched her friend's mother take something out of her purse. 

"Elizabeth,  if this is about accusing me…"

"Relax sweetheart… I don't care what others said, I just thought of enlightening you about a tiny bit," Elizabeth whispered with a grin and slammed a few documents on the table. La Rissa was hesitant to react. She glanced at Elizabeth and then at the documents. 

"What's all this huh?" She picked up the documents for the sake of it.

"We should help each other… I know this will be hard for you, but allowing a good-for-nothing woman in your house…Larissa are you that stupid," Elizabeth said while rubbing her hands together and watching as Larissa read through the documents. Her brows creased as she read the content. Larissa glanced up at Elizabeth and wondered if it was a prank.

"Elizabeth,  do you realize what this is!" Larissa lashed out upon reading through the documents.  She was in disbelief at what she found out. Was Elizabeth playing a prank on her?

"Tsk, tsk… I understand sweetheart… but we can utilize the situation… or do you want him to take everything…if you don't believe me why don't you ask his lawyers and check the will…" Elizabeth added nonchalantly making Larissa boil with rage, anger was written all over her face

"He knows he's dying, and he's leaving everything in his son's name and can you guess who Bernardo's son is…"

"This…this isn't true… you are doing this because your daughter asked you… I'm sure this is a prank right…do you think I'm a fool!" Larissa was angry, she didn't even care where they were, because what Elizabeth showed her would ruin her hard work. Why did Bernardo hide such a thing from her?

 Did this mean, Bernardo inviting Claire over to the mansion was just to rekindle whatever they had in the past? If so, did Nathan know about this?