
The Untold Files series: Twist of Faith

Realistic Fiction
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What is The Untold Files series: Twist of Faith

Lee la novela The Untold Files series: Twist of Faith escrita por el autor Kylerich_Rittles publicada en WebNovel. Have you ever had a story you could never tell? A story so difficult to tell that it needs to be perfect in order for it to express how you really feel about life, writing and your existence...This is...


Have you ever had a story you could never tell? A story so difficult to tell that it needs to be perfect in order for it to express how you really feel about life, writing and your existence... This is mine...

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Chain Reaction

“Isn’t it possible you like him?” Han Meiyi asked the beautiful woman sitting across her, one eyebrow raising towards the handsome older man walking towards the counter to grab their orders. His back view was glorious; with perfect broad shoulders, a thin torso, and straight long legs. Perfect muscles, and gorgeous face, he was. “Yeah, he’s pleasant to look at.” Responded Yang Li, without hesitation or suspicion that her friend meant another thing. Sighing and rolling her eyes, the short-haired teenager rephrased her question: “Do you like Yu Jie Lin? Romantically.” The last added part caused Yang Li to wrinkle her lovely eyebrows. Did she like him romantically? She didn’t know. All she knows is that she likes how he makes her feel all sorts of different emotions she never experienced before. But were they romantic-like? They probably were, they probably weren’t. Anyway, she’ll get the answer soon when she ask her classmates, or the teachers. Perhaps one of her cousins? Her relationship with some of them have significantly improved, after all. Yang Li looked over her shoulder to the said-man, he was just holding the steel tray and taking it back to the table, when he caught her eyes and smiled automatically. The smile was so blinding Yang Li and Han Meiyi sucked in a breath. In front of her, her best friend pleaded, “Please, husband him!” ❀❀❀ Yang Li had sacrificed the last ten years of her life to avenge her parents’ injustice. Throughout her journey; she was stabbed, broken, and even alone. Her legs were damaged, and she commit suicide in the lake. But shortly after she succumbed to death, she found she could open her eyes to watch the sun rise from her window. She discovered she returned ten years back into the past. This time, she’s determined to find true friends, and fix her broken goods. And in which he follows his love to the past to spoil her. ❀❀❀ Some chapters will contain mature content not appropriate for young children.

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