
The Unknown Heir of Satan: A High School DxD Fan-Fic (Volume 1)

The first part of this fan-fic follows the events from my character’s encounter with Issei Hyodo to the fight with Riser Phoenix for Rias Gremory. It includes a few elements of demonology for a little more relevance of the occult. Joseph Brigger never knew about his real parents as far as his foster parents knew. All that he knows his mother had died and his father left him upon the doorstep of mentioned foster parents, his foster dad, a priest of Christian faith and his wife also of Christian faith. Both compassionate, loving and patient parents, they helped raise Joseph to be a kind and optimistic soul with a big heart. But there be times that even a compassionate heart can be tested and on occasion he would develop a short fuse leading to an explosive temper if pushed too far, leading him to take up boxing in order to curb and control his anger. All seemed well for him until his parents got the call to move from the city of Detroit to Japan and enroll Joseph into Kuoh Academy, a high school much different from his life in public high school. In time, however, he'll come to know that this high has a little secret of its own; and that unbeknownst to him a secret power within him, a devil's power. *Disclaimer: All copyrighted properties and characters pertaining to this anime are in rightful possession of creators of said anime (sub and/or dub).

Keaton_Jenkinson · Cómic
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1 Chs

New School, New Routine

He never understood why he had to move to, but apparently when he was about to go into high school at Detroit Catholic, Joseph Alan Brigger was off with his Aunt Emilia and Uncle Arthur to Japan so Joseph could continue his schooling at what they called 'one of the best schools for him to attend'. He understood they were doing this out of the best of intentions. But there was one problem Joseph had with that (aside from the cliche of missing his friends he made throughout his time at school), 'academy' applied that he had to wear a high school uniform; and that did not sit well with him.

He sighed as he looked at his new school uniform which consisted of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. Seeing that it was the summer still, he was to wear it without the blazer. For gym, the uniforms consisted of a white short-sleeved t-shirt with navy blue accents with the Kuoh Academy emblem embroidered on the front and left side, shorts, and navy blue and white sneakers. For colder climates, he'd have to wear a grey tracksuit with identical features. He checked his black digital watch he always had with him as it was close for him to start heading for class.

"Guess I better start getting ready," he said. He grabbed the clothes he needed for today and got dressed. A few moments later, looks at himself in his bathroom mirror and sees how he looks in his new look for the whole year. "I feel stupid in this thing," was his response of disapproval. "What's the fucking deal with Japan and these kind of schools anyway?" He fixed himself up a bit and walked downstairs to greet his aunt and uncle who had a bowl of bran flakes ready for him to eat.

"Ah there he is. Welcome back to the living, champ," said his uncle Arthur. He was playing a sudoku puzzle in the newspaper like he normally does before going into work.

"Aww you look so handsome in your school uniform," said Aunt Emilia as she was doing the dishes.

"I feel like an idiot. Aren't there any public schools that allow me to wear what I can as appropriate?"

"Oh come now, Joseph. It isn't all that bad unless you give it a chance." His aunt stopped for a moment to fix his ribbon. He rolled his eyes but allowed her to do so. He couldn't help but let out a little groan of annoyance but just went with it.

"Yeah right, but I won't like having to start all over again with my life at school."

"It'll be okay, Joseph. You've always been brave enough to try new things." His uncle looked up from his puzzle to reassure him. "Just think of a it as another challenge for you." He then teased Joseph in saying, "I thought 'the champ' can handle anything."

"I can handle it and I will," was Joseph's retort as he sat down to start eating as he continued between bites. He said a quick prayer before doing so. "I'm just not sure how the other students will react to me as the new guy. All I hope for is people not getting on my nerves."

"You know, you could start a boxing club at the school if they don't have one," his aunt suggested, ruffling his neutral gray hair. "It would be a great way for you to make some new friends."

Joseph remembered how he was introduced to boxing by a fellow pastor his uncle knew. Feeling adept for the sport, he became friends with some of the other boxers whether they be new or veterans. He took well to the sport like a fish to water. Over time, he worked hard to become heavyweight champion in his division; which was good for him in case there was ever a jackass wanting to start trouble with him or anyone else.

"Well, I suppose so. I'll keep that in mind for now." He checks his watch for the time. "Well, I better get going. I'll see you guys later." He finished his bowl and quickly rinses it for his aunt. He hugged them goodbye and headed off with his school books and printed out class schedule as he closed the door behind him.

"You sure he'll be alright?" Emilia asked, concerned as she watched her nephew leave for his first day of high school.

"He'll be alright, Emy." Arthur reassured her, continuing his sudoku puzzle. "That boy's been through a difficult time but he's a fast learner. Just so long as he doesn't lose his temper. And besides, I'm sure Gremory will have something planned to keep him out of trouble."

After fifteen minutes of walking, Joseph arrived in front of Kuoh Academy. Not much was known to Joseph about Kuoh Academy, other than the fact that it was originally an all-girls private school. At some point, however, the school went co-ed and the new school building was made. What was known to him was that Kuoh Academy had several divisions such as the primary division, the high school division which he was in and the college division. "How convenient," he thought to himself when he first heard about it. The high school division of Kuoh Academy had multiple annual events such as the Ball Tournament, Sports Day, School Trip for second year students and the School Festival. So it was sort of similar to the activities and events that would happen in his public school system back in the states, just a little different.

As Joseph walked through the entrance that was presented by the nine foot wall of brick, he could see all the students out and about; talking amongst themselves. As he looked around, the gaijin could see not many of them paid attention to him. "At least they're not staring at me like I'm a freak or something," Joseph muttered as he loosened his collar and stowed the ribbon away into his pocket. The thing was bothering him anyway. What did get his attention, though, was how the girls looked in their school uniforms and they almost made his heart skip, especially the short skirts on them. "Keep it together man," he attuned himself to keep himself collected, breathing small breaths. "You know well enough that girls don't go for the perverts and creeps so keep cool about it. But my god, these girls..."

"Joseph Brigger?" A voice snapped Joseph out of his thoughts. Just to the left of him was a male student with short blond hair, bluish-gray eyes and a mole underneath his left eye walking up to him. He also wore the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform with the ribbon still tied on. "Hi, I'm Yuuto Kiba. I'm a third-year high school student here in Class 3B and the Vice-President of the Occult Research Club."

"Occult Research Club?" Joseph asked with uncertainty. "That's not just some...'code word' for anything sketchy, is it?"

Chuckling, Kiba shook his head. "Oh no, no. Nothing anything like that. It's just exactly as it sounds, we study things of the supernatural."

"You mean like...demonology and such?"

"In a manner, yes. But that's just one of the many after-school activities we have here. We can discuss while I show you around the school." With a gesture, he acknowledged Joseph to follow him. Joseph responded with a nod and followed Kiba as they began the tour. As they were just about to tour the gym grounds, he noticed a group of girls in some kind of odd uniforms different from the other girls carrying stick swords. Curious, he told Kiba to hold on a moment and went over to investigate. "Uh excuse me, ladies. Is something wrong here?"

"Nothing that concerns you," said one of the girls.

"Yeah, just the Perverted Trio over there peeking in the girl's locker room," said another as she pointed with her stick sword at three other male students apparently peeping into what was obviously the girls locker room. One of them was of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. He seemed to have been the designated lookout for his two buddies and apparently wasn't doing a good job. "Hmm, I see," said Joseph. "Would you mind if I partake in the fun?"

The girls looked confused in what this new student was suggesting. "What?" inquired another in the group.

"Well, it seems obvious that you girls are planning to beat the crap out of them and I would love to have a piece of the action. You know, like uh…setting up the beat down before letting you go medieval on them." He then reached out a hand for one of their wooden swords. "May I see that please?" he asked one of the girls politely. Still feeling puzzled, one of the girls reluctantly handed him hers. "Thank you. Just wait for my cue, please."

Joseph walked casually over behind the brown haired kid but first indicating the girls to observe and watch. He sneaks up right behind and makes ready to give him a good whack from behind. Seeing what he was about to do, some of the girls stifled a giggle and waited for him to cut loose. Kiba, who was watching this going on, was shaking his head in amusement. "Well, this seems to be quite an interesting character." he said to himself with his arms folded.

Rubbing his hands together, Joseph picked up the stick sword and set himself up perfectly for horizontally hitting the kids' ass. After winding up a few times, he lets loose and 'WHAM!' went the stick to the ass making the kid yelp so loud that almost everyone outside heard him; even his peeping tom buddies. "Ow! What the hell, man?!" said the kid as he turned to see the new kid who was leaning on the stick.

"Eh, what's up doc? Doing a little…sneaky peeky?" Joseph asked in a jaunty and a wise-ass manner.

"What's up?! What's up is you hitting my ass, you creep! What the hell did you do that for?!"

"Because A) I don't care for perverts, they give us nice guys a very bad name; B) because I can; and C) because if not me, it's certainly going to be them doing it." Joseph jabbed a thumb at the girls looking at the kid with vengeful eyes.

"Ah shit! The Kendo Club!" said the kid with the shaved hair as his spectacled cohort looked as frightened as his buddies.

"Cheese it!" said the kid with glasses and the two took off.

The brown haired kid froze like a deer in the headlights as Joseph leaned over to him and said "If I were you, I'd start running." The girls soon gave chase after him as one of them got her Kendo sword back from Joseph who thanked her again and made a little bow to her.

He smiles as he watched the pervert take off with the vengeful gaggle of Kendo girls chasing him. Kiba soon came up next to him and smiled as well. "You certainly know how to make an impression," he said. "Are you sure it was necessary though?"

"Some guys have to learn the hard way about what happens to a pervert," was Joseph's response. "Plus, those guys are amateurs compared to the kind of kids I know back home. Anyway, shall we continue?" With a nod, Kiba led Joseph onto the rest of the tour.

They soon get to the Occult Research Club which was the school building of Kuoh Academy. The club house was a three story building, with the third story serving as a clock-tower. It was painted white with a black roof with vines creeping up to the second story. "So have you guys always had this club?" Joseph asked out of sheer curiosity.

"At first no," said Kiba. "The Occult Research Club of Kuoh Academy was originally abolished due to the lack of members. Upon her entry into high school, Rias Gremory and her friend Akeno Himejima revived the club as the president and vice-president and have been maintaining it since." They both stepped inside and Joseph took in what he saw.