
Two - My Friend

I woke up with bright lights shining at me I was trying to open my eyes fully then I heard a woman saying, "Hey about time you woke up." I was shocked and tried to get up, but my body wouldn't let me it was exhausted. I felt like my body was different very different. Hearing it again an inner voice "Hey I'm Astrid your wolf."

I was even more shock... wolf how I'm a human huh??? I thought in my head "Shh they are coming" feeling clueless. I still couldn't open my eyes as a rebel I was, I didn't care so I continue to struggle to get up just to figure that I was strapped down.

Hearing a door slide a few feet away "You won't be able to get up if that's what you are trying to do... your body is still too exhausted to be up" said a male stranger. I gave up after a few more try because my body wouldn't let me move any more muscle.

I decided to just lay there waiting for the stranger to say something else or introduce himself, he didn't say another word but continuingly flipping papers and writing. Letting my eyes rest I was finally able to open them.

It hurt for a moment, but I got used to the pain, my eyes were adjusted to the lighting and I looked around curious what was in my surroundings.

I was in this white room, strapped on a hospital bed in the middle of the room, spotting the stranger sitting in the corner of the room at a small desk doing what he was doing.

He looked like he was in his early 30'young and fit with long legs wearing black pants and a long white doctor coat with dark circles under his eyes.

It was weird so I decided to break the ice moving my dry lips to open to hear my voice cracked I said, "Where am I? And who are you?" a few minutes pass by but no response and movement from him with that long silence I got irritated and said bluntly "Well I guess I'm stuck with a mute idiot."

He shifted his head towards me and looked a bit shock and drop his pen and paper to his desk and got up.

"Young lady it's not up to me to tell you where you are, but you are going to be examined in a bit when the alpha comes to check up on you. But I am Dr. Hill your medical caretaker, and it's best for you to not overwork yourself and tongue."

He said quickly gathering his papers and before walking out the door I said "Rude much" without saying anything or looking back he just left I sighed wow that was not very helpful a man with few words.

A few moments later a very handsome tall fitted man barge in with an evil smirk on his face from the looks of him I knew he was a terrible man.

"Dear I am your Alpha; Damien and you will stay here and be a part of my pack and mine." Wtf! in that very moment I was trying to process what this man in front of me just said and I knew I would never live the life I forever wanted, and I will never be freed from wherever this was at...

Spending two decades, yes two decades doing intense training becoming something I know not of. I was taken by Damien forced to become one of his mates and a member of his pack. I lived with the same routine wake up, eat, train, eat, and sleep.

But I usually don't get much sleep I am always soaking with my depression. Other than that, I spent some time with old man Antom he was my mentor my only good friend in this hell hole he too was kidnapped and forced to work for Damien I felt bad for him though.

He taught me many things about becoming a wolf and one thing is I can live longer I mean a lot longer than most wolves and also not age fast. I think it could be a bad thing mostly sad I am taking forever to die.

He told me I was a very special person and that I still have many great things ahead of me. That's one thing I don't believe from all the things he has told me he was like a grandfather I never had. We meet when I was on the verge of trying to take my life using a spell, I overheard my mother and aunt talking about.

A potion you could make with a spell all you have to do is drink it and cause instant death. Instead of drinking it I stored it safely in a small container with a straight tied to it and hid it. Because deep inside I still wanted to live and fight for my freedom.

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