
The Unforeseen Faerie Ruler Version 2

Autor: Gmilt3
En Curso · 692 Visitas
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What is The Unforeseen Faerie Ruler Version 2

Lee la novela The Unforeseen Faerie Ruler Version 2 escrita por el autor Gmilt3 publicada en WebNovel. This version is the same as my other one by the same name, but I have edited it to be a third-person view. Let me know if it's better or worse.The Unforeseen Faerie Ruler is a captivating tale of a hu...


This version is the same as my other one by the same name, but I have edited it to be a third-person view. Let me know if it's better or worse. The Unforeseen Faerie Ruler is a captivating tale of a humble farm boy who harbours extraordinary powers, unbeknownst to himself and those around him. The story unfolds in the tranquil countryside as the protagonist grapples with the fear of his exceptional abilities being uncovered while unwittingly becoming the fulcrum of mysterious and unexplained events. As the town's scrutiny grows, the narrative delves into the protagonist's internal conflict, balancing the desire for a normal life with the burden of his true identity. Unlikely attention from a clandestine group further complicates his already tumultuous journey, setting the stage for an extraordinary destiny intertwined with the fate of an entire realm. The story weaves together themes of secrecy, destiny, and the repercussions of awakening powers, promising an enthralling and captivating narrative.

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Tags – Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystical, Magic, Gods, Goddesses, Divinity, Dimensions, Extra Dimensions, ???, ???, etc. ---------------------------------------- Walking out of my apartment, I head down on an elevator, look at the watch, 8:43, damnit, just shy of my best time. Let’s hope that traffic is not bad today. Oh, who am I kidding, traffic is going to be horrible today with this weather. ‘I was right’, I think as I look at the massive backlog of cars on the streets and take out my umbrella before quickly trying to walk to my car without getting wet. Unfortunately, just before getting to my car, I hear a *BOOOM!*, and instinctively looking up, just in time to see a massive lightning bolt heading straight towards me, before everything goes black. I died. . . . Or I should’ve been dead, instead, here I am, in a place full of darkness and my thoughts. I don’t know how long I have been here, in this dark place, this void, but just as I think that I will start going crazy, I feel a faint warmth, and see light. With the light comes a strong pull before I can suddenly see normally again. But something feels different, now I feel strong, and supremely more aware of my surroundings. When I look around, I see a group of strangely dressed men and women, with Roman and Greek styles to their clothing. They all carry this strange feeling of strength and might, and a strange sense of superiority, then to what I’m used to. ---------------------------------------- Release Schedule: Unknown DISCLAIMER – This is a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. DISCLAIMER - Art by CK Göksoy This work is part of a greater collection of stories under the existence of the Aspverse. (Maybe) Early Chapters at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OriginEntertainment Join Our Community at Discord: https://discord.gg/N7Y3Rstew2

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Jake stood there smiling at her simplicity, she was far from the girl's playboys go after, but he wasn't a playboy, he was interested in her, only her for some reason, she caught his eye the first week after he got here. Yet his line of work could never allow him to be with her, he didn't want her to get hurt, Wildfire was still out there and he had to make sure that nobody would use her as his weakness, which is why he had never stopped Alex from doing whatever he did. ~~~~ One simple text and an elaborate murder mystery, a man who has no identity and a love that seems to slip his hands.... Meet Jake Storm, who goes undercover with his best friend Alex Hemmington to a high school they never planned on seeing in their life, just so that they could only find her and avenge a murder. An unlikely ally gets caught up with their revenge mission, and Jake can't help but feel as if maybe there is a little bit of light in his dark world, Emma comes into their lives innocently but what dark secrets is she hiding? Unlikely allies, unintended secrets and dark pasts, how are they to avenge a murder and find the mystery person when secrets and lies threaten their love and friendships? ~~~~ This book is copyrighted by A@D Entertainment.This story, in any form,may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any part or in whole, without the written consent of the author,any infringement will be dealt with by copyright law.

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