
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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84 Chs

She's My Maid

"Welcome Master Patrick, Am leaving now. Thanks for your hospitality" Mrs Esther spoked as her driver walked in and collected her back and Mrs Eleanor rather escorted her friend.

Patrick walked to the dinning room and sat and he didn't spoked to Willow whom smiled to him.

"Brother I still don't think father is arriving home yet. Probably next week Monday as Isabel said he's doing his physiotherapy" Mrs Olivia spoked and Patrick only nodded in silence, While Mrs Olivia stood up and walked up to meet Patrick.

"Are you alright bro?" Mrs Olivia asked, and Patrick sighed.

"Am fine sis" Patrick stared away to Andrew whom finally walked in with a bright smile on his face and Olivia turned to face Andrew.

"When are you going home?" Mrs Olivia asked Andew whom held a brighter smile on his dark bronze face and he walked to sat on one of the dinning room chair.

"I don't know yet.. Probably when mom and dad finally arrives here" Andrew replied and Mrs Olivia nodded.

"Is alright. Am just asking, as of next week we will be leaving. I've to go up the elevator now to rest since dinner isn't yet served. Patrick when is time for dinner, you send one of the maids to call me."

"Okay" Patrick replied and he brought out his phone to browse.

Andrew stared away from his uncle and he walked away towards his room in first floor, leaving only Willow and Patrick in the large living room.

Mrs Eleanor finally walked back into the living room with Loveth and she smiled faintly as she stared to Patrick and Willow seated together in the dinning room.

"Son, you didn't even greeted me before you left for office this morning?" Mrs Eleanor asked and Patrick rather shook his head as he stared to his mother.

"Mom, I forgot too, How you doing today?" Patrick asked.

"Fine son, glad to see you and your fiancee, are good together."

"Hmm" Patrick only nodded and he shifted his gazed to Loveth whom walked towards the kitchen..

"Loveth" Mrs Eleanor called Loveth back, and Loveth paused.

"Yes ma" Loveth stared back to Mrs Eleanor.

"Inform Aria to prepare the dinner on time and once is ready you call me out."

"Okay ma" Loveth stared away and she walked back to the kitchen to wash her hands, while she stepped out back, avoiding the couple as she felt both Patrick and Willow's gazed on her.

Loveth walked into the living room and she went towards the elevator and went up to the second floor.

"I see whom you're still staring at" Willow spoked and Patrick shifted his gazed and stared to Willow.

"What do you mean by that?" Patrick asked and Willow smirked.

"Don't think am stupid. I know you're in love with that stupid maid but you will never admit it to your family, why because she's a nobody."

"Stop this nonsense" Patrick warned coldly.

"Why should I?" Willow thud on the dinning table and she stood up angrily while Patrick stared to her in silence.

"You want to inform my mother about it right. Fine go ahead" Patrick finally spoked and he stood up and he walked away.

"Babe!" Willow called after him, but he didn't responded.

Willow couldn't keep calm. She knew she has completely lost Patrick to the maid and she saw the way he was staring at her with love. It was so obvious the beautiful maid had enchanted Patrick and his family didn't knew about it.

Willow wanted to screamed out, wanted to rushed to Patrick's mother and informed Mrs Eleanor that Patrick was sleeping with the maid, but she couldn't.

She gritted her teethes angrily and walked out from the mansion to receive the cool evening breeze.


Time for dinner arrived and the whole family sat round the dinning table and as usual Loveth wasn't presence in serving the family.

Loveth didn't liked Mrs Olivia and since Aria had been kind enough to advised her to avoid the woman, Loveth pleaded with Aria to fill in for her position and served Mrs Eleanor.

The family ate in silence and Mrs Eleanor didn't remembered to asked about Loveth serving her as she was already happy seeing her son with his fiancee sitting together and also getting along.

After dinner Willow stood up first and spoked, "Thank you ma."

"You're welcome my wife" Mrs Eleanor replied with a smile while Patrick remained expressionless as Andrew and Jane also stared to him.

Willow knew the only opportunity she had to freely touched Patrick however she wanted was in front of his family, especially his mother so she leaned closer to him and kissed his hard cheek

"Am retiring back to our room babe, good night" Willow kissed Patrick's cheek and Patrick only gulped and stared downwards to his plate.

Mrs Eleanor smiled as she watched Willow exited the dinning room and after dinner, they all retired back to their rooms, well except for Andrew and Patrick.

"What are you waiting for uncle?" Andrew asked as he finally stood up and stretched while Patrick didn't responded.

"Are you waiting for Loveth?' Andrew asked again and Patrick only stared to him in silence.

Patrick didn't had any word for Andew, so he remained quiet and continued pressing his phone.

"Well since is not Loveth, the I guess I should also wait around untill you return back to your bedroom" Andrew continued to teased and like he knew it, Loveth stepped out as she hadn't eaten and she stared to the two handsome men in the dinning room as the dinning room bulb was still on.

Loveth bent her head lowered, as she hadn't expected them to be there. She wanted to plead with Nova to follow her to the kitchen for her dinner, but she knew if she did that, it might make them uncomfortable too.

Loveth didn't wanted to stared to them, nor greeted any of them but she couldn't returned back up the elevator to her room and Andrew rather called her.


Loveth paused, feeling her leg heavier as she was already dressed in her transparent pink nightgown after taking her bath, and her long blonde hair was still dripping wet while she stared to Andrew and also to Patrick whom stood up too.

Her nightgown was light and she wasn't wearing any bra underneath it, making her big boobs a little visible.

"Where are you going too, I was just retiring back to my room now, as I've sat here longer and you just stepped out, looking pretty like an angel" Andrew spoked and Loveth blushed and she stared downward while Patrick stood up and walked away,as he went towards the elevator.

"I haven't eaten, so am going to the kitchen" Loveth spoked shyly in her angelic voice and Andrew smiled.

"Do you mind me to accompany you to the kitchen?" Andrew asked her, and Patrick heard him and paused as he approached the elevator.

"Do you used to entered the kitchen?" Loveth asked him and he smiled

"Why not. Or is it because I watch you and the ladies does all the work here. I can cook, or you want to test my food?."

"No!" Loveth exclaimed and she laughed beautiful with her seductive voice while Patrick unable to entered the elevator as he was still jealous, turned and called her back.


Loveth shuddered and she stared to Patrick in fright.

"What do you need her to do for you uncle?" Andrew asked, and Patrick rather stared from Andrew to Loveth.

Patrick didn't had anything he wanted Loveth to do, but she was.his maid, and not Andrew's maid.

"None of your business. Why're you distracting her from focusing on her job. Where are you going too Loveth?" Patrick asked in a much colder voice and Loveth replied, "Kitchen."

"Now leave, before I asked the guards to throw you out!."

"Uncle!. You're quiet unbelievable. I thought you were returning back to your chamber to join your fiancee what has she done wrong to request her been thrown out?" Andrew questioned angrily not liking how Loveth ran away.

"She's my maid. And this's my mansion too. Is best you let her be, except you want me to discipline her." Patrick warned, and unable to leave Andrew with her in the living room, he decided to wait for Loveth to be thru and he walked back to the living room couch and sat down, while Andrew stood and continued to stared to him.

"You're acting Jealous uncle. And I don't care if she's your maid or not. This my mother's house too, and whatever right you have here, I also have here!."

"Hmm. You're wrong Andrew. This not your father's house, and I can also throw you out if I wish. Your mother is my sister, but she's already married. So you have your own father's house to claim. Stay away from Loveth or any of the maids. If I see you disturbing her next time, then I will report you to your mother."

"Babe, what's going on here?" Willow asked as she has been waiting for Patrick to returned back up to their bedroom on the fourth floor,.but not seeing him, she decided to went to the maids lounge as she had her suspicion and Nova told her Loveth wasn't there, and coming down to the first floor, she saw him quarreling with his nephew.