
Chapter 1.- The Awakening


Eternal darkness was the only thing I sensed.

But suddenly, there was warmth. I didn't know where it was coming from but it was here. Warmth in eternal darkness. Or not ? Out of abyss there started to poke a little bit of light. It was like shard from egg shell tore off. And suddenly another one. With little bit of time there were nearly twenty cracks of light.

After just a little bit of time the cracks started to connect themselves to create mesmerizing web of light. Suddenly I was being pushed forward into the web. After impacting the web shattered. And I could see somewhat grumpy looking old man in dark robe and staff.

"Rise my creation, rise and protect me. " Said the grumpy old man with grandiose gestures.

I looked down at myself.

If I could, I would clearly show emotion of surprise after having look at my skeleton body. But I immediately realized that I am no longer capable of feeling emotions.

I turned my head back at the old man to await some kind of explanation.

"Follow me. Skeleton. " Were his only words as he turned around and started walking.

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