
6. Lost Journey

P.s Naruto and overlord does not belong to me and go nag somebody else



Kuro began his journey towards the land of water. To reach the land of water one has to pass the turbulent waves of the sea in between so he took a detour to the Asori village shipyard to hire a boat to venture the land of water. He started looking around to find someone to ask directions.

"Hey kid. I've a question to ask"

The kid looked uncaring of Kuro's plight and tried to escape but the Uzumaki blocked his way and asked

"Don't even try boy. I'm a ninja you won't be able to run with your legs"

The kid sighed and said "What do you want jester?"

Hearing his remark made Kuro want to beat the kid up for some reason but he quickly composed himself

"N-nothing exact. Just some directions"

"Old man, Where to?"

"To the shipyard .Eh…I'm not old" a vein popped in Kuro's head

"Only oldies say that"


On reflex Kuro smacked the kid's head. The boy rubbed his head to soothe the pain and gestured the ninja to continue

"Ahem. I want to know the location to the shipyard here "

The kid had a glint in his eyes but it quickly left

"The shipyard is to the left to the road you were walking in the beginning. Good sir may I go."

Seeing the quick change in the behavior Kuro became suspicious but let it go.

"Are you sure? If you're wrong I'm going to cook you for tonight's dinner" said Kuro with his words on edge.

"I'm sure" and so Kuro decided to leave.


Kuro POV:

The kid said somewhere here to the left. Kuro ran towards the direction waiting to see the boatyard .It was nearing noon there was still no sign of the boatyard. It finally dawned on Kuro's mind,

"The kid tricked me"

Kuro became furious but his mission has more importance so he quickly started to backtrack to the village.

Upon reaching the village he gathered information on the location of the boatyard and booked it to the land of water.

But it seemed he would have a companion as the person also booked the boat. To his note the person looked entirely suspicious and was carrying a big box.

Dockyard (Land of Water):

Kuro finally got out of the boat. He didn't think he would last longer in the boat puking all the way. He saw the suspicious man leaving and decided to see if the man was doing something shady. After following for a while he saw the man stop in a secluded place

"The water is boiling in the river"

"And the river is boiling the man"

Suddenly another voice spoke, the man looked at the other and smiled

"Did you bring the package?"

"Yes. Looks like the kid was being sheltered in some random village it was easy though without his bloodline activated he was simply ripe for picking."

Just hold on for a while I'll contact the boss and inform him of the arrival of the package"

The man simply put the package near the tree and started mumbling to himself

"I should've peed while in the boat" and began making his way towards some place to empty himself.

Kuro seeing his opportunity quickly grabbed the package and ran without the man's notice.

He ran and ran trying to get away without getting noticed. But suddenly a shuriken was thrown in his way. Kuro deflected the shuriken with his kunai. He looked around his surroundings to notice a shadow.He quickly threw some shuriken towards the shadow just to see it get deflected. The person following him finally makes his appearance but what shocked him was the red eyes

"Eh..An Uzumaki out in the dunes. Quite unfortunate for you really"

"I can say the same for you Uchiha" Kuro said with spite.

The Uchiha smirked "H-hmm..you got quite the sass kid but that won't let you survive out in the wild"

Kuro saw that the Uchiha had one tomoe in his eyes and quickly made his way towards him to engage in a taijutsu battle.Kuro wasn't the best ninja in the academy but certainly he wasn't the worst. He began to trade blow for blow against the uchiha at the end it simply led to stalemate. Finally the Uchiha decided to battle with ninjutsu,

"Great Fire Ball Jutsu"

Hearing the famous jutsu, Kuro immediately countered it with his water jutsu but he knew his chakra won't help him finish the battle. So the immediate moment after the jutsu clashed he threw a smoke ball and ran. The Uchiha seeing the Uzumaki disappear became dumbfolded and pissed.

"How can someone throw their pride and run like a coward"

The Uchiha fumed and tried to trace the Uzumaki with his Sharingan but failed.

"The next time I meet you won't be alive. YOU HEAR ME!"

Hearing no response the Uchiha simply left to report to his client about the failure as well as dreaded if the information would reach Madara's ear.

Somewhere in the forest:

"haah…haah…ha..Looks l..like I finally made it "

Sighing in relief Kuro put the box beside him "Now to see what's inside"

He pried the box open and what he saw made him shook in anger.

"It's the kid. A ninja like me run a goose chase cause of a kid?"

He didn't know if he should praise the kid or simply beat him up when he wake up. Trouble seems to follow the kid everywhere.

He simply let go of his anger and tried to find a secluded place which happens to be nearby cave. He tried to think what the boy might hold that those people want.

"Let's see what they were after"

He shook the boy. After a bit of grumbling the boy woke up from his sleep but he seemed a bit drowsy at first then started acting weird. Later after calming himself down the boy finally noticed his surrounding and looked at me warily. I sighed while strengthening my resolve saying to myself "These are the trails of a shinobi" mentally. I put a smile on my face to mask my emotion and asked,

"So, boy"

"What is your name?"