

The sounds of metal boots ruining down a hall. As soldiers screams "CHECK OVER THERE, UNDER THERE," as soldier keep looking. The fugitive is still running thru the hallways trying to escape. He finds him trap at a dead end the foot steps approach's more and more closer. Suddenly one soldier spots him and screams " THERE HE IS" all the soldiers come around the corner and surround him. One says "call the captain tell em we founded him" as silence rolls over a voice says " Finally we caught you, you did good for hiding this long but it's all over I can't imagine what the Queen saw in a scumbag like you". "Take em to the dungeon, throw that creature, there I'll go report to General Victorious" said the captain. The fugitive was cuffed & shackled being pushed down the hallway thru the stairs into the dungeon where not even a window or light can be seen. As the guards slam the cage door he walks away and mumbles " Good riddance you'll never see the day of daylight ever again" and laughs as he kept walking. As hours turns to days and days turn to weeks, as the creature is locked up he finally hears steps coming down, the door squeaks as it opens two people come thru. It's the captain and General Victorious, as General Victorious walks to the cage "I see they finally captured you hmm I wonder why you didn't you fight you were once a royal knight and almost close as powerful as me" she starts lowering and shaking her head and speaks again "I can't even imagined why the queen choose you I told her it was a mistake." "Your punishment will be..... you'll be executed in front of the soldiers and be set as an example for your betrayal" out of nowhere captain screams out " Miss Victorious you can't do that....wh" "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME" screamed General Victorious "I'm sorry" said the captain "know your place" " But General Victorious I think the Queen might not be happy with that punishment" "Very well then as your punishment you will be here until we figure out want to do with a betraying scoundrel" She then walked way. They both left the dungeon, slamming the door as they left. A voice it's heard "sounds like they don't like you what did a royal knight like you did". The ex-knight raise his head slowly says "It's a long story" "well it's seems we got all the time in the kingdom don't we" "aye, you asked for it" "it all started years ago as far as I could remember" "I'm all ears" says the voice. As the ex-knights begins his story.