
The Unbound Revenant

[ I do not own the cover image nor do I own any of the fiction my MC visits during her journey, they belong to their respective owners, if the owner of the cover image wishes for it to be taken down leave a review and I'll take it down immediately. ] [ Side note; my MC is, in fact, female however I used the male-orientated option as the tags for the female side suck if this bothers you then you can opt out of reading further. ] Reincarnated with powers almost beyond comprehension, a young woman in a new body wakes up after a meeting with godly figures, she is thrust into various worlds where she has the freedom to act how she wishes. As the threads of her fate intertwined with the diverse worlds she traverses, the question lingers: will she emerge as the revered saviour or succumb to the seduction of darkness, perhaps embracing a nuanced existence that blurs the lines between hero and villain?

Black_DogIV · Derivados de juegos
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2 Chs

Chapter: 1 - Chaos, Order and Judgement

- General POV -

In a singular point outside the wide expanse of multiverses exists a meeting place for three higher beings, those three under the guise of the Supreme God of the Omniverse, who handle every soul ever to exist guiding them on the path of reincarnation. All souls from humans, animals, aliens, and even monsters or demons pass through their watchful gaze.

These three lesser Gods are the personification of three main domains, Chaos, Order and Judgement.

Chaos, the little brother to the other Gods mainly dealt with evil, corrupted or just downright chaotic souls, he is pure evil and when combined with his mischievous nature he can be a menace to those targeted.

Chaos often appears in a form reminiscent of shifting shadows, his outline ever-changing like the unpredictable nature of his temperament. Crimson eyes gleam with a twisted sense of amusement, reflecting the turbulent souls he relishes manipulating.

As the little brother among the divine siblings, Chaos revels in being the puppeteer behind the cosmic theatre. In the grand assembly of gods and souls, Chaos stands as a testament to the darker shades of existence, a force that finds delight in the discordant symphony of malevolence and mischief.

Order, the middle child among the divine siblings, is the guardian of all souls that tread the path of righteousness.

Order is the personification of divine harmony, a paragon of angelic virtue. His ethereal presence emanates a radiant glow, embodying the epitome of serenity and nobility. Order is the eternal custodian of all that is righteous and peaceful, his countenance an unwavering symbol of celestial grace.

Order's form is a testament to celestial beauty, his countenance adorned with the purity of a thousand constellations. His eyes, pools of luminous light, radiate compassion, and his wings unfold like glistening ivory, each feather a testament to the divine craftsmanship of his angelic existence.

Judgement, the eldest child of the Supreme God and his only daughter balanced her siblings out mediating arguments and typically had the last word for the fate of a contested soul.

As the elder sister, Judgement serves as the impartial mediator between Chaos and Order. Her role is to temper the mischievous inclinations of Chaos with the virtuous intent of Order. She navigates the delicate dance between chaos and order, ensuring that their divine energies harmonize rather than collide.

Judgement holds a unique position as the main subordinate of their Father, the Supreme God of the Omniverse. She acts as the emissary of divine will, executing the mandates of their progenitor with unwavering dedication. Her role involves not only adjudicating the fates of souls but also implementing the cosmic directives handed down by their paternal deity.

Every few million years a request comes from their father, they are tasked with assigning a few thousand qualified individuals who have entered the cycle to carry out various contracts taking them to fictional worlds. These tasks or contracts could range from a kill order to saving a specific race of people, completing a contract successfully will allow the chosen mercenary a reward.

Once again thousands of individuals were brought here after their death to carry out these contracts, and each one has been chosen meticulously and with the utmost care from the three Gods, however, this doesn't apply to one specific person... a person who has a grander destiny than anyone brought alongside her.

These rules have just been explained to the newest batch of mercenaries, the queue would make anyone who endured rush hour traffic nostalgic while at the same time wishing to drag their face against a cheese grater at how agonising the wait is.

- Laura Kinsman POV -

Hearing these Gods explain what was happening would've made everyone here almost giddy with excitement and I would be included in that as well had I not just learned I died... everyone here died. Chances are a few were wondering what would become of the families they had left me contributing to that number.

I still had my dad... or I did now I am not so sure, my mother died early in my youth enough so I never even remember her, grandparents were never in the picture and to top it off I had no siblings. I did have a few aunts and uncles however they lived abroad making the appearances they made scarce, to say the least, it was me and my dad for all 21 years I spent on Earth.

Then again I was nothing if not adaptable but this is pushing my limit, my dad had always told me to take full advantage of whatever situation I was put in, though I don't think he meant this kind of scenario. I knew he would be fine even if I'm not there, he would typically exercise tough love a lot and refused to take shit from people, I naturally followed his footsteps, but it sometimes led me to be less popular in school, I seemed to have a pretty severe case of resting bitch face.

I had only returned from the military a year before my clouded demise, I joined when I first became able at 16 devoting the next 4 years to an experience I won't soon regret, sure I was shitting bricks when I signed up but personally it was worth it in the end, I may have changed my tune had I seen more active combat but the memories and skills I picked up where well worth it.

My death seems foggy, I can't quite remember what happened, during my wait in the line which never seemed to be moving I pondered on whether it was these ethereal beings as the cause of my foggy memory. Unfortunately, I could not speak, everyone looked like a white husk or ghost if you will, and communication with the other mercenaries was impossible, meaning I couldn't ask if the memory problem was a rule or if I was an exception.

I still remember my name that being Laura Kinsman, and my dad Samuel Kinsman, my life as a whole seems pretty clear though my death seems to be a sticking point as it looks as if I blanked out during a night's sleep, I find it difficult to believe I died in my sleep as I had no underlying medical conditions nor was I unfit having been in the military toward the latter half of my teenage years, I decided to put it in the back of my mind for now.

I floated in place for who knows how long waiting for this godforsaken line to end, I ended up pondering the implications of being sent to a few less-than-savoury worlds, however, most I thought about I had never watched before like Dragonball Z, Naruto and Bleach. Not knowing what is to come in hazardous universes is a terrifying prospect even if you have the power to back it up, the fear of the unknown is still very much a factor in this.

"Next!" The earthshaking voice sounded, and the line shuffled forward in what would equal a few footsteps. At least I was hearing the voice clearer than before it showed the line was at the very least going somewhere.

< - - - - - >

I was finally next, the ghostly apparition just in front of me disappeared behind a door after being called forth, it was easily the longest line I have ever been in though then again I didn't drive often so traffic wasn't typically a problem I encountered much.

The nervousness I felt knowing I was next to be called was as nailbiting as could be, many thoughts ran through my mind as I pondered my eventual fate, was this all a trick? a dream? a nightmare? an illusion from an outer god? My rampant thoughts were broken by the loud voice resounding around the empty room one last time.

"Next" The ground shook under the weight and pressure exuded from the voice, the door in front of me opened inviting me in.

As I floated my way through the huge door I came upon the three beings that brought us here, Chaos, Order and Judgement. They were as intimidating as they were loud, and each produced enough pressure to make someone feel as if a mountain was dropped on them, luckily it seemed to recede the closer I got, the layout of the room reminded me of a court, pretty symbolic considering their names.

"I on behalf of my siblings apologise for the long wait, we would have formed 3 separate lines however there were some extenuating circumstances with the previous mercenary candidates," Order spoke in a commanding tone befitting a God.

"Your death much like everyone else who was here is purposefully clouded, you specifically had a particularly gruesome death that would damage your mortal mind," The enigmatic being who was positioned in the centre upon a graceful throne said clearing up what I had previously pondered heavily.

"Thank you for clearing it up and preventing that rather morbid image from entering my psyche, my main question however although you explained most of these mercenary and contract shenanigans I fail to see how a human with zero abilities - other than the few I picked up in the military - can change worlds beyond my comprehension," I said casting my gaze over each of the Gods.

"Hehe~... you see little one your reason for being here is slightly different from everyone before your arrival," the shadowy form of Chaos said befitting your stereotypical evil villain persona.

"Through a combined effort, the 3 of us have each decided 2 powers for all those chosen as our multiversal mercenaries, along with that everyone including yourself also enters a game of chance to decide your final power, regarding your situation as one who is not apart of the mercenaries will still have these gifts bestowed, " Order stated surprising me at how benevolent and kind he sounded, I tend not to take things at face value for the most part so even after getting the impression he is kindness personified I still won't trust easily, the only people who have such a luxury is family and here I have none.

Chaos has yet to stop grinning and eyeing me up ever since I arrived through the door, he reminds me of what the devil would look like if he ever made an appearance in our fragile human world.

Order waved his hand conjuring two vials of liquid that looked like video game potions to an uncanny degree, one was labelled "Blank" and the other was labelled "Inviolate Self". I tried to think if I had ever seen these elixirs before, but unfortunately, I couldn't.

"These vials will lift the restriction that is your mortal body allowing you to reach a previously unheard-of realm of strength, drink both before we proceed," Judgement commanded leaving no room for argument.

Floating across the room toward the two glistening vials I wondered how I could even drink them if I appeared like a ghost, my worry was unfounded as when I stretched - what was meant to be my arm - grabbing the potion, the sense of touch washed over me like a lightning bolt, I pushed the feeling of joy aside quickly uncorking the first vial labelled "Blank" before downing it in one gulp.

The taste was the dullest drink I have ever experienced, as the name so eloquently put it tasted like nothingness, blank, zip, nada. I reassured myself in the thought that at the very least it didn't taste egregiously terrible.

After downing the first vial I silently prayed the second wouldn't taste worse, I grabbed the last elixir downing it in one gulp however I immediately regretted it, the burn felt as if I ate nothing but the hottest peppers for a day straight, it felt as if my non-existent insides were being seared like a prime steak.

As bad as the burning sensation was it tasted amazing, the sweetest of candies or the feeling you get we eating the last cookie in the jar, sumptuous is an apt word.

"Good, now for the game of chance, a wheel will appear once I snap my fingers, every option contained in this wheel is a potential power ranging from the ability to perfectly mimic a balloon to the full power of the Presence or One Above All," Chaos said with a coy smile plastered on his demonic face, the next second he snapped his fingers conjuring a wheel several stories high.

The possibilities were anxiety-inducing to the extreme, getting a useless power would suck especially since I don't know what those vials do, but they did strengthen me... I know that much as I felt the change the instant I finished both of them. I decided to get it over with nodding at the Demon God, he immediately started the spin after my signal.

The massively oversized wheel was deathly silent only adding to my ever-growing nervousness, I couldn't even see what options were displayed on the wheel as there were so freakin many that it was impossible to identify anything displayed on the large construct.

Order once again spoke scaring the daylights out of me simultaneously shaking my anxiety-induced thought process. "While the wheel does its job I will explain some queries I received from the previous candidates. While you are not a mercenary you have powers and will gain another, basic information on the vials will be given once we send you onto your first world," He spoke like a grandfather passing on wisdom and guidance to his descendants.

"I am the reason for this. I will not tell you why as you are not nearly a high enough existence to warrant an explanation but know that it is in my best interest you prosper and survive, you will be traveling from world to world saving or destroying them to garner enough power for the truth to be revealed with no threat to you, these worlds are from known fiction in your prior life and each time the continuity of that worlds story ends you may travel again," The divine being occupying the centre throne stated garnering nods from her attentive siblings.

"What about the other mercenaries, will I encounter them?" I questioned, it was a big worry having the possibility of reincarnators duking it out.

"No. Father has ensured such a thing is unthinkable and very impossible" She said holding a stalwart devotion to their Father's control.


"Ah, the wheel finally stopped," Order said breaking us from our conversation. I gazed over toward the wheel, the wheel itself warped allowing me to read what the wheel landed on.


"~Ohh~ this one is a particular favourite of mine," Chaos said licking his lips while his eyes gleamed madly.

"An explanation is probably in order, while you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen or at least part of it we will explain it to make sure you understand what the power is and how you can use it... fair?" Order proposed steering the conversation away from the younger brother's involvement.

"That would be appreciated, thank you!" I said hoping to gain more information on the power. I was fully aware it was a piece of Sukuna The King of Curses cursed technique, however, I didn't know much more than that, the extent of my Sukuna knowledge came from people spoiling various arcs with his involvement along with information from an acquaintance in the military who was an avid fan of the show and manga.

"This ability is divided into two parts, Dismantle can be described as a ranged slash attack imperceptible to most, it is highly effective but against much stronger opponents can be resisted. Cleave on the other hand is a stronger version of Dismantle and adjusts depending on the strength of the opponent to cut them down in one fell swoop," Judgement explained to me, I took in the new information pretty stoked that it would be more useful than turning into a balloon.

"As somewhat of a bonus I will also give you an exclusive gift to allow this technique to be properly utilized, in conjunction with the vial labelled "Blank" your cursed energy will be boundless, it works excellently with the other vial making you quite formidable," Order states allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Now as stated before you will appear in a world you already know, it is randomised as even if we don't know where you will be going, for your first world you will be reborn but only gain the memories of your prior life and this grand meeting when you reach 4 years old, also our younger brothers contribution was to adjust your appearance to resemble the character of Maki Zenin, with the appearance she possessed during the latter half of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga in accordance to your age," She explained for what could be our last meeting.

"Wait! Before I go will I be able to return to worlds I have already visited?" I questioned, it was a big worry having the possibility of leaving potential friends and family.

"Yes, it would be cruel to prevent you from doing so. Anyway, we wish you the best for your second chance at life, I will be watching your journey closely." She said showing a surprising amount of emotion strangely enough.

After those final words, my world went dark, the 3 Gods faded from my view for what I thought to be the first and last meeting.

- General POV -

"Chaos! Wake up!" Judgement shouted, the ground trembling under the weight of her voice. The eldest of the lesser Gods rose from her throne staring daggers into the awakened form of her youngest sibling.

"Why the hell did you wake me up, sis… I was having a nice nap…" the youngest of the three said while he pouted looking positively ridiculous. The evil god was dozing off when they began to reach the tail end of the conversation.

"Brother I know she has the chance at becoming your superior but the least you could've done was show some acknowledgement to your niece," Order said garnering a nod from Judgement.

"Tch, you've shown the brat too much favour with the chosen powers, niece or not, she even rivals Father," Chaos said scowling something fierce at his older siblings.

"You should choose your words carefully from here on out… brother… I won't be so kind as to spare you from slandering my daughter!" Judgement asserted her aura spilling out almost bringing him to his knees.

"Whatever… it will be Father to deal with this mess if she becomes a problem," Chaos sneered before disappearing in a mote of flames.

"Forgive me sister but he does have a point about Father's reaction, you have taken extreme liberties with her reincarnation and her being his granddaughter won't spare her from his wrath should she anger him," Order said evoking a warning tone.

"I will deal with Father myself… I just wanted to give something back for lost time, it is unfortunate that her Divinity lays closer to our younger brother's side of the scale," Judgement said wearing a sad smile.