Zed Zabinski is from a wealthy family that lives his life with no worries until his father comparing himself to the descendant of other families. Zed is obsessed with the so-called spartan, he thinks spartan is the most elite soldier in history. Because of so he only works on his body, not his magic, many call himself a maniac because of how much he likes spartan figure. In a world where magic and warrior exist Zed who lives his carefree life is left behind by others who work hard to become the pinnacle of power. His father constantly giving Zed a disappointed look. Zed swears to himself to become the pinnacle! the best of the best warriors in the whole world who stands above everything to prove to his father that he is not a disappointing son and prove to the world that spartan ways of doing things are the best way to be the most elite soldier. When the day he does his usual exercise and trying to get his PR on his bench press like equipment, the weight fall. When the bar is a few cm from crushing his neck the world stop and a box-shaped hologram appear in front of him saying " Zed Zabinski accept and get all the power you need or reject and die here with regrets" Little did Zed know that his life will completely change after that. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Thanks for Malik Maulana for the cover he created for this novel.
Platean Desert
On this patch of land, countless bodies laid lifeless on the ground the usual golden brown of sand turn golden red that soaked in human's blood.
"Give up Lumidas you and your so-called spartan army is nothing in front of my massive tyrant army, throw your shield and spear offer your life to our king and kneel now! you are alone and surrounded you cannot win this war" roared the commander of the fierce army, wearing a sleeveless armor with a scar all over his hand and ten thousand soldiers behind him clouded with black armor that giving off a bloody aura that forged and tempered through many wars.
The air temperature seems decreased a bit, bringing a chilling vibe to the Warfield when the commander roared all of the soldiers behind him shouted as well "HURRAAHH!!".
Standing before this majestic army is a man with a very muscular body standing at one hundred and ninety cm height, a shield in his left hand, and a spear on the right hand, he stands firm in the face of the coming catastrophe.
His vision is covered with blood so he decided to take off his commander style helmet and get rid of the blood.
"THE spartan never yield THE spartan never lost THE spartan never fears in the face of your puny army I shall get my victory and get a beautiful death we spartan will surrender when life is not on this body no more I WILL FIGHT YOU TO DEATH" the so-called lumidas shouted with a loud voice and bulging eyes.
He stares down every single one of his enemy in the eyes, before he reaches out his spear and tighten his shield to his body and charge forward.
Seeing this, The commander of the black-armored army sent a signal to twenty of them to kill lumidas.
Immediately the twenty pounce forward with their sword and shield.
A fight breakout.
With his spear, lumidas thrust forward to his closest enemy on the gut, the spear pierce cleanly and sent the guy flying, then two of the coming twenty attacked from the sides and try to cleave lumidas, seeing this, lumidas jump to the air and sweep his spear to their head.
Two head falls to the ground the fight did not stop, three people died and the rest seem unfazed by lumidas' feat.
While lumidas still in mid-air, two of them throw some kind of bag to him.
Lumidas raise his shield to block it.
When the two bag makes contact with his shield "BOOOMM!!" it explodes and sends lumidas flying away.
Because of the momentum on the air lumidas suffer from the impact and throw a mouthful of blood but still, he regains his standing and charges to the rest.
Throwing his spear aiming to the guy who throws him the bag of explosion before and bullseye the two of them pierced through by the raging spear.
Taking his short sword from his waist, lumidas fight five guys and swiftly end their life with his fast but a stronger and bigger body.
When suddenly someone sneaks to his back and stab him "argghh!!" seeing a sword pierced through his muscular abdomen he yanks the guy who stabbed him and holds him by the neck krackk the sound of a broken neck was heard and the guy who struggling in lumidas' hand becomes lifeless.
the remaining nine-fight him with rage seeing their comrade died painfully, lumidas eyes are blurry but he still charges forward.
He fights relying on his shield and short sword, he fights like a maniac in heat, and five of them died in his hands.
When lumidas try to deal a blow to hurt his opponent using his formidable strength, his opponent block it and counter, this move sent his short sword flying away.
Realizing he has no more weapon to aide him in battle lumidas decided to crash his shield made of bronze to his opponent and broke his opponent ribs.
Two of them advanced and sweep lumidas' leg.
Lumidas fell and his shield dropped from his hand due to its strap is loose.
Realizing he steps into a disadvantaged position the two of them wanted to stab lumidas on the neck and chest respectively.
When it almost pierced through him, lumidas grab on their hand but he still not fast enough and get stabbed on his chest.
He broke their hand by yanking it, pull out the sword that stabbed him and stab both of them back.
Seeing that lumidas is wounded and struggled to stand up the remaining one soldier tries to finish lumidas off
Seeing that lumidas with no weapon and shield, and he is on the brink of death the commander sneered "kill him off, spartan strength is exaggerated"
Hearing what the commander said lumidas anger well up inside and look at the commander fiercely "LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT SPARTAN CAN DO" yells lumidas.
With raging anger built up inside and wanting to burst, he punches the last men.
Looking at this scene the man sneered and raise his shield to block it but suddenly he is shocked.
The forces lumidas bring is so much that he was dumbfounded.
Looking at his shield who bears its impact he was soon horrified, the shield is curved almost destroyed by that hit.
Lumidas didn't give the guy a break and punch the shield again, his fist slam through the shield and the last men body forcing through his rib cage until it came out of the last men back.
Looking at this, the commander was shocked shield made of bronze is broken by flesh and bones?!.
Immediately he deployed ten more men to kill Lumidas.
Looking at the incoming ten and Feeling his adrenaline spiked.
Lumidas held his shield and charged forward like a bull.
When the ten of them collided with the incoming Lumidas, they all were sent flying with broken bones because of the impact.
Feeling the fatigue coming in, Lumidas can only stand there with blood all over his body and wounds that are still leaking out blood.
Looking at this scene "My apologies for saying that spartan's strength is exaggerated, I admire your courage, strength and fighting skills the offer still stands give your life and devote it to our king or die here" said the commander.
Looking at Lumidas who is silent all this while with a determined look on his face, the commander sigh with regret, regret that he can't bring this man to his empire.
After the commander shouted, countless arrow flew toward lumidas.
Seeing this, Lumidas smiled and roared " Long Live SPARTAN" countless arrow pierced his body, and soon he is dead as the pride of Sparta.
Central Shop of Calesar City
"Hey do you know that an Elementary Equipment is on sale for only 10 Gold?!, although I'm still in the Apprentice rank if I can get that one I will be hugging it through the night and never letting go" says a Fatman with curly hair while imagining the Equipment.
" Don't get your expectation too high, that Elementary Equipment is in everyone's eye, and the Central Shop is crowded with people" Said a man beside the Fatman.
After saying that, the man beside the fat men shook his head and he continued "but really who the hell wants to sell an Elementary Equipment for 10 gold it is a completely huge loss for them"
" I don't care at least I will be gaining a piece of elementary equipment" says the Fatman while cheerfully walking faster
"hey am I imagining stuff or there's a person on top of the Central Shop building," says the man beside the Fatman.
After saying that the Fatman look up and exclaimed "that's our city lord son! the Sparta maniac! what is he doing up there wearing a red cape and spear in his hand like a lunatic".
When the man beside the Fatmen realized that it is the city lord's son he said with a playful look.
"I wonder what kind of scene he's going to make" staring at the top of the central shop building the two waited for the entertainment provided by the maniac.
After waiting for 2 minutes they suddenly hear "THIS IS SPARTAN!".