
Chapter 5: Violation

In the inner part of Forest of Exiled.

A bolt of black-purple lightning suddenly strikes from the sky, burning nearby trees and leaving an opening on the ground.

A dying black person emerges from the hole, forcing himself to stand.

"I... didn't expect... this to happen! Synthia.. never.. told me that.. I would need to be struck by lightning."

"Ah. I.. I don't think I can stand up. Let's just.. rest, first. That.. lightning is sure.. powerful. That almost took my life."

After two days...

"Gurrr... Gurrr..."

A loud growl woke up Enos, who was still unconscious from the damage he sustained.

A gigantic snake-like creature, with humongous wings and thick scales all over its body, was staring at Enos with its eyes as big as Enos himself.

"Wha... what is this b...east? No. I... I should run first before admiring it."

Enos didn't hesitate to run away, as if his body have already been recovered from the lesion he got, without looking back.

"Damn it. How.. how could I be this unlucky? I.. I can't die so early."

The dragon didn't bother to chase Enos after knowing that he was a mortal, and disdainfully ignore him.

"Thank goodness.. that beast... didn't eat me. But.. why.. didn't he eat me? He looks as if.. he's going to eat me at first, though?"

"Gurr.. Gurr.."

"Ah, this time... it was my stomach. I'm... hungry, where.. where can I find food?"

Enos tried to look around the forest, but unlike what he anticipated and was scared about, he was unexpectedly able to roam around safely.

Every time he saw a strong and powerful beast or demon, they would just stare at him first before ignoring him disappointedly. It was also the same with the immortals he had bumped into.

"Why.. why does all of them... just ignore me? Aren't they supposed to.. kill and eat me?"

"It's so strange... but I guess... it would be fine.. right?"

"I got so worked up over for nothing, I guess."

As Enos was leisurely roaming around the forest, a strange noise suddenly caught his attention.

"Cluck... Cluck..." An exasperated voice resounded, as a large green-feathered chicken chased the poor earthworm.

The earthworm has a flexible body and amazing speed as it manages to avoid all the pecking from the chicken.

"Die! Damn disgusting worm!"

Enos didn't expect the chicken to be able to speak and almost show his hiding spot.

"Chickoo! How.. how dare you destroy our.. home?! What you.. had done was... unforgivable!"

"Hahaha! Wormii, you dare say that to me?! Didn't you exist just to be our food?! That's how life is. So shut your fucking mouth and die!"

"I'll kill you, Chickoo! Don't ever forget this day!"

"That is if you escape alive from me!"

"You're the one who needs to die!"

Enos, who sees himself as the earthworm, got enraged after hearing Chickoo. He picked a large slab of rock and throw it with all his strength.

The chicken was momentarily surprised and used his wings to protect his body. The stone was finely crushed and turned into dust.

"Who dared to attack this Great Chicken!"

The earthworm use this chance to dig a hole in the ground and quickly escaped.

"Show yourself, damn coward!"

"How dare you sneak attack on me?! I will kill you!"

"Wait... Wormii! Ah!!! Damn you!"

"How dare you interfere with us, damn mortal!"

Enos, who's trembly hiding behind the tall bushes, was shocked.

"How.. how did he know where I am? Oh crap! This is bad."

Enos didn't think anymore and instantly run away and become the earthworm.

"Damn you! How dare you be this bold to attack me, this Great Chicken with your puny strength?!"

"Because of you, Wormii has escaped! You deserve nothing but death!"

"Fire of Extinction!" 

A sudden scorching heat wrapped the surroundings as a ball of fire emerge on Chickoo's beak. It contains a terrible amount of power.

Enos was scared to the point he almost wet his pant, and run even more faster because if he didn't, he was sure that he would die.

"Nhow.. yhohu dhie, dhamhn mhorthal!"

A terrible heat wave shot toward Enos, burning the trees along its way and destroying the ground.


A loud explosion suddenly reverberated, as strong shockwaves spread around the forest.

"You better die, mortal!"

Chickoo grinned evilly, laugh hard enough to hurt his stomach, and disdained Enos when suddenly a loud thunderclap echoed through his mind, and the sky above his head suddenly turned into pitch black.

Thunder and lightning compete with each other, bringing despair to Chickoo. He felt strong oppression from someone above the sky which makes him kneel down.

"Wha..what is this?"

Enos, who thought his moment will end, closed his eyes and was stupefy to feel that nothing happened to him.

A golden barrier protected him from disaster, as no wounds or injuries appeared on his body.

"Ho..How could you, a weak mortal.. resist my attack!"

"No.. it's.. it's not you.. then.. who.. is it?"

"Show yourselves! How.. dare you gang up on me?!"

A large green tortoise, with its house as large as mountains, come out from behind the trees.

"It's not me, nor someone. You are an ignorant and arrogant chicken who put himself to death's door on its own." A sonorous voice echoed, scolding Chickoo.

"You liar! Just.. just admit that you're an accomplice of that mortal! I will kill you! I will kill you both!"

"You're hopeless. You can't kill him nor you can kill me. Can't you see the sky above your head?"

"What's about.. wait! Don't.. don't tell me.."

"So you finally got it. You are ignorant enough to insta-kill that mortal."

"No! I.. I did nothing wrong!"

"So you are really an ignorant chicken."

"Old Tortoise, you're just saying the same line again and again! Why don't you help me?! I swear I would give back the favor to you!"

"It's because you're indeed ignorant. I can't help you in whatever way. You deserve it."

"You have violated the ultimate law of this world!" a voice with overloading killing intent resounded in Chickoo's head.

"Ultimate law?! What.. is that?! There's.. there's no such law! And I didn't do anything wrong?! I.. I can't die!"

"Mortal shall be killed by mortal and immortal shall be killed by immortal. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

"What?! That's.. that's outrageous! Old Tortoise, help.. me"

"You have also violated the Second Ultimate law of this world, It's forbidden to extinct a kind of species."

"I.. I didn't extinct a spe... Is it the Wind Earthworm Clan?! No way! I.. I didn't manage to kill Wormii!"

"Chickoo, you had used your Fire of Extinction, and heat travels underground thus killing Wormii who's on its way to going back to his clan."

"No! No! I can't.. die!"

"Your sin is beyond unforgivable! You shall have death punishment!"

"No! I.. I still want to liv.."

Before Chickoo struggled, a flash of golden black lightning fell from the sky and struck Chickoo.

Death was done in an instant, and a cooked chicken fell with a thud on the ground.

"What a miserable chicken. Mortal, you are lucky that that chicken was an idiot. You better take care of yourself."

"Th..thank you, Large.. Tortoise. But.. why did you help me?"

"I'm not the one who helps you. No one helped you but the Ultimate God."

"So.. no wonder no one bothered to kill me nor torture me, because it's forbidden."

"That's right. But torturing you half death isn't a violation. Keep that in mind." 

"Yes... thanks for your reminder."

The tortoise didn't last long and also went back from where he came out.

"Thank you again, Large Tortoise."

"Ah.. that was a close one! I.. I almost die."

"It sure is indeed as what Synthia had said. This Forest of Exiled is so dangerous and scary. I should need to be more cautious than before."

Enos lies on the ground as his body becomes soft from what he had experienced and momentarily throws away all his thoughts but a growl once again resounded as a strong aroma pervades the air.

The sweet and craving smell seduces Enos as he looks at the cooked chicken. 

A chicken that was featherless due to lightning and that was as tall as Enos, quietly lay on the ground, exuding its aroma that can attract anyone, looking ethereal.

"Oh.. so fragrant! What is that smell?! Ah, a roasted chicken!"

Enos thought he was just hallucinating from his hunger but proved he was wrong when he touch its slightly hot body.

"Ah, so.. good! This.. taste is heavenly! It's tastier than what Helen prepared!" 

Enos took its leg first and bite non-stop, savoring its taste, and didn't notice that he had already finished the entire chicken quickly, that only bones remained.

"Burp... Ah.. that was a good meal!"

Enos, after being full, becomes drowsy and lay down on the ground once again.

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Zhowen_Xialincreators' thoughts
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